fetch-vendor-package.sh: Remove the older vendor-package

Remove the older Linaro vendor-package, if any, before
downloading/installing the new package. Because upstream
mesa prebuilts in vendor-package ain't declared within a
contained namespace and we can run into build errors
because of redefinition of mesa prebuilt modules from the
previous vendor-package.

This is hopefully a temporary workaround while we move Mesa
prebuilt targets from Android.mk to Android.bp.

Signed-off-by: Amit Pundir <amit.pundir@linaro.org>
Change-Id: I86709b9c6f07c2e4753e17eda2a3e90e41ba4184
diff --git a/fetch-vendor-package.sh b/fetch-vendor-package.sh
index cbadbde..0a50853 100755
--- a/fetch-vendor-package.sh
+++ b/fetch-vendor-package.sh
@@ -13,6 +13,14 @@
+# remove the older vendor-package, if any, because upstream
+# mesa prebuilts in linaro-vendor-package ain't declared
+# within a contained namespace and we can run into build
+# errors because of redefinition of mesa prebuilt modules
+# from the previous vendor-package.
+# FIXME move mesa prebuilts from Android.mk to Android.bp
+rm -rf ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/vendor/linaro/
 if [ ! -e "${PKG_FILE}.tgz"  ]; then
     curl -L ${VND_PKG_URL} -o  ${PKG_FILE}.tgz