hikey: Add UEFI sources for reference

UEFI needs to be built outside Android build system.
Please follow the instructions in README.

The sources correspond to:

Change-Id: Ieeefdb63e673e0c8e64e0a1f02c7bddc63b2c7fb
Signed-off-by: Vishal Bhoj <vishal.bhoj@linaro.org>
diff --git a/uefi/linaro-edk2/MdeModulePkg/Include/Library/NetLib.h b/uefi/linaro-edk2/MdeModulePkg/Include/Library/NetLib.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ad8dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uefi/linaro-edk2/MdeModulePkg/Include/Library/NetLib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2132 @@
+/** @file

+  This library is only intended to be used by UEFI network stack modules.

+  It provides basic functions for the UEFI network stack.


+Copyright (c) 2005 - 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>

+This program and the accompanying materials

+are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License

+which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at<BR>








+#ifndef _NET_LIB_H_

+#define _NET_LIB_H_


+#include <Protocol/Ip6.h>


+#include <Library/BaseLib.h>

+#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>


+typedef UINT32          IP4_ADDR;

+typedef UINT32          TCP_SEQNO;

+typedef UINT16          TCP_PORTNO;



+#define  NET_ETHER_ADDR_LEN    6

+#define  NET_IFTYPE_ETHERNET   0x01


+#define  NET_VLAN_TAG_LEN      4

+#define  ETHER_TYPE_VLAN       0x8100


+#define  EFI_IP_PROTO_UDP      0x11

+#define  EFI_IP_PROTO_TCP      0x06

+#define  EFI_IP_PROTO_ICMP     0x01

+#define  IP4_PROTO_IGMP        0x02

+#define  IP6_ICMP              58



+// The address classification


+#define  IP4_ADDR_CLASSA       1

+#define  IP4_ADDR_CLASSB       2

+#define  IP4_ADDR_CLASSC       3

+#define  IP4_ADDR_CLASSD       4

+#define  IP4_ADDR_CLASSE       5


+#define  IP4_MASK_NUM          33

+#define  IP6_PREFIX_NUM        129


+#define  IP6_HOP_BY_HOP        0

+#define  IP6_DESTINATION       60

+#define  IP6_ROUTING           43

+#define  IP6_FRAGMENT          44

+#define  IP6_AH                51

+#define  IP6_ESP               50

+#define  IP6_NO_NEXT_HEADER    59


+#define  IP_VERSION_4          4

+#define  IP_VERSION_6          6


+#define  IP6_PREFIX_LENGTH     64


+#pragma pack(1)



+// Ethernet head definition


+typedef struct {

+  UINT8                 DstMac [NET_ETHER_ADDR_LEN];

+  UINT8                 SrcMac [NET_ETHER_ADDR_LEN];

+  UINT16                EtherType;




+// 802.1Q VLAN Tag Control Information


+typedef union {

+  struct {

+    UINT16              Vid      : 12;  // Unique VLAN identifier (0 to 4094)

+    UINT16              Cfi      : 1;   // Canonical Format Indicator

+    UINT16              Priority : 3;   // 802.1Q priority level (0 to 7)

+  } Bits;

+  UINT16                Uint16;







+// The EFI_IP4_HEADER is hard to use because the source and

+// destination address are defined as EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS, which

+// is a structure. Two structures can't be compared or masked

+// directly. This is why there is an internal representation.


+typedef struct {

+  UINT8                 HeadLen : 4;

+  UINT8                 Ver     : 4;

+  UINT8                 Tos;

+  UINT16                TotalLen;

+  UINT16                Id;

+  UINT16                Fragment;

+  UINT8                 Ttl;

+  UINT8                 Protocol;

+  UINT16                Checksum;

+  IP4_ADDR              Src;

+  IP4_ADDR              Dst;

+} IP4_HEAD;




+// ICMP head definition. Each ICMP message is categorized as either an error

+// message or query message. Two message types have their own head format.


+typedef struct {

+  UINT8                 Type;

+  UINT8                 Code;

+  UINT16                Checksum;



+typedef struct {

+  IP4_ICMP_HEAD         Head;

+  UINT32                Fourth; // 4th filed of the head, it depends on Type.

+  IP4_HEAD              IpHead;



+typedef struct {

+  IP4_ICMP_HEAD         Head;

+  UINT16                Id;

+  UINT16                Seq;



+typedef struct {

+  UINT8                 Type;

+  UINT8                 Code;

+  UINT16                Checksum;



+typedef struct {

+  IP6_ICMP_HEAD         Head;

+  UINT32                Fourth;

+  EFI_IP6_HEADER        IpHead;



+typedef struct {

+  IP6_ICMP_HEAD         Head;

+  UINT32                Fourth;




+// UDP header definition


+typedef struct {

+  UINT16                SrcPort;

+  UINT16                DstPort;

+  UINT16                Length;

+  UINT16                Checksum;




+// TCP header definition


+typedef struct {

+  TCP_PORTNO            SrcPort;

+  TCP_PORTNO            DstPort;

+  TCP_SEQNO             Seq;

+  TCP_SEQNO             Ack;

+  UINT8                 Res     : 4;

+  UINT8                 HeadLen : 4;

+  UINT8                 Flag;

+  UINT16                Wnd;

+  UINT16                Checksum;

+  UINT16                Urg;



+#pragma pack()


+#define NET_MAC_EQUAL(pMac1, pMac2, Len)     \

+    (CompareMem ((pMac1), (pMac2), Len) == 0)


+#define NET_MAC_IS_MULTICAST(Mac, BMac, Len) \

+    (((*((UINT8 *) Mac) & 0x01) == 0x01) && (!NET_MAC_EQUAL (Mac, BMac, Len)))


+#define NTOHL(x)  SwapBytes32 (x)


+#define HTONL(x)  NTOHL(x)


+#define NTOHS(x)  SwapBytes16 (x)


+#define HTONS(x)   NTOHS(x)

+#define NTOHLL(x)  SwapBytes64 (x)

+#define HTONLL(x)  NTOHLL(x)

+#define NTOHLLL(x) Ip6Swap128 (x)

+#define HTONLLL(x) NTOHLLL(x)



+// Test the IP's attribute, All the IPs are in host byte order.


+#define IP4_IS_MULTICAST(Ip)              (((Ip) & 0xF0000000) == 0xE0000000)

+#define IP4_IS_LOCAL_BROADCAST(Ip)        ((Ip) == 0xFFFFFFFF)

+#define IP4_NET_EQUAL(Ip1, Ip2, NetMask)  (((Ip1) & (NetMask)) == ((Ip2) & (NetMask)))

+#define IP4_IS_VALID_NETMASK(Ip)          (NetGetMaskLength (Ip) != IP4_MASK_NUM)


+#define IP6_IS_MULTICAST(Ip6)             (((Ip6)->Addr[0]) == 0xFF)



+// Convert the EFI_IP4_ADDRESS to plain UINT32 IP4 address.


+#define EFI_IP4(EfiIpAddr)       (*(IP4_ADDR *) ((EfiIpAddr).Addr))

+#define EFI_NTOHL(EfiIp)         (NTOHL (EFI_IP4 ((EfiIp))))

+#define EFI_IP4_EQUAL(Ip1, Ip2)  (CompareMem ((Ip1), (Ip2), sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)) == 0)


+#define EFI_IP6_EQUAL(Ip1, Ip2)  (CompareMem ((Ip1), (Ip2), sizeof (EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS)) == 0)


+#define IP4_COPY_ADDRESS(Dest, Src) (CopyMem ((Dest), (Src), sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)))

+#define IP6_COPY_ADDRESS(Dest, Src) (CopyMem ((Dest), (Src), sizeof (EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS)))

+#define IP6_COPY_LINK_ADDRESS(Mac1, Mac2) (CopyMem ((Mac1), (Mac2), sizeof (EFI_MAC_ADDRESS)))



+// The debug level definition. This value is also used as the

+// syslog's servity level. Don't change it.







+// Network debug message is sent out as syslog packet.


+#define NET_SYSLOG_FACILITY    16                 // Syslog local facility local use


+#define NET_SYSLOG_TX_TIMEOUT  (500 * 1000 * 10)  // 500ms

+#define NET_DEBUG_MSG_LEN      470                // 512 - (ether+ip4+udp4 head length)



+// The debug output expects the ASCII format string, Use %a to print ASCII

+// string, and %s to print UNICODE string. PrintArg must be enclosed in ().

+// For example: NET_DEBUG_TRACE ("Tcp", ("State transit to %a\n", Name));


+#define NET_DEBUG_TRACE(Module, PrintArg) \

+  NetDebugOutput ( \


+    Module, \

+    __FILE__, \

+    __LINE__, \

+    NetDebugASPrint PrintArg \

+    )


+#define NET_DEBUG_WARNING(Module, PrintArg) \

+  NetDebugOutput ( \


+    Module, \

+    __FILE__, \

+    __LINE__, \

+    NetDebugASPrint PrintArg \

+    )


+#define NET_DEBUG_ERROR(Module, PrintArg) \

+  NetDebugOutput ( \


+    Module, \

+    __FILE__, \

+    __LINE__, \

+    NetDebugASPrint PrintArg \

+    )



+  Allocate a buffer, then format the message to it. This is a

+  help function for the NET_DEBUG_XXX macros. The PrintArg of

+  these macros treats the variable length print parameters as a

+  single parameter, and pass it to the NetDebugASPrint. For

+  example, NET_DEBUG_TRACE ("Tcp", ("State transit to %a\n", Name))

+  if extracted to:


+         NetDebugOutput (


+           "Tcp",

+           __FILE__,

+           __LINE__,

+           NetDebugASPrint ("State transit to %a\n", Name)

+         )


+  @param Format  The ASCII format string.

+  @param ...     The variable length parameter whose format is determined

+                 by the Format string.


+  @return        The buffer containing the formatted message,

+                 or NULL if memory allocation failed.



+CHAR8 *


+NetDebugASPrint (

+  IN CHAR8                  *Format,

+  ...

+  );



+  Builds an UDP4 syslog packet and send it using SNP.


+  This function will locate a instance of SNP then send the message through it.

+  Because it isn't open the SNP BY_DRIVER, apply caution when using it.


+  @param Level    The servity level of the message.

+  @param Module   The Moudle that generates the log.

+  @param File     The file that contains the log.

+  @param Line     The exact line that contains the log.

+  @param Message  The user message to log.


+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Any input parameter is invalid.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Failed to allocate memory for the packet

+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The log is discard because that it is more verbose

+                                than the mNetDebugLevelMax. Or, it has been sent out.




+NetDebugOutput (

+  IN UINT32                    Level,

+  IN UINT8                     *Module,

+  IN UINT8                     *File,

+  IN UINT32                    Line,

+  IN UINT8                     *Message

+  );




+  Return the length of the mask.


+  Return the length of the mask. Valid values are 0 to 32.

+  If the mask is invalid, return the invalid length 33, which is IP4_MASK_NUM.

+  NetMask is in the host byte order.


+  @param[in]  NetMask              The netmask to get the length from.


+  @return The length of the netmask, or IP4_MASK_NUM (33) if the mask is invalid.





+NetGetMaskLength (

+  IN IP4_ADDR               NetMask

+  );



+  Return the class of the IP address, such as class A, B, C.

+  Addr is in host byte order.


+  The address of class A  starts with 0.

+  If the address belong to class A, return IP4_ADDR_CLASSA.

+  The address of class B  starts with 10.

+  If the address belong to class B, return IP4_ADDR_CLASSB.

+  The address of class C  starts with 110.

+  If the address belong to class C, return IP4_ADDR_CLASSC.

+  The address of class D  starts with 1110.

+  If the address belong to class D, return IP4_ADDR_CLASSD.

+  The address of class E  starts with 1111.

+  If the address belong to class E, return IP4_ADDR_CLASSE.



+  @param[in]   Addr                  The address to get the class from.


+  @return IP address class, such as IP4_ADDR_CLASSA.





+NetGetIpClass (

+  IN IP4_ADDR               Addr

+  );



+  Check whether the IP is a valid unicast address according to

+  the netmask. If NetMask is zero, use the IP address's class to get the default mask.


+  If Ip is 0, IP is not a valid unicast address.

+  Class D address is used for multicasting and class E address is reserved for future. If Ip

+  belongs to class D or class E, Ip is not a valid unicast address.

+  If all bits of the host address of Ip are 0 or 1, Ip is not a valid unicast address.


+  @param[in]  Ip                    The IP to check against.

+  @param[in]  NetMask               The mask of the IP.


+  @return TRUE if Ip is a valid unicast address on the network, otherwise FALSE.





+NetIp4IsUnicast (

+  IN IP4_ADDR               Ip,

+  IN IP4_ADDR               NetMask

+  );



+  Check whether the incoming IPv6 address is a valid unicast address.


+  If the address is a multicast address has binary 0xFF at the start, it is not

+  a valid unicast address. If the address is unspecified ::, it is not a valid

+  unicast address to be assigned to any node. If the address is loopback address

+  ::1, it is also not a valid unicast address to be assigned to any physical

+  interface.


+  @param[in]  Ip6                   The IPv6 address to check against.


+  @return TRUE if Ip6 is a valid unicast address on the network, otherwise FALSE.





+NetIp6IsValidUnicast (

+  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS       *Ip6

+  );




+  Check whether the incoming Ipv6 address is the unspecified address or not.


+  @param[in] Ip6   - Ip6 address, in network order.


+  @retval TRUE     - Yes, incoming Ipv6 address is the unspecified address.

+  @retval FALSE    - The incoming Ipv6 address is not the unspecified address





+NetIp6IsUnspecifiedAddr (

+  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS       *Ip6

+  );



+  Check whether the incoming Ipv6 address is a link-local address.


+  @param[in] Ip6   - Ip6 address, in network order.


+  @retval TRUE  - The incoming Ipv6 address is a link-local address.

+  @retval FALSE - The incoming Ipv6 address is not a link-local address.





+NetIp6IsLinkLocalAddr (


+  );



+  Check whether the Ipv6 address1 and address2 are on the connected network.


+  @param[in] Ip1          - Ip6 address1, in network order.

+  @param[in] Ip2          - Ip6 address2, in network order.

+  @param[in] PrefixLength - The prefix length of the checking net.


+  @retval TRUE            - Yes, the Ipv6 address1 and address2 are connected.

+  @retval FALSE           - No the Ipv6 address1 and address2 are not connected.





+NetIp6IsNetEqual (



+  UINT8            PrefixLength

+  );



+  Switches the endianess of an IPv6 address.


+  This function swaps the bytes in a 128-bit IPv6 address to switch the value

+  from little endian to big endian or vice versa. The byte swapped value is

+  returned.


+  @param  Ip6 Points to an IPv6 address.


+  @return The byte swapped IPv6 address.





+Ip6Swap128 (


+  );


+extern IP4_ADDR gIp4AllMasks[IP4_MASK_NUM];



+extern EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS  mZeroIp4Addr;


+#define NET_IS_DIGIT(Ch)            (('0' <= (Ch)) && ((Ch) <= '9'))

+#define NET_ROUNDUP(size, unit)     (((size) + (unit) - 1) & (~((unit) - 1)))

+#define NET_IS_LOWER_CASE_CHAR(Ch)  (('a' <= (Ch)) && ((Ch) <= 'z'))

+#define NET_IS_UPPER_CASE_CHAR(Ch)  (('A' <= (Ch)) && ((Ch) <= 'Z'))


+#define TICKS_PER_MS            10000U

+#define TICKS_PER_SECOND        10000000U


+#define NET_RANDOM(Seed)        ((UINT32) ((UINT32) (Seed) * 1103515245UL + 12345) % 4294967295UL)



+  Extract a UINT32 from a byte stream.


+  This function copies a UINT32 from a byte stream, and then converts it from Network

+  byte order to host byte order. Use this function to avoid alignment error.


+  @param[in]  Buf                 The buffer to extract the UINT32.


+  @return The UINT32 extracted.





+NetGetUint32 (

+  IN UINT8                  *Buf

+  );



+  Puts a UINT32 into the byte stream in network byte order.


+  Converts a UINT32 from host byte order to network byte order, then copies it to the

+  byte stream.


+  @param[in, out]  Buf          The buffer in which to put the UINT32.

+  @param[in]       Data         The data to be converted and put into the byte stream.





+NetPutUint32 (

+  IN OUT UINT8                 *Buf,

+  IN     UINT32                Data

+  );



+  Initialize a random seed using current time.


+  Get current time first. Then initialize a random seed based on some basic

+  mathematical operations on the hour, day, minute, second, nanosecond and year

+  of the current time.


+  @return The random seed, initialized with current time.





+NetRandomInitSeed (


+  );



+#define NET_LIST_USER_STRUCT(Entry, Type, Field)        \

+          BASE_CR(Entry, Type, Field)


+#define NET_LIST_USER_STRUCT_S(Entry, Type, Field, Sig)  \

+          CR(Entry, Type, Field, Sig)



+// Iterate through the double linked list. It is NOT delete safe


+#define NET_LIST_FOR_EACH(Entry, ListHead) \

+  for(Entry = (ListHead)->ForwardLink; Entry != (ListHead); Entry = Entry->ForwardLink)



+// Iterate through the double linked list. This is delete-safe.

+// Don't touch NextEntry. Also, don't use this macro if list

+// entries other than the Entry may be deleted when processing

+// the current Entry.


+#define NET_LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE(Entry, NextEntry, ListHead) \

+  for(Entry = (ListHead)->ForwardLink, NextEntry = Entry->ForwardLink; \

+      Entry != (ListHead); \

+      Entry = NextEntry, NextEntry = Entry->ForwardLink \

+     )



+// Make sure the list isn't empty before getting the first/last record.


+#define NET_LIST_HEAD(ListHead, Type, Field)  \

+          NET_LIST_USER_STRUCT((ListHead)->ForwardLink, Type, Field)


+#define NET_LIST_TAIL(ListHead, Type, Field)  \

+          NET_LIST_USER_STRUCT((ListHead)->BackLink, Type, Field)




+  Remove the first node entry on the list, and return the removed node entry.


+  Removes the first node entry from a doubly linked list. It is up to the caller of

+  this function to release the memory used by the first node, if that is required. On

+  exit, the removed node is returned.


+  If Head is NULL, then ASSERT().

+  If Head was not initialized, then ASSERT().

+  If PcdMaximumLinkedListLength is not zero, and the number of nodes in the

+  linked list including the head node is greater than or equal to PcdMaximumLinkedListLength,

+  then ASSERT().


+  @param[in, out]  Head                  The list header.


+  @return The first node entry that is removed from the list, NULL if the list is empty.





+NetListRemoveHead (

+  IN OUT LIST_ENTRY            *Head

+  );



+  Remove the last node entry on the list and return the removed node entry.


+  Removes the last node entry from a doubly linked list. It is up to the caller of

+  this function to release the memory used by the first node, if that is required. On

+  exit, the removed node is returned.


+  If Head is NULL, then ASSERT().

+  If Head was not initialized, then ASSERT().

+  If PcdMaximumLinkedListLength is not zero, and the number of nodes in the

+  linked list including the head node is greater than or equal to PcdMaximumLinkedListLength,

+  then ASSERT().


+  @param[in, out]  Head                  The list head.


+  @return The last node entry that is removed from the list, NULL if the list is empty.





+NetListRemoveTail (

+  IN OUT LIST_ENTRY            *Head

+  );



+  Insert a new node entry after a designated node entry of a doubly linked list.


+  Inserts a new node entry designated by NewEntry after the node entry designated by PrevEntry

+  of the doubly linked list.


+  @param[in, out]  PrevEntry             The entry after which to insert.

+  @param[in, out]  NewEntry              The new entry to insert.





+NetListInsertAfter (

+  IN OUT LIST_ENTRY         *PrevEntry,

+  IN OUT LIST_ENTRY         *NewEntry

+  );



+  Insert a new node entry before a designated node entry of a doubly linked list.


+  Inserts a new node entry designated by NewEntry before the node entry designated by PostEntry

+  of the doubly linked list.


+  @param[in, out]  PostEntry             The entry to insert before.

+  @param[in, out]  NewEntry              The new entry to insert.





+NetListInsertBefore (

+  IN OUT LIST_ENTRY     *PostEntry,

+  IN OUT LIST_ENTRY     *NewEntry

+  );



+  Callback function which provided by user to remove one node in NetDestroyLinkList process.


+  @param[in]    Entry           The entry to be removed.

+  @param[in]    Context         Pointer to the callback context corresponds to the Context in NetDestroyLinkList.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The entry has been removed successfully.

+  @retval Others                Fail to remove the entry.






+  IN LIST_ENTRY         *Entry,

+  IN VOID               *Context   OPTIONAL

+  );



+  Safe destroy nodes in a linked list, and return the length of the list after all possible operations finished.


+  Destroy network children list by list traversals is not safe due to graph dependencies between nodes.

+  This function performs a safe traversal to destroy these nodes by checking to see if the node being destroyed

+  has been removed from the list or not.

+  If it has been removed, then restart the traversal from the head.

+  If it hasn't been removed, then continue with the next node directly.

+  This function will end the iterate and return the CallBack's last return value if error happens,

+  or retrun EFI_SUCCESS if 2 complete passes are made with no changes in the number of children in the list.  


+  @param[in]    List             The head of the list.

+  @param[in]    CallBack         Pointer to the callback function to destroy one node in the list.

+  @param[in]    Context          Pointer to the callback function's context: corresponds to the

+                                 parameter Context in NET_DESTROY_LINK_LIST_CALLBACK.

+  @param[out]   ListLength       The length of the link list if the function returns successfully.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Two complete passes are made with no changes in the number of children.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  The input parameter is invalid.

+  @retval Others                 Return the CallBack's last return value.





+NetDestroyLinkList (

+  IN   LIST_ENTRY                       *List,


+  IN   VOID                             *Context,    OPTIONAL

+  OUT  UINTN                            *ListLength  OPTIONAL

+  );



+  This function checks the input Handle to see if it's one of these handles in ChildHandleBuffer.


+  @param[in]  Handle             Handle to be checked.

+  @param[in]  NumberOfChildren   Number of Handles in ChildHandleBuffer.

+  @param[in]  ChildHandleBuffer  An array of child handles to be freed. May be NULL

+                                 if NumberOfChildren is 0.


+  @retval TURE                   Found the input Handle in ChildHandleBuffer.

+  @retval FALSE                  Can't find the input Handle in ChildHandleBuffer.





+NetIsInHandleBuffer (

+  IN  EFI_HANDLE          Handle,

+  IN  UINTN               NumberOfChildren,

+  IN  EFI_HANDLE          *ChildHandleBuffer OPTIONAL

+  );



+// Object container: EFI network stack spec defines various kinds of

+// tokens. The drivers can share code to manage those objects.


+typedef struct {

+  LIST_ENTRY                Link;

+  VOID                      *Key;

+  VOID                      *Value;



+typedef struct {

+  LIST_ENTRY                Used;

+  LIST_ENTRY                Recycled;

+  UINTN                     Count;






+  Initialize the netmap. Netmap is a reposity to keep the <Key, Value> pairs.


+  Initialize the forward and backward links of two head nodes donated by Map->Used

+  and Map->Recycled of two doubly linked lists.

+  Initializes the count of the <Key, Value> pairs in the netmap to zero.


+  If Map is NULL, then ASSERT().

+  If the address of Map->Used is NULL, then ASSERT().

+  If the address of Map->Recycled is NULl, then ASSERT().


+  @param[in, out]  Map                   The netmap to initialize.





+NetMapInit (

+  IN OUT NET_MAP                *Map

+  );



+  To clean up the netmap, that is, release allocated memories.


+  Removes all nodes of the Used doubly linked list and frees memory of all related netmap items.

+  Removes all nodes of the Recycled doubly linked list and free memory of all related netmap items.

+  The number of the <Key, Value> pairs in the netmap is set to zero.


+  If Map is NULL, then ASSERT().


+  @param[in, out]  Map                   The netmap to clean up.





+NetMapClean (

+  IN OUT NET_MAP            *Map

+  );



+  Test whether the netmap is empty and return true if it is.


+  If the number of the <Key, Value> pairs in the netmap is zero, return TRUE.


+  If Map is NULL, then ASSERT().



+  @param[in]  Map                   The net map to test.


+  @return TRUE if the netmap is empty, otherwise FALSE.





+NetMapIsEmpty (

+  IN NET_MAP                *Map

+  );



+  Return the number of the <Key, Value> pairs in the netmap.


+  @param[in]  Map                   The netmap to get the entry number.


+  @return The entry number in the netmap.





+NetMapGetCount (

+  IN NET_MAP                *Map

+  );



+  Allocate an item to save the <Key, Value> pair to the head of the netmap.


+  Allocate an item to save the <Key, Value> pair and add corresponding node entry

+  to the beginning of the Used doubly linked list. The number of the <Key, Value>

+  pairs in the netmap increase by 1.


+  If Map is NULL, then ASSERT().


+  @param[in, out]  Map                   The netmap to insert into.

+  @param[in]       Key                   The user's key.

+  @param[in]       Value                 The user's value for the key.


+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Failed to allocate the memory for the item.

+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The item is inserted to the head.





+NetMapInsertHead (

+  IN OUT NET_MAP            *Map,

+  IN VOID                   *Key,

+  IN VOID                   *Value    OPTIONAL

+  );



+  Allocate an item to save the <Key, Value> pair to the tail of the netmap.


+  Allocate an item to save the <Key, Value> pair and add corresponding node entry

+  to the tail of the Used doubly linked list. The number of the <Key, Value>

+  pairs in the netmap increase by 1.


+  If Map is NULL, then ASSERT().


+  @param[in, out]  Map                   The netmap to insert into.

+  @param[in]       Key                   The user's key.

+  @param[in]       Value                 The user's value for the key.


+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Failed to allocate the memory for the item.

+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The item is inserted to the tail.





+NetMapInsertTail (

+  IN OUT NET_MAP            *Map,

+  IN VOID                   *Key,

+  IN VOID                   *Value    OPTIONAL

+  );



+  Finds the key in the netmap and returns the point to the item containing the Key.


+  Iterate the Used doubly linked list of the netmap to get every item. Compare the key of every

+  item with the key to search. It returns the point to the item contains the Key if found.


+  If Map is NULL, then ASSERT().


+  @param[in]  Map                   The netmap to search within.

+  @param[in]  Key                   The key to search.


+  @return The point to the item contains the Key, or NULL if Key isn't in the map.





+NetMapFindKey (

+  IN  NET_MAP               *Map,

+  IN  VOID                  *Key

+  );



+  Remove the node entry of the item from the netmap and return the key of the removed item.


+  Remove the node entry of the item from the Used doubly linked list of the netmap.

+  The number of the <Key, Value> pairs in the netmap decrease by 1. Then add the node

+  entry of the item to the Recycled doubly linked list of the netmap. If Value is not NULL,

+  Value will point to the value of the item. It returns the key of the removed item.


+  If Map is NULL, then ASSERT().

+  If Item is NULL, then ASSERT().

+  if item in not in the netmap, then ASSERT().


+  @param[in, out]  Map                   The netmap to remove the item from.

+  @param[in, out]  Item                  The item to remove.

+  @param[out]      Value                 The variable to receive the value if not NULL.


+  @return                                The key of the removed item.





+NetMapRemoveItem (

+  IN  OUT NET_MAP             *Map,

+  IN  OUT NET_MAP_ITEM        *Item,

+  OUT VOID                    **Value           OPTIONAL

+  );



+  Remove the first node entry on the netmap and return the key of the removed item.


+  Remove the first node entry from the Used doubly linked list of the netmap.

+  The number of the <Key, Value> pairs in the netmap decrease by 1. Then add the node

+  entry to the Recycled doubly linked list of the netmap. If parameter Value is not NULL,

+  parameter Value will point to the value of the item. It returns the key of the removed item.


+  If Map is NULL, then ASSERT().

+  If the Used doubly linked list is empty, then ASSERT().


+  @param[in, out]  Map                   The netmap to remove the head from.

+  @param[out]      Value                 The variable to receive the value if not NULL.


+  @return                                The key of the item removed.





+NetMapRemoveHead (

+  IN OUT NET_MAP            *Map,

+  OUT VOID                  **Value         OPTIONAL

+  );



+  Remove the last node entry on the netmap and return the key of the removed item.


+  Remove the last node entry from the Used doubly linked list of the netmap.

+  The number of the <Key, Value> pairs in the netmap decrease by 1. Then add the node

+  entry to the Recycled doubly linked list of the netmap. If parameter Value is not NULL,

+  parameter Value will point to the value of the item. It returns the key of the removed item.


+  If Map is NULL, then ASSERT().

+  If the Used doubly linked list is empty, then ASSERT().


+  @param[in, out]  Map                   The netmap to remove the tail from.

+  @param[out]      Value                 The variable to receive the value if not NULL.


+  @return                                The key of the item removed.





+NetMapRemoveTail (

+  IN OUT NET_MAP            *Map,

+  OUT VOID                  **Value       OPTIONAL

+  );





+  IN NET_MAP                *Map,

+  IN NET_MAP_ITEM           *Item,

+  IN VOID                   *Arg

+  );



+  Iterate through the netmap and call CallBack for each item.


+  It will contiue the traverse if CallBack returns EFI_SUCCESS, otherwise, break

+  from the loop. It returns the CallBack's last return value. This function is

+  delete safe for the current item.


+  If Map is NULL, then ASSERT().

+  If CallBack is NULL, then ASSERT().


+  @param[in]  Map                   The Map to iterate through.

+  @param[in]  CallBack              The callback function to call for each item.

+  @param[in]  Arg                   The opaque parameter to the callback.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            There is no item in the netmap, or CallBack for each item

+                                 returns EFI_SUCCESS.

+  @retval Others                 It returns the CallBack's last return value.





+NetMapIterate (

+  IN NET_MAP                *Map,

+  IN NET_MAP_CALLBACK       CallBack,

+  IN VOID                   *Arg      OPTIONAL

+  );




+// Helper functions to implement driver binding and service binding protocols.



+  Create a child of the service that is identified by ServiceBindingGuid.


+  Get the ServiceBinding Protocol first, then use it to create a child.


+  If ServiceBindingGuid is NULL, then ASSERT().

+  If ChildHandle is NULL, then ASSERT().


+  @param[in]       Controller            The controller which has the service installed.

+  @param[in]       Image                 The image handle used to open service.

+  @param[in]       ServiceBindingGuid    The service's Guid.

+  @param[in, out]  ChildHandle           The handle to receive the created child.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The child was successfully created.

+  @retval Others                Failed to create the child.





+NetLibCreateServiceChild (

+  IN  EFI_HANDLE            Controller,

+  IN  EFI_HANDLE            Image,

+  IN  EFI_GUID              *ServiceBindingGuid,

+  IN  OUT EFI_HANDLE        *ChildHandle

+  );



+  Destroy a child of the service that is identified by ServiceBindingGuid.


+  Get the ServiceBinding Protocol first, then use it to destroy a child.


+  If ServiceBindingGuid is NULL, then ASSERT().


+  @param[in]   Controller            The controller which has the service installed.

+  @param[in]   Image                 The image handle used to open service.

+  @param[in]   ServiceBindingGuid    The service's Guid.

+  @param[in]   ChildHandle           The child to destroy.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The child was destroyed.

+  @retval Others                Failed to destroy the child.





+NetLibDestroyServiceChild (

+  IN  EFI_HANDLE            Controller,

+  IN  EFI_HANDLE            Image,

+  IN  EFI_GUID              *ServiceBindingGuid,

+  IN  EFI_HANDLE            ChildHandle

+  );



+  Get handle with Simple Network Protocol installed on it.


+  There should be MNP Service Binding Protocol installed on the input ServiceHandle.

+  If Simple Network Protocol is already installed on the ServiceHandle, the

+  ServiceHandle will be returned. If SNP is not installed on the ServiceHandle,

+  try to find its parent handle with SNP installed.


+  @param[in]   ServiceHandle    The handle where network service binding protocols are

+                                installed on.

+  @param[out]  Snp              The pointer to store the address of the SNP instance.

+                                This is an optional parameter that may be NULL.


+  @return The SNP handle, or NULL if not found.





+NetLibGetSnpHandle (

+  IN   EFI_HANDLE                  ServiceHandle,


+  );



+  Retrieve VLAN ID of a VLAN device handle.


+  Search VLAN device path node in Device Path of specified ServiceHandle and

+  return its VLAN ID. If no VLAN device path node found, then this ServiceHandle

+  is not a VLAN device handle, and 0 will be returned.


+  @param[in]   ServiceHandle    The handle where network service binding protocols are

+                                installed on.


+  @return VLAN ID of the device handle, or 0 if not a VLAN device.





+NetLibGetVlanId (

+  IN EFI_HANDLE             ServiceHandle

+  );



+  Find VLAN device handle with specified VLAN ID.


+  The VLAN child device handle is created by VLAN Config Protocol on ControllerHandle.

+  This function will append VLAN device path node to the parent device path,

+  and then use LocateDevicePath() to find the correct VLAN device handle.


+  @param[in]   ControllerHandle The handle where network service binding protocols are

+                                installed on.

+  @param[in]   VlanId           The configured VLAN ID for the VLAN device.


+  @return The VLAN device handle, or NULL if not found.





+NetLibGetVlanHandle (

+  IN EFI_HANDLE             ControllerHandle,

+  IN UINT16                 VlanId

+  );



+  Get MAC address associated with the network service handle.


+  There should be MNP Service Binding Protocol installed on the input ServiceHandle.

+  If SNP is installed on the ServiceHandle or its parent handle, MAC address will

+  be retrieved from SNP. If no SNP found, try to get SNP mode data use MNP.


+  @param[in]   ServiceHandle    The handle where network service binding protocols are

+                                installed on.

+  @param[out]  MacAddress       The pointer to store the returned MAC address.

+  @param[out]  AddressSize      The length of returned MAC address.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           MAC address was returned successfully.

+  @retval Others                Failed to get SNP mode data.





+NetLibGetMacAddress (

+  IN  EFI_HANDLE            ServiceHandle,

+  OUT EFI_MAC_ADDRESS       *MacAddress,

+  OUT UINTN                 *AddressSize

+  );



+  Convert MAC address of the NIC associated with specified Service Binding Handle

+  to a unicode string. Callers are responsible for freeing the string storage.


+  Locate simple network protocol associated with the Service Binding Handle and

+  get the mac address from SNP. Then convert the mac address into a unicode

+  string. It takes 2 unicode characters to represent a 1 byte binary buffer.

+  Plus one unicode character for the null-terminator.


+  @param[in]   ServiceHandle         The handle where network service binding protocol is

+                                     installed.

+  @param[in]   ImageHandle           The image handle used to act as the agent handle to

+                                     get the simple network protocol. This parameter is

+                                     optional and may be NULL.

+  @param[out]  MacString             The pointer to store the address of the string

+                                     representation of  the mac address.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Converted the mac address a unicode string successfully.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  There are not enough memory resources.

+  @retval Others                Failed to open the simple network protocol.





+NetLibGetMacString (

+  IN  EFI_HANDLE            ServiceHandle,

+  IN  EFI_HANDLE            ImageHandle, OPTIONAL

+  OUT CHAR16                **MacString

+  );



+  Detect media status for specified network device.


+  The underlying UNDI driver may or may not support reporting media status from


+  will try to invoke Snp->GetStatus() to get the media status. If media is already

+  present, it returns directly. If media is not present, it will stop SNP and then

+  restart SNP to get the latest media status. This provides an opportunity to get 

+  the correct media status for old UNDI driver, which doesn't support reporting 

+  media status from GET_STATUS command.

+  Note: there are two limitations for the current algorithm:

+  1) For UNDI with this capability, when the cable is not attached, there will

+     be an redundant Stop/Start() process.

+  2) for UNDI without this capability, in case that network cable is attached when

+     Snp->Initialize() is invoked while network cable is unattached later,

+     NetLibDetectMedia() will report MediaPresent as TRUE, causing upper layer

+     apps to wait for timeout time.


+  @param[in]   ServiceHandle    The handle where network service binding protocols are

+                                installed.

+  @param[out]  MediaPresent     The pointer to store the media status.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Media detection success.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ServiceHandle is not a valid network device handle.

+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The network device does not support media detection.

+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      SNP is in an unknown state.





+NetLibDetectMedia (

+  IN  EFI_HANDLE            ServiceHandle,

+  OUT BOOLEAN               *MediaPresent

+  );



+  Create an IPv4 device path node.


+  The header type of IPv4 device path node is MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH.

+  The header subtype of IPv4 device path node is MSG_IPv4_DP.

+  The length of the IPv4 device path node in bytes is 19.

+  Get other information from parameters to make up the whole IPv4 device path node.


+  @param[in, out]  Node                  The pointer to the IPv4 device path node.

+  @param[in]       Controller            The controller handle.

+  @param[in]       LocalIp               The local IPv4 address.

+  @param[in]       LocalPort             The local port.

+  @param[in]       RemoteIp              The remote IPv4 address.

+  @param[in]       RemotePort            The remote port.

+  @param[in]       Protocol              The protocol type in the IP header.

+  @param[in]       UseDefaultAddress     Whether this instance is using default address or not.





+NetLibCreateIPv4DPathNode (


+  IN EFI_HANDLE            Controller,

+  IN IP4_ADDR              LocalIp,

+  IN UINT16                LocalPort,

+  IN IP4_ADDR              RemoteIp,

+  IN UINT16                RemotePort,

+  IN UINT16                Protocol,

+  IN BOOLEAN               UseDefaultAddress

+  );



+  Create an IPv6 device path node.


+  The header type of IPv6 device path node is MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH.

+  The header subtype of IPv6 device path node is MSG_IPv6_DP.

+  The length of the IPv6 device path node in bytes is 43.

+  Get other information from parameters to make up the whole IPv6 device path node.


+  @param[in, out]  Node                  The pointer to the IPv6 device path node.

+  @param[in]       Controller            The controller handle.

+  @param[in]       LocalIp               The local IPv6 address.

+  @param[in]       LocalPort             The local port.

+  @param[in]       RemoteIp              The remote IPv6 address.

+  @param[in]       RemotePort            The remote port.

+  @param[in]       Protocol              The protocol type in the IP header.





+NetLibCreateIPv6DPathNode (


+  IN EFI_HANDLE            Controller,

+  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS      *LocalIp,

+  IN UINT16                LocalPort,

+  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS      *RemoteIp,

+  IN UINT16                RemotePort,

+  IN UINT16                Protocol

+  );




+  Find the UNDI/SNP handle from controller and protocol GUID.


+  For example, IP will open an MNP child to transmit/receive

+  packets. When MNP is stopped, IP should also be stopped. IP

+  needs to find its own private data that is related the IP's

+  service binding instance that is installed on the UNDI/SNP handle.

+  The controller is then either an MNP or an ARP child handle. Note that

+  IP opens these handles using BY_DRIVER. Use that infomation to get the

+  UNDI/SNP handle.


+  @param[in]  Controller            The protocol handle to check.

+  @param[in]  ProtocolGuid          The protocol that is related with the handle.


+  @return The UNDI/SNP handle or NULL for errors.





+NetLibGetNicHandle (

+  IN EFI_HANDLE             Controller,

+  IN EFI_GUID               *ProtocolGuid

+  );



+  This is the default unload handle for all the network drivers.


+  Disconnect the driver specified by ImageHandle from all the devices in the handle database.

+  Uninstall all the protocols installed in the driver entry point.


+  @param[in]  ImageHandle       The drivers' driver image.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The image is unloaded.

+  @retval Others                Failed to unload the image.





+NetLibDefaultUnload (

+  IN EFI_HANDLE             ImageHandle

+  );



+  Convert one Null-terminated ASCII string (decimal dotted) to EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS.


+  @param[in]      String         The pointer to the Ascii string.

+  @param[out]     Ip4Address     The pointer to the converted IPv4 address.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Converted to an IPv4 address successfully.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  The string is malformated, or Ip4Address is NULL.





+NetLibAsciiStrToIp4 (

+  IN CONST CHAR8                 *String,

+  OUT      EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS      *Ip4Address

+  );



+  Convert one Null-terminated ASCII string to EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS. The format of the

+  string is defined in RFC 4291 - Text Pepresentation of Addresses.


+  @param[in]      String         The pointer to the Ascii string.

+  @param[out]     Ip6Address     The pointer to the converted IPv6 address.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Converted to an IPv6 address successfully.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  The string is malformated, or Ip6Address is NULL.





+NetLibAsciiStrToIp6 (

+  IN CONST CHAR8                 *String,

+  OUT      EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS      *Ip6Address

+  );



+  Convert one Null-terminated Unicode string (decimal dotted) to EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS.


+  @param[in]      String         The pointer to the Ascii string.

+  @param[out]     Ip4Address     The pointer to the converted IPv4 address.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Converted to an IPv4 address successfully.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  The string is mal-formated or Ip4Address is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Failed to perform the operation due to lack of resources.





+NetLibStrToIp4 (

+  IN CONST CHAR16                *String,

+  OUT      EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS      *Ip4Address

+  );



+  Convert one Null-terminated Unicode string to EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS.  The format of

+  the string is defined in RFC 4291 - Text Pepresentation of Addresses.


+  @param[in]      String         The pointer to the Ascii string.

+  @param[out]     Ip6Address     The pointer to the converted IPv6 address.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Converted to an IPv6 address successfully.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  The string is malformated or Ip6Address is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Failed to perform the operation due to a lack of resources.





+NetLibStrToIp6 (

+  IN CONST CHAR16                *String,

+  OUT      EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS      *Ip6Address

+  );



+  Convert one Null-terminated Unicode string to EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS and prefix length.

+  The format of the string is defined in RFC 4291 - Text Pepresentation of Addresses

+  Prefixes: ipv6-address/prefix-length.


+  @param[in]      String         The pointer to the Ascii string.

+  @param[out]     Ip6Address     The pointer to the converted IPv6 address.

+  @param[out]     PrefixLength   The pointer to the converted prefix length.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Converted to an  IPv6 address successfully.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  The string is malformated, or Ip6Address is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Failed to perform the operation due to a lack of resources.





+NetLibStrToIp6andPrefix (

+  IN CONST CHAR16                *String,

+  OUT      EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS      *Ip6Address,

+  OUT      UINT8                 *PrefixLength

+  );




+  Convert one EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS to Null-terminated Unicode string.

+  The text representation of address is defined in RFC 4291.


+  @param[in]       Ip6Address     The pointer to the IPv6 address.

+  @param[out]      String         The buffer to return the converted string.

+  @param[in]       StringSize     The length in bytes of the input String.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             Convert to string successfully.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   The input parameter is invalid.

+  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL    The BufferSize is too small for the result. BufferSize has been 

+                                  updated with the size needed to complete the request.




+NetLibIp6ToStr (

+  IN         EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS      *Ip6Address,

+  OUT        CHAR16                *String,

+  IN         UINTN                 StringSize

+  );



+// Various signatures


+#define  NET_BUF_SIGNATURE    SIGNATURE_32 ('n', 'b', 'u', 'f')

+#define  NET_VECTOR_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32 ('n', 'v', 'e', 'c')

+#define  NET_QUE_SIGNATURE    SIGNATURE_32 ('n', 'b', 'q', 'u')



+#define  NET_PROTO_DATA       64   // Opaque buffer for protocols

+#define  NET_BUF_HEAD         1    // Trim or allocate space from head

+#define  NET_BUF_TAIL         0    // Trim or allocate space from tail

+#define  NET_VECTOR_OWN_FIRST 0x01  // We allocated the 1st block in the vector



+  ASSERT (((PData) != NULL) && ((PData)->Signature == (SIGNATURE)))



+// Single memory block in the vector.


+typedef struct {

+  UINT32              Len;        // The block's length

+  UINT8               *Bulk;      // The block's Data






+//NET_VECTOR contains several blocks to hold all packet's

+//fragments and other house-keeping stuff for sharing. It

+//doesn't specify the where actual packet fragment begins.


+typedef struct {

+  UINT32              Signature;

+  INTN                RefCnt;  // Reference count to share NET_VECTOR.

+  NET_VECTOR_EXT_FREE Free;    // external function to free NET_VECTOR

+  VOID                *Arg;    // opeque argument to Free

+  UINT32              Flag;    // Flags, NET_VECTOR_OWN_FIRST

+  UINT32              Len;     // Total length of the assocated BLOCKs


+  UINT32              BlockNum;

+  NET_BLOCK           Block[1];




+//NET_BLOCK_OP operates on the NET_BLOCK. It specifies

+//where the actual fragment begins and ends


+typedef struct {

+  UINT8               *BlockHead;   // Block's head, or the smallest valid Head

+  UINT8               *BlockTail;   // Block's tail. BlockTail-BlockHead=block length

+  UINT8               *Head;        // 1st byte of the data in the block

+  UINT8               *Tail;        // Tail of the data in the block, Tail-Head=Size

+  UINT32              Size;         // The size of the data



+typedef union {

+  IP4_HEAD          *Ip4;

+  EFI_IP6_HEADER    *Ip6;




+//NET_BUF is the buffer manage structure used by the

+//network stack. Every network packet may be fragmented. The Vector points to

+//memory blocks used by each fragment, and BlockOp

+//specifies where each fragment begins and ends.


+//It also contains an opaque area for the protocol to store

+//per-packet information. Protocol must be careful not

+//to overwrite the members after that.


+typedef struct {

+  UINT32         Signature;

+  INTN           RefCnt;

+  LIST_ENTRY     List;                       // The List this NET_BUF is on


+  NET_IP_HEAD    Ip;                         // Network layer header, for fast access

+  TCP_HEAD       *Tcp;                       // Transport layer header, for fast access

+  EFI_UDP_HEADER *Udp;                       // User Datagram Protocol header

+  UINT8          ProtoData [NET_PROTO_DATA]; //Protocol specific data


+  NET_VECTOR     *Vector;                    // The vector containing the packet


+  UINT32         BlockOpNum;                 // Total number of BlockOp in the buffer

+  UINT32         TotalSize;                  // Total size of the actual packet

+  NET_BLOCK_OP   BlockOp[1];                 // Specify the position of actual packet




+//A queue of NET_BUFs. It is a thin extension of

+//NET_BUF functions.


+typedef struct {

+  UINT32              Signature;

+  INTN                RefCnt;

+  LIST_ENTRY          List;       // The List this buffer queue is on


+  LIST_ENTRY          BufList;    // list of queued buffers

+  UINT32              BufSize;    // total length of DATA in the buffers

+  UINT32              BufNum;     // total number of buffers on the chain




+// Pseudo header for TCP and UDP checksum


+#pragma pack(1)

+typedef struct {

+  IP4_ADDR            SrcIp;

+  IP4_ADDR            DstIp;

+  UINT8               Reserved;

+  UINT8               Protocol;

+  UINT16              Len;



+typedef struct {

+  EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS    SrcIp;

+  EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS    DstIp;

+  UINT32              Len;

+  UINT32              Reserved:24;

+  UINT32              NextHeader:8;


+#pragma pack()



+// The fragment entry table used in network interfaces. This is

+// the same as NET_BLOCK now. Use two different to distinguish

+// the two in case that NET_BLOCK be enhanced later.


+typedef struct {

+  UINT32              Len;

+  UINT8               *Bulk;



+#define NET_GET_REF(PData)      ((PData)->RefCnt++)

+#define NET_PUT_REF(PData)      ((PData)->RefCnt--)

+#define NETBUF_FROM_PROTODATA(Info) BASE_CR((Info), NET_BUF, ProtoData)


+#define NET_BUF_SHARED(Buf) \

+  (((Buf)->RefCnt > 1) || ((Buf)->Vector->RefCnt > 1))


+#define NET_VECTOR_SIZE(BlockNum) \

+  (sizeof (NET_VECTOR) + ((BlockNum) - 1) * sizeof (NET_BLOCK))


+#define NET_BUF_SIZE(BlockOpNum)  \

+  (sizeof (NET_BUF) + ((BlockOpNum) - 1) * sizeof (NET_BLOCK_OP))


+#define NET_HEADSPACE(BlockOp)  \

+  (UINTN)((BlockOp)->Head - (BlockOp)->BlockHead)


+#define NET_TAILSPACE(BlockOp)  \

+  (UINTN)((BlockOp)->BlockTail - (BlockOp)->Tail)



+  Allocate a single block NET_BUF. Upon allocation, all the

+  free space is in the tail room.


+  @param[in]  Len              The length of the block.


+  @return                      The pointer to the allocated NET_BUF, or NULL if the

+                               allocation failed due to resource limitations.





+NetbufAlloc (

+  IN UINT32                 Len

+  );



+  Free the net buffer and its associated NET_VECTOR.


+  Decrease the reference count of the net buffer by one. Free the associated net

+  vector and itself if the reference count of the net buffer is decreased to 0.

+  The net vector free operation decreases the reference count of the net

+  vector by one, and performs the resource free operation when the reference count

+  of the net vector is 0.


+  @param[in]  Nbuf                  The pointer to the NET_BUF to be freed.





+NetbufFree (

+  IN NET_BUF                *Nbuf

+  );



+  Get the index of NET_BLOCK_OP that contains the byte at Offset in the net

+  buffer.


+  For example, this function can be used to retrieve the IP header in the packet. It

+  also can be used to get the fragment that contains the byte used

+  mainly by the library implementation itself.


+  @param[in]   Nbuf      The pointer to the net buffer.

+  @param[in]   Offset    The offset of the byte.

+  @param[out]  Index     Index of the NET_BLOCK_OP that contains the byte at

+                         Offset.


+  @return       The pointer to the Offset'th byte of data in the net buffer, or NULL

+                if there is no such data in the net buffer.



+UINT8  *


+NetbufGetByte (

+  IN  NET_BUF               *Nbuf,

+  IN  UINT32                Offset,

+  OUT UINT32                *Index  OPTIONAL

+  );



+  Create a copy of the net buffer that shares the associated net vector.


+  The reference count of the newly created net buffer is set to 1. The reference

+  count of the associated net vector is increased by one.


+  @param[in]  Nbuf              The pointer to the net buffer to be cloned.


+  @return                       The pointer to the cloned net buffer, or NULL if the

+                                allocation failed due to resource limitations.





+NetbufClone (

+  IN NET_BUF                *Nbuf

+  );



+  Create a duplicated copy of the net buffer with data copied and HeadSpace

+  bytes of head space reserved.


+  The duplicated net buffer will allocate its own memory to hold the data of the

+  source net buffer.


+  @param[in]       Nbuf         The pointer to the net buffer to be duplicated from.

+  @param[in, out]  Duplicate    The pointer to the net buffer to duplicate to. If

+                                NULL, a new net buffer is allocated.

+  @param[in]      HeadSpace     The length of the head space to reserve.


+  @return                       The pointer to the duplicated net buffer, or NULL if

+                                the allocation failed due to resource limitations.





+NetbufDuplicate (

+  IN NET_BUF                *Nbuf,

+  IN OUT NET_BUF            *Duplicate        OPTIONAL,

+  IN UINT32                 HeadSpace

+  );



+  Create a NET_BUF structure which contains Len byte data of Nbuf starting from

+  Offset.


+  A new NET_BUF structure will be created but the associated data in NET_VECTOR

+  is shared. This function exists to perform IP packet fragmentation.


+  @param[in]  Nbuf         The pointer to the net buffer to be extracted.

+  @param[in]  Offset       Starting point of the data to be included in the new

+                           net buffer.

+  @param[in]  Len          The bytes of data to be included in the new net buffer.

+  @param[in]  HeadSpace    The bytes of the head space to reserve for the protocol header.


+  @return                  The pointer to the cloned net buffer, or NULL if the

+                           allocation failed due to resource limitations.





+NetbufGetFragment (

+  IN NET_BUF                *Nbuf,

+  IN UINT32                 Offset,

+  IN UINT32                 Len,

+  IN UINT32                 HeadSpace

+  );



+  Reserve some space in the header room of the net buffer.


+  Upon allocation, all the space is in the tail room of the buffer. Call this

+  function to move space to the header room. This function is quite limited

+  in that it can only reserve space from the first block of an empty NET_BUF not

+  built from the external. However, it should be enough for the network stack.


+  @param[in, out]  Nbuf     The pointer to the net buffer.

+  @param[in]       Len      The length of buffer to be reserved from the header.





+NetbufReserve (

+  IN OUT NET_BUF            *Nbuf,

+  IN UINT32                 Len

+  );



+  Allocate Len bytes of space from the header or tail of the buffer.


+  @param[in, out]  Nbuf       The pointer to the net buffer.

+  @param[in]       Len        The length of the buffer to be allocated.

+  @param[in]       FromHead   The flag to indicate whether to reserve the data

+                              from head (TRUE) or tail (FALSE).


+  @return                     The pointer to the first byte of the allocated buffer,

+                              or NULL, if there is no sufficient space.





+NetbufAllocSpace (

+  IN OUT NET_BUF            *Nbuf,

+  IN UINT32                 Len,

+  IN BOOLEAN                FromHead

+  );



+  Trim Len bytes from the header or the tail of the net buffer.


+  @param[in, out]  Nbuf         The pointer to the net buffer.

+  @param[in]       Len          The length of the data to be trimmed.

+  @param[in]      FromHead      The flag to indicate whether trim data is from the 

+                                head (TRUE) or the tail (FALSE).


+  @return    The length of the actual trimmed data, which may be less

+             than Len if the TotalSize of Nbuf is less than Len.





+NetbufTrim (

+  IN OUT NET_BUF            *Nbuf,

+  IN UINT32                 Len,

+  IN BOOLEAN                FromHead

+  );



+  Copy Len bytes of data from the specific offset of the net buffer to the

+  destination memory.


+  The Len bytes of data may cross several fragments of the net buffer.


+  @param[in]   Nbuf         The pointer to the net buffer.

+  @param[in]   Offset       The sequence number of the first byte to copy.

+  @param[in]   Len          The length of the data to copy.

+  @param[in]   Dest         The destination of the data to copy to.


+  @return           The length of the actual copied data, or 0 if the offset

+                    specified exceeds the total size of net buffer.





+NetbufCopy (

+  IN NET_BUF                *Nbuf,

+  IN UINT32                 Offset,

+  IN UINT32                 Len,

+  IN UINT8                  *Dest

+  );



+  Build a NET_BUF from external blocks.


+  A new NET_BUF structure will be created from external blocks. An additional block

+  of memory will be allocated to hold reserved HeadSpace bytes of header room

+  and existing HeadLen bytes of header, but the external blocks are shared by the

+  net buffer to avoid data copying.


+  @param[in]  ExtFragment           The pointer to the data block.

+  @param[in]  ExtNum                The number of the data blocks.

+  @param[in]  HeadSpace             The head space to be reserved.

+  @param[in]  HeadLen               The length of the protocol header. The function

+                                    pulls this amount of data into a linear block.

+  @param[in]  ExtFree               The pointer to the caller-provided free function.

+  @param[in]  Arg                   The argument passed to ExtFree when ExtFree is

+                                    called.


+  @return                  The pointer to the net buffer built from the data blocks,

+                           or NULL if the allocation failed due to resource

+                           limit.





+NetbufFromExt (

+  IN NET_FRAGMENT           *ExtFragment,

+  IN UINT32                 ExtNum,

+  IN UINT32                 HeadSpace,

+  IN UINT32                 HeadLen,


+  IN VOID                   *Arg          OPTIONAL

+  );



+  Build a fragment table to contain the fragments in the net buffer. This is the

+  opposite operation of the NetbufFromExt.


+  @param[in]       Nbuf                  Points to the net buffer.

+  @param[in, out]  ExtFragment           The pointer to the data block.

+  @param[in, out]  ExtNum                The number of the data blocks.


+  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  The number of non-empty blocks is bigger than

+                                ExtNum.

+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The fragment table was built successfully.





+NetbufBuildExt (

+  IN NET_BUF                *Nbuf,

+  IN OUT NET_FRAGMENT       *ExtFragment,

+  IN OUT UINT32             *ExtNum

+  );



+  Build a net buffer from a list of net buffers.


+  All the fragments will be collected from the list of NEW_BUF, and then a new

+  net buffer will be created through NetbufFromExt.


+  @param[in]   BufList    A List of the net buffer.

+  @param[in]   HeadSpace  The head space to be reserved.

+  @param[in]   HeaderLen  The length of the protocol header. The function

+                          pulls this amount of data into a linear block.

+  @param[in]   ExtFree    The pointer to the caller provided free function.

+  @param[in]   Arg        The argument passed to ExtFree when ExtFree is called.


+  @return                 The pointer to the net buffer built from the list of net

+                          buffers.





+NetbufFromBufList (

+  IN LIST_ENTRY             *BufList,

+  IN UINT32                 HeadSpace,

+  IN UINT32                 HeaderLen,


+  IN VOID                   *Arg              OPTIONAL

+  );



+  Free a list of net buffers.


+  @param[in, out]  Head              The pointer to the head of linked net buffers.





+NetbufFreeList (

+  IN OUT LIST_ENTRY         *Head

+  );



+  Initiate the net buffer queue.


+  @param[in, out]  NbufQue   The pointer to the net buffer queue to be initialized.





+NetbufQueInit (

+  IN OUT NET_BUF_QUEUE          *NbufQue

+  );



+  Allocate and initialize a net buffer queue.


+  @return         The pointer to the allocated net buffer queue, or NULL if the

+                  allocation failed due to resource limit.





+NetbufQueAlloc (


+  );



+  Free a net buffer queue.


+  Decrease the reference count of the net buffer queue by one. The real resource

+  free operation isn't performed until the reference count of the net buffer

+  queue is decreased to 0.


+  @param[in]  NbufQue               The pointer to the net buffer queue to be freed.





+NetbufQueFree (

+  IN NET_BUF_QUEUE          *NbufQue

+  );



+  Remove a net buffer from the head in the specific queue and return it.


+  @param[in, out]  NbufQue               The pointer to the net buffer queue.


+  @return           The pointer to the net buffer removed from the specific queue,

+                    or NULL if there is no net buffer in the specific queue.





+NetbufQueRemove (

+  IN OUT NET_BUF_QUEUE          *NbufQue

+  );



+  Append a net buffer to the net buffer queue.


+  @param[in, out]  NbufQue            The pointer to the net buffer queue.

+  @param[in, out]  Nbuf               The pointer to the net buffer to be appended.





+NetbufQueAppend (

+  IN OUT NET_BUF_QUEUE          *NbufQue,

+  IN OUT NET_BUF                *Nbuf

+  );



+  Copy Len bytes of data from the net buffer queue at the specific offset to the

+  destination memory.


+  The copying operation is the same as NetbufCopy, but applies to the net buffer

+  queue instead of the net buffer.


+  @param[in]   NbufQue         The pointer to the net buffer queue.

+  @param[in]   Offset          The sequence number of the first byte to copy.

+  @param[in]   Len             The length of the data to copy.

+  @param[out]  Dest            The destination of the data to copy to.


+  @return       The length of the actual copied data, or 0 if the offset

+                specified exceeds the total size of net buffer queue.





+NetbufQueCopy (

+  IN NET_BUF_QUEUE          *NbufQue,

+  IN UINT32                 Offset,

+  IN UINT32                 Len,

+  OUT UINT8                 *Dest

+  );



+  Trim Len bytes of data from the buffer queue and free any net buffer

+  that is completely trimmed.


+  The trimming operation is the same as NetbufTrim but applies to the net buffer

+  queue instead of the net buffer.


+  @param[in, out]  NbufQue               The pointer to the net buffer queue.

+  @param[in]       Len                   The length of the data to trim.


+  @return   The actual length of the data trimmed.





+NetbufQueTrim (

+  IN OUT NET_BUF_QUEUE      *NbufQue,

+  IN UINT32                 Len

+  );




+  Flush the net buffer queue.


+  @param[in, out]  NbufQue               The pointer to the queue to be flushed.





+NetbufQueFlush (

+  IN OUT NET_BUF_QUEUE          *NbufQue

+  );



+  Compute the checksum for a bulk of data.


+  @param[in]   Bulk                  The pointer to the data.

+  @param[in]   Len                   The length of the data, in bytes.


+  @return    The computed checksum.





+NetblockChecksum (

+  IN UINT8                  *Bulk,

+  IN UINT32                 Len

+  );



+  Add two checksums.


+  @param[in]   Checksum1             The first checksum to be added.

+  @param[in]   Checksum2             The second checksum to be added.


+  @return         The new checksum.





+NetAddChecksum (

+  IN UINT16                 Checksum1,

+  IN UINT16                 Checksum2

+  );



+  Compute the checksum for a NET_BUF.


+  @param[in]   Nbuf                  The pointer to the net buffer.


+  @return    The computed checksum.





+NetbufChecksum (

+  IN NET_BUF                *Nbuf

+  );



+  Compute the checksum for TCP/UDP pseudo header.


+  Src and Dst are in network byte order, and Len is in host byte order.


+  @param[in]   Src                   The source address of the packet.

+  @param[in]   Dst                   The destination address of the packet.

+  @param[in]   Proto                 The protocol type of the packet.

+  @param[in]   Len                   The length of the packet.


+  @return   The computed checksum.





+NetPseudoHeadChecksum (

+  IN IP4_ADDR               Src,

+  IN IP4_ADDR               Dst,

+  IN UINT8                  Proto,

+  IN UINT16                 Len

+  );



+  Compute the checksum for the TCP6/UDP6 pseudo header.


+  Src and Dst are in network byte order, and Len is in host byte order.


+  @param[in]   Src                   The source address of the packet.

+  @param[in]   Dst                   The destination address of the packet.

+  @param[in]   NextHeader            The protocol type of the packet.

+  @param[in]   Len                   The length of the packet.


+  @return   The computed checksum.





+NetIp6PseudoHeadChecksum (

+  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS       *Src,

+  IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS       *Dst,

+  IN UINT8                  NextHeader,

+  IN UINT32                 Len

+  );



+  The function frees the net buffer which allocated by the IP protocol. It releases 

+  only the net buffer and doesn't call the external free function. 


+  This function should be called after finishing the process of mIpSec->ProcessExt() 

+  for outbound traffic. The (EFI_IPSEC2_PROTOCOL)->ProcessExt() allocates a new 

+  buffer for the ESP, so there needs a function to free the old net buffer.


+  @param[in]  Nbuf       The network buffer to be freed.




+NetIpSecNetbufFree (

+  NET_BUF   *Nbuf

+  );



+  This function obtains the system guid from the smbios table.


+  @param[out]  SystemGuid     The pointer of the returned system guid.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS         Successfully obtained the system guid.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND       Did not find the SMBIOS table.





+NetLibGetSystemGuid (

+  OUT EFI_GUID              *SystemGuid

+  );

