hikey: Add UEFI sources for reference

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Change-Id: Ieeefdb63e673e0c8e64e0a1f02c7bddc63b2c7fb
Signed-off-by: Vishal Bhoj <vishal.bhoj@linaro.org>
diff --git a/uefi/linaro-edk2/NetworkPkg/IpSecDxe/IpSecConfigImpl.h b/uefi/linaro-edk2/NetworkPkg/IpSecDxe/IpSecConfigImpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e365da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uefi/linaro-edk2/NetworkPkg/IpSecDxe/IpSecConfigImpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,955 @@
+/** @file

+  Definitions related to IPSEC_CONFIG_PROTOCOL implementations.


+  Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>


+  This program and the accompanying materials

+  are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License

+  which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at

+  http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php.










+#include <Protocol/IpSec.h>

+#include <Protocol/IpSecConfig.h>


+#include <Library/BaseLib.h>

+#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>

+#include <Library/PrintLib.h>

+#include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>

+#include <Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.h>

+#include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>

+#include <Library/DebugLib.h>


+#include "IpSecImpl.h"



+#define EFI_IPSEC_ANY_PORT        0





+#define IPSECCONFIG_VARIABLE_NAME       L"IpSecConfig"

+#define IPSECCONFIG_STATUS_NAME         L"IpSecStatus"



+       + sizeof (EFI_IP_ADDRESS_INFO) * ((x)->LocalAddressCount + (x)->RemoteAddressCount))


+#define FIX_REF_BUF_ADDR(addr, base)    addr = (VOID *) ((UINTN) (addr) - (UINTN) (base))

+#define UNFIX_REF_BUF_ADDR(addr, base)  addr = (VOID *) ((UINTN) (addr) + (UINTN) (base))



+// The data structure used to store the genernall information of IPsec configuration.


+typedef struct {

+  UINT32 VariableCount;      // the total number of the IPsecConfig variables.

+  UINT32 VariableSize;       // The total size of all IpsecConfig variables.

+  UINT32 SingleVariableSize; // The max size of single variable



+typedef struct {


+  VOID                      *Data;

+  LIST_ENTRY                List;



+typedef struct {

+  UINT8 *Ptr;

+  UINTN Size;

+  UINTN Capacity;



+#pragma pack(1)

+typedef struct {

+  UINT8   Type;

+  UINT16  Size;


+#pragma pack()



+  The prototype of Copy Source Selector to the Destination Selector.


+  @param[in, out] DstSel             Pointer of Destination Selector. It would be

+                                     SPD Selector, or SAD Selector or PAD Selector.

+  @param[in]      SrcSel             Pointer of Source  Selector. It would be

+                                     SPD Selector, or SAD Selector or PAD Selector.

+  @param[in, out] Size               The size of the Destination Selector. If it

+                                     is not NULL and its value is less than the size of

+                                     Source Selector, the value of Source Selector's

+                                     size will be passed to the caller by this parameter.


+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  If the Destination or Source Selector is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL   If the input Size is less than size of Source Selector.

+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Copy Source Selector to the Destination

+                                 Selector successfully.








+  IN OUT UINTN                        *Size

+  );



+  It is prototype of compare two Selectors. The Selector would be SPD Selector,

+  or SAD Selector, or PAD selector.


+  @param[in]   Selector1           Pointer of the first  Selector.

+  @param[in]   Selector2           Pointer of the second Selector.


+  @retval  TRUE    These two Selectors have the same value in certain fields.

+  @retval  FALSE   Not all fields have the same value in these two Selectors.






+  IN EFI_IPSEC_CONFIG_SELECTOR        *Selector1,


+  );



+  The prototype of a function to check if the Selector is Zero by its certain fields.


+  @param[in]  Selector      Pointer of the Selector.


+  @retval     TRUE          If the Selector is Zero.

+  @retval     FALSE         If the Selector is not Zero.







+  );



+  The prototype of a function to fix the value of particular members of the Selector.


+  @param[in]  Selector              Pointer of Selector.

+  @param[in]  Data                  Pointer of Data.






+  IN EFI_IPSEC_CONFIG_SELECTOR           *Selector,

+  IN VOID                                *Data

+  );



+  It is prototype function to define a routine function by the caller of IpSecVisitConfigData().


+  @param[in]      Type              A specified IPSEC_CONFIG_DATA_TYPE.

+  @param[in]      Selector          Points to EFI_IPSEC_CONFIG_SELECTOR to be copied

+                                    to the buffer.

+  @param[in]      Data              Points to data to be copied to the buffer. The

+                                    Data type is related to the Type.

+  @param[in]      SelectorSize      The size of the Selector.

+  @param[in]      DataSize          The size of the Data.

+  @param[in, out] Buffer            The buffer to store the Selector and Data.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Copied the Selector and Data to a buffer successfully.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   The required system resource could not be allocated.






+  IN     EFI_IPSEC_CONFIG_DATA_TYPE          Type,

+  IN     EFI_IPSEC_CONFIG_SELECTOR           *Selector,

+  IN     VOID                                *Data,

+  IN     UINTN                               SelectorSize,

+  IN     UINTN                               DataSize,

+  IN OUT VOID                                *Context

+  );



+  Set the security policy information for the EFI IPsec driver.


+  The IPsec configuration data has a unique selector/identifier separately to

+  identify a data entry.


+  @param[in]  Selector           Pointer to an entry selector on operated

+                                 configuration data specified by DataType.

+                                 A NULL Selector causes the entire specified-type

+                                 configuration information to be flushed.

+  @param[in]  Data               The data buffer to be set.

+  @param[in]  Context            Pointer to one entry selector that describes

+                                 the expected position the new data entry will

+                                 be added. If Context is NULL, the new entry will

+                                 be appended to the end of the database.


+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Certain Parameters are not correct. The Parameter

+                                requiring a check depends on the Selector type.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCED  The required system resource could not be allocated.

+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The specified configuration data was obtained successfully.







+  IN VOID                             *Data,

+  IN VOID                             *Context OPTIONAL

+  );



+  A prototype function definition to lookup the data entry from IPsec. Return the configuration

+  value of the specified Entry.


+  @param[in]      Selector      Pointer to an entry selector that is an identifier

+                                of the  entry.

+  @param[in, out] DataSize      On output, the size of data returned in Data.

+  @param[out]     Data          The buffer to return the contents of the IPsec

+                                configuration data. The type of the data buffer

+                                is associated with the DataType.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The specified configuration data was obtained successfully.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Data is NULL and *DataSize is not zero.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         The configuration data specified by Selector is not found.

+  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  The DataSize is too small for the result. DataSize has been

+                                updated with the size needed to complete the request.







+  IN OUT UINTN                        *DataSize,

+  IN     VOID                         *Data

+  );



+  Compare two SPD Selectors.


+  Compare two SPD Selector by the fields of LocalAddressCount/RemoteAddressCount/

+  NextLayerProtocol/LocalPort/LocalPortRange/RemotePort/RemotePortRange and the

+  Local Addresses and remote Addresses.


+  @param[in]   Selector1           Pointer of the first SPD Selector.

+  @param[in]   Selector2           Pointer of the second SPD Selector.


+  @retval  TRUE    These two Selectors have the same value in above fields.

+  @retval  FALSE   Not all of the above fields have the same value in these two Selectors.




+CompareSpdSelector (

+  IN EFI_IPSEC_CONFIG_SELECTOR        *Selector1,


+  );




+  Visit all IPsec Configurations of specified Type and call the caller defined

+  interface.


+  @param[in]  DataType          The specified IPsec Config Data Type.

+  @param[in]  Routine           The function caller defined.

+  @param[in]  Context           The data passed to the Routine.


+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   The required system resource could not be allocated.

+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            This function complete successfully.




+IpSecVisitConfigData (


+  IN IPSEC_COPY_POLICY_ENTRY          Routine,

+  IN VOID                             *Context

+  );




+  This function is the subfunction of the EFIIpSecConfigSetData.


+  This function call IpSecSetVaraible to set the IPsec Configuration into the firmware.


+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   The required system resource could not be allocated.

+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Saved the configration successfully.

+  @retval Others                 Other errors were found while obtaining the variable.




+IpSecConfigSave (


+  );



+  Initialize IPsecConfig protocol


+  @param[in, out]  Private   Pointer to IPSEC_PRIVATE_DATA. After this function finish,

+                             the pointer of IPsecConfig Protocol implementation will copy

+                             into its IPsecConfig member.


+  @retval     EFI_SUCCESS    Initialized the IPsecConfig Protocol successfully.

+  @retval     Others         Initializing the IPsecConfig Protocol failed.




+IpSecConfigInitialize (

+  IN OUT IPSEC_PRIVATE_DATA               *Private

+  );



+  Calculate the entire size of EFI_IPSEC_SPD_DATA, which includes the buffer size pointed

+  by the pointer members.


+  @param[in]  SpdData             Pointer to a specified EFI_IPSEC_SPD_DATA.


+  @return The entire size of the specified EFI_IPSEC_SPD_DATA.




+IpSecGetSizeOfEfiSpdData (

+  IN EFI_IPSEC_SPD_DATA               *SpdData

+  );



+  Calculate the a entire size of IPSEC_SPD_DATA, which includes the buffer size pointed

+  by the pointer members and the buffer size used by Sa List.


+  @param[in]  SpdData       Pointer to the specified IPSEC_SPD_DATA.


+  @return The entire size of IPSEC_SPD_DATA.




+IpSecGetSizeOfSpdData (

+  IN IPSEC_SPD_DATA                   *SpdData

+  );



+  Copy Source Process Policy to the Destination Process Policy.


+  @param[in]  Dst                  Pointer to the Source Process Policy.

+  @param[in]  Src                  Pointer to the Destination Process Policy.




+IpSecDuplicateProcessPolicy (



+  );



+  Find if the two SPD Selectors has subordinative.


+  Compare two SPD Selector by the fields of LocalAddressCount/RemoteAddressCount/

+  NextLayerProtocol/LocalPort/LocalPortRange/RemotePort/RemotePortRange and the 

+  Local Addresses and remote Addresses.


+  @param[in]   Selector1           Pointer of first SPD Selector.

+  @param[in]   Selector2           Pointer of second SPD Selector.


+  @retval  TRUE    The first SPD Selector is subordinate Selector of second SPD Selector.

+  @retval  FALSE   The first SPD Selector is not subordinate Selector of second 

+                   SPD Selector.




+IsSubSpdSelector (

+  IN EFI_IPSEC_CONFIG_SELECTOR        *Selector1,


+  );



+  Compare two SA IDs.


+  @param[in]   Selector1           Pointer of the first SA ID.

+  @param[in]   Selector2           Pointer of the second SA ID.


+  @retval  TRUE    This two Selectors have the same SA ID.

+  @retval  FALSE   This two Selecotrs don't have the same SA ID.




+CompareSaId (

+  IN EFI_IPSEC_CONFIG_SELECTOR        *Selector1,


+  );



+  Compare two PAD IDs.


+  @param[in]   Selector1           Pointer of the first PAD ID.

+  @param[in]   Selector2           Pointer of the second PAD ID.


+  @retval  TRUE    This two Selectors have the same PAD ID.

+  @retval  FALSE   This two Selecotrs don't have the same PAD ID.




+ComparePadId (

+  IN EFI_IPSEC_CONFIG_SELECTOR        *Selector1,


+  );



+  Check if the SPD Selector is Zero by its LocalAddressCount and RemoteAddressCount

+  fields.


+  @param[in]  Selector      Pointer of the SPD Selector.


+  @retval     TRUE          If the SPD Selector is Zero.

+  @retval     FALSE         If the SPD Selector is not Zero.




+IsZeroSpdSelector (


+  );



+  Check if the SA ID is Zero by its DestAddress.


+  @param[in]  Selector      Pointer of the SA ID.


+  @retval     TRUE          If the SA ID is Zero.

+  @retval     FALSE         If the SA ID is not Zero.




+IsZeroSaId (


+  );



+  Check if the PAD ID is Zero.


+  @param[in]  Selector      Pointer of the PAD ID.


+  @retval     TRUE          If the PAD ID is Zero.

+  @retval     FALSE         If the PAD ID is not Zero.




+IsZeroPadId (


+  );



+  Copy Source SPD Selector to the Destination SPD Selector.


+  @param[in, out] DstSel             Pointer of Destination SPD Selector.

+  @param[in]      SrcSel             Pointer of Source SPD Selector.

+  @param[in, out] Size               The size of the Destination SPD Selector. If

+                                     it is not NULL and its value is less than the

+                                     size of Source SPD Selector, the value of

+                                     Source SPD Selector's size will be passed to

+                                     the caller by this parameter.


+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  If the Destination or Source SPD Selector is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL   If the input Size is less than size of Source SPD Selector.

+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Copy Source SPD Selector to the Destination SPD

+                                 Selector successfully.




+DuplicateSpdSelector (



+  IN OUT UINTN                        *Size

+  );



+  Copy Source SA ID to the Destination SA ID.


+  @param[in, out] DstSel             Pointer of the Destination SA ID.

+  @param[in]      SrcSel             Pointer of the Source SA ID.

+  @param[in, out] Size               The size of the Destination SA ID. If it

+                                     not NULL, and its value is less than the size of

+                                     Source SA ID, the value of Source SA ID's size

+                                     will be passed to the caller by this parameter.


+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  If the Destination or Source SA ID is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL   If the input Size less than size of source SA ID.

+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Copied Source SA ID to the Destination SA ID successfully.




+DuplicateSaId (



+  IN OUT UINTN                        *Size

+  );



+  Copy Source PAD ID to the Destination PAD ID.


+  @param[in, out] DstSel             Pointer of Destination PAD ID.

+  @param[in]      SrcSel             Pointer of Source PAD ID.

+  @param[in, out] Size               The size of the Destination PAD ID. If it

+                                     not NULL, and its value less than the size of

+                                     Source PAD ID, the value of Source PAD ID's size

+                                     will be passed to the caller by this parameter.


+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  If the Destination or Source PAD ID is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL   If the input Size less than size of source PAD ID.

+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Copied Source PAD ID to the Destination PAD ID successfully.




+DuplicatePadId (



+  IN OUT UINTN                        *Size

+  );



+  Fix the value of some members of the  SPD Selector.


+  This function is called by IpSecCopyPolicyEntry(), which copies the Policy

+  Entry into the Variable. Since some members in SPD Selector are pointers,

+  a physical address to relative address conversion is required before copying

+  this SPD entry into the variable.


+  @param[in]       Selector              Pointer of SPD Selector.

+  @param[in, out]  Data                  Pointer of SPD Data.




+FixSpdEntry (

+  IN     EFI_IPSEC_SPD_SELECTOR            *Selector,

+  IN OUT EFI_IPSEC_SPD_DATA                *Data

+  );



+  Fix the value of some members of SA ID.


+  This function is called by IpSecCopyPolicyEntry(), which copies the Policy

+  Entry into the Variable. Since some members in SA ID are pointers,

+  a physical address to relative address conversion is required before copying

+  this SAD into the variable.


+  @param[in]       SaId              Pointer of SA ID.

+  @param[in, out]  Data              Pointer of SA Data.




+FixSadEntry (

+  IN     EFI_IPSEC_SA_ID                  *SaId,

+  IN OUT EFI_IPSEC_SA_DATA2                *Data

+  );



+  Fix the value of some members of PAD ID.


+  This function is called by IpSecCopyPolicyEntry(), which copy the Policy

+  Entry into the Variable. Since some members in PAD ID are pointers,

+  a physical address to relative address conversion is required before copying

+  this PAD into the variable.


+  @param[in]       PadId              Pointer of PAD ID.

+  @param[in, out]  Data               Pointer of PAD Data.




+FixPadEntry (

+  IN     EFI_IPSEC_PAD_ID                  *PadId,

+  IN OUT EFI_IPSEC_PAD_DATA                *Data

+  );



+  Recover the value of some members of SPD Selector.


+  This function is corresponding to FixSpdEntry(). It recovers the value of members

+  of SPD Selector which fix by the FixSpdEntry().


+  @param[in, out]  Selector              Pointer of SPD Selector.

+  @param[in, out]  Data                  Pointer of SPD Data.




+UnfixSpdEntry (

+  IN OUT EFI_IPSEC_SPD_SELECTOR           *Selector,

+  IN OUT EFI_IPSEC_SPD_DATA               *Data

+  );




+  Recover the value of some members of SA ID.


+  This function is corresponding to FixSadEntry(). It recovers the value of members

+  of SAD ID which fix by the FixSadEntry().


+  @param[in, out]       SaId              Pointer of SAD ID

+  @param[in, out]  Data              Pointer of SAD Data.




+UnfixSadEntry (

+  IN OUT EFI_IPSEC_SA_ID                     *SaId,

+  IN OUT EFI_IPSEC_SA_DATA2                   *Data

+  );



+  Recover the value of some members of PAD ID.


+  This function is corresponding to FixPadEntry(). It recovers the value of members

+  of PAD ID which fix by the FixPadEntry().


+  @param[in]       PadId              Pointer of PAD ID

+  @param[in, out]  Data               Pointer of PAD Data.




+UnfixPadEntry (

+  IN     EFI_IPSEC_PAD_ID                 *PadId,

+  IN OUT EFI_IPSEC_PAD_DATA               *Data

+  );



+  Set the security policy information for the EFI IPsec driver.


+  The IPsec configuration data has a unique selector/identifier separately to

+  identify a data entry.


+  @param[in]  Selector           Pointer to an entry selector on operated

+                                 configuration data specified by DataType.

+                                 A NULL Selector causes the entire specified-type

+                                 configuration information to be flushed.

+  @param[in]  Data               The data buffer to be set. The structure

+                                 of the data buffer should be EFI_IPSEC_SPD_DATA.

+  @param[in]  Context            Pointer to one entry selector that describes

+                                 the expected position the new data entry will

+                                 be added. If Context is NULL,the new entry will

+                                 be appended the end of database.


+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  One or more of the following are TRUE:

+                                   - Selector is not NULL and its LocalAddress

+                                     is NULL or its RemoteAddress is NULL.

+                                   - Data is not NULL, its Action is Protected,

+                                     and its policy is NULL.

+                                   - Data is not NULL and its Action is not protected

+                                     and its policy is not NULL.

+                                   - The Action of Data is Protected, its policy

+                                     mode is Tunnel, and its tunnel option is NULL.

+                                   - The Action of Data is protected, its policy

+                                     mode is not Tunnel, and it tunnel option is not NULL.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCED  The required system resource could not be allocated.

+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The specified configuration data was obtained successfully.




+SetSpdEntry (


+  IN VOID                            *Data,

+  IN VOID                            *Context OPTIONAL

+  );



+  Set the security association information for the EFI IPsec driver.


+  The IPsec configuration data has a unique selector/identifier separately to

+  identify a data entry.


+  @param[in]  Selector           Pointer to an entry selector on operated

+                                 configuration data specified by DataType.

+                                 A NULL Selector causes the entire specified-type

+                                 configuration information to be flushed.

+  @param[in]  Data               The data buffer to be set. The structure

+                                 of the data buffer should be EFI_IPSEC_SA_DATA.

+  @param[in]  Context            Pointer to one entry selector which describes

+                                 the expected position the new data entry will

+                                 be added. If Context is NULL,the new entry will

+                                 be appended to the end of database.


+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCED  The required system resource could not be allocated.

+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The specified configuration data was obtained successfully.




+SetSadEntry (


+  IN VOID                            *Data,

+  IN VOID                            *Context OPTIONAL

+  );



+  Set the peer authorization configuration information for the EFI IPsec driver.


+  The IPsec configuration data has a unique selector/identifier separately to

+  identify a data entry.


+  @param[in]  Selector           Pointer to an entry selector on operated

+                                 configuration data specified by DataType.

+                                 A NULL Selector causes the entire specified-type

+                                 configuration information to be flushed.

+  @param[in]  Data               The data buffer to be set. The structure

+                                 of the data buffer should be EFI_IPSEC_PAD_DATA.

+  @param[in]  Context            Pointer to one entry selector that describes

+                                 the expected position where the new data entry will

+                                 be added. If Context is NULL, the new entry will

+                                 be appended the end of database.


+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCED  The required system resource could not be allocated.

+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The specified configuration data was obtained successfully.




+SetPadEntry (


+  IN VOID                            *Data,

+  IN VOID                            *Context OPTIONAL

+  );



+  This function looks up the data entry from IPsec SPD, and returns the configuration

+  value of the specified SPD Entry.


+  @param[in]      Selector      Pointer to an entry selector which is an identifier

+                                of the SPD entry.

+  @param[in, out] DataSize      On output the size of data returned in Data.

+  @param[out]     Data          The buffer to return the contents of the IPsec

+                                configuration data. The type of the data buffer

+                                is associated with the DataType.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The specified configuration data was obtained successfully.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Data is NULL and *DataSize is not zero.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         The configuration data specified by Selector is not found.

+  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  The DataSize is too small for the result. DataSize has been

+                                updated with the size needed to complete the request.




+GetSpdEntry (


+  IN OUT UINTN                        *DataSize,

+     OUT VOID                         *Data

+  );



+  This function looks up the data entry from IPsec SAD and returns the configuration

+  value of the specified SAD Entry.


+  @param[in]      Selector      Pointer to an entry selector that is an identifier

+                                of the SAD entry.

+  @param[in, out] DataSize      On output, the size of data returned in Data.

+  @param[out]     Data          The buffer to return the contents of the IPsec

+                                configuration data. This type of the data buffer

+                                is associated with the DataType.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The specified configuration data was obtained successfully.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         The configuration data specified by Selector is not found.

+  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  The DataSize is too small for the result. DataSize has been

+                                updated with the size needed to complete the request.




+GetSadEntry (


+  IN OUT UINTN                       *DataSize,

+     OUT VOID                        *Data

+  );



+  This function looks up the data entry from IPsec PADand returns the configuration

+  value of the specified PAD Entry.


+  @param[in]      Selector      Pointer to an entry selector that  is an identifier

+                                of the PAD entry.

+  @param[in, out] DataSize      On output the size of data returned in Data.

+  @param[out]     Data          The buffer to return the contents of the IPsec

+                                configuration data. This type of the data buffer

+                                is associated with the DataType.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The specified configuration data was obtained successfully.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         The configuration data specified by Selector is not found.

+  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  The DataSize is too small for the result. DataSize has been

+                                updated with the size needed to complete the request.




+GetPadEntry (


+  IN OUT UINTN                       *DataSize,

+     OUT VOID                        *Data

+  );



+  Return the configuration value for the EFI IPsec driver.


+  This function lookup the data entry from IPsec database or IKEv2 configuration

+  information. The expected data type and unique identification are described in

+  DataType and Selector parameters.


+  @param[in]      This          Pointer to the EFI_IPSEC_CONFIG_PROTOCOL instance.

+  @param[in]      DataType      The type of data to retrieve.

+  @param[in]      Selector      Pointer to an entry selector that is an identifier of the IPsec

+                                configuration data entry.

+  @param[in, out] DataSize      On output the size of data returned in Data.

+  @param[out]     Data          The buffer to return the contents of the IPsec configuration data.

+                                The type of the data buffer is associated with the DataType.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The specified configuration data was obtained successfully.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the followings are TRUE:

+                                - This is NULL.

+                                - Selector is NULL.

+                                - DataSize is NULL.

+                                - Data is NULL and *DataSize is not zero

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         The configuration data specified by Selector is not found.

+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The specified DataType is not supported.

+  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  The DataSize is too small for the result. DataSize has been

+                                updated with the size needed to complete the request.





+EfiIpSecConfigGetData (




+  IN OUT UINTN                        *DataSize,

+     OUT VOID                         *Data

+  );



+  Set the security association, security policy and peer authorization configuration

+  information for the EFI IPsec driver.


+  This function is used to set the IPsec configuration information of type DataType for

+  the EFI IPsec driver.

+  The IPsec configuration data has a unique selector/identifier separately to identify

+  a data entry. The selector structure depends on DataType's definition.

+  Using SetData() with a Data of NULL causes the IPsec configuration data entry identified

+  by DataType and Selector to be deleted.


+  @param[in] This               Pointer to the EFI_IPSEC_CONFIG_PROTOCOL instance.

+  @param[in] DataType           The type of data to be set.

+  @param[in] Selector           Pointer to an entry selector on operated configuration data

+                                specified by DataType. A NULL Selector causes the entire

+                                specified-type configuration information to be flushed.

+  @param[in] Data               The data buffer to be set. The structure of the data buffer is

+                                associated with the DataType.

+  @param[in] InsertBefore       Pointer to one entry selector which describes the expected

+                                position the new data entry will be added. If InsertBefore is NULL,

+                                the new entry will be appended the end of database.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The specified configuration entry data was set successfully.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following are TRUE:

+                                - This is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The specified DataType is not supported.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCED  The required system resource could not be allocated.





+EfiIpSecConfigSetData (




+  IN VOID                             *Data,


+  );



+  Enumerates the current selector for IPsec configuration data entry.


+  This function is called multiple times to retrieve the entry Selector in IPsec

+  configuration database. On each call to GetNextSelector(), the next entry

+  Selector are retrieved into the output interface.


+  If the entire IPsec configuration database has been iterated, the error

+  EFI_NOT_FOUND is returned.

+  If the Selector buffer is too small for the next Selector copy, an

+  EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL error is returned, and SelectorSize is updated to reflect

+  the size of buffer needed.


+  On the initial call to GetNextSelector() to start the IPsec configuration database

+  search, a pointer to the buffer with all zero value is passed in Selector. Calls

+  to SetData() between calls to GetNextSelector may produce unpredictable results.


+  @param[in]      This          Pointer to the EFI_IPSEC_CONFIG_PROTOCOL instance.

+  @param[in]      DataType      The type of IPsec configuration data to retrieve.

+  @param[in, out] SelectorSize  The size of the Selector buffer.

+  @param[in, out] Selector      On input, supplies the pointer to last Selector that was

+                                returned by GetNextSelector().

+                                On output, returns one copy of the current entry Selector

+                                of a given DataType.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The specified configuration data was obtained successfully.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the followings are TRUE:

+                                - This is NULL.

+                                - SelectorSize is NULL.

+                                - Selector is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         The next configuration data entry was not found.

+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The specified DataType is not supported.

+  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  The SelectorSize is too small for the result. This parameter

+                                has been updated with the size needed to complete the search

+                                request.





+EfiIpSecConfigGetNextSelector (



+  IN OUT UINTN                        *SelectorSize,


+  );



+  Register an event that is to be signaled whenever a configuration process on the

+  specified IPsec configuration information is done.


+  The register function is not surpport now and always returns EFI_UNSUPPORTED.


+  @param[in] This               Pointer to the EFI_IPSEC_CONFIG_PROTOCOL instance.

+  @param[in] DataType           The type of data to be registered the event for.

+  @param[in] Event              The event to be registered.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The event is registered successfully.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This is NULL, or Event is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     The Event is already registered for the DataType.

+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The notify registration unsupported, or the specified

+                                DataType is not supported.





+EfiIpSecConfigRegisterNotify (



+  IN EFI_EVENT                        Event

+  );




+  Remove the specified event that was previously registered on the specified IPsec

+  configuration data.


+  This function is not supported now and always returns EFI_UNSUPPORTED.


+  @param[in] This               Pointer to the EFI_IPSEC_CONFIG_PROTOCOL instance.

+  @param[in] DataType           The configuration data type to remove the registered event for.

+  @param[in] Event              The event to be unregistered.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The event was removed successfully.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         The Event specified by DataType could not be found in the

+                                database.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This is NULL or Event is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The notify registration unsupported or the specified

+                                DataType is not supported.





+EfiIpSecConfigUnregisterNotify (



+  IN EFI_EVENT                        Event

+  );


+extern LIST_ENTRY   mConfigData[IPsecConfigDataTypeMaximum];

