doc: Replace DocBook with sphinx-based docs

The Linux kernel moved to sphinx-based documentation and got rid of the
DocBook based documentation quite a while ago. Hence, the DocBook
documentation for U-Boot should be converted as well.

To achieve this, import the necessary files from Linux v4.17, and
convert the current DocBook documentation (three files altogether) to

For now, all old DocBook documentation was merged into a single
handbook, tentatively named "U-Boot Hacker Manual".

For some source files, the documentation style was changed to comply
with kernel-doc; no functional changes were applied.

Signed-off-by: Mario Six <>
diff --git a/Documentation/sphinx/ b/Documentation/sphinx/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f523aa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/sphinx/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
+# pylint: disable=R0903, C0330, R0914, R0912, E0401
+    kernel-include
+    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    Implementation of the ``kernel-include`` reST-directive.
+    :copyright:  Copyright (C) 2016  Markus Heiser
+    :license:    GPL Version 2, June 1991 see linux/COPYING for details.
+    The ``kernel-include`` reST-directive is a replacement for the ``include``
+    directive. The ``kernel-include`` directive expand environment variables in
+    the path name and allows to include files from arbitrary locations.
+    .. hint::
+      Including files from arbitrary locations (e.g. from ``/etc``) is a
+      security risk for builders. This is why the ``include`` directive from
+      docutils *prohibit* pathnames pointing to locations *above* the filesystem
+      tree where the reST document with the include directive is placed.
+    Substrings of the form $name or ${name} are replaced by the value of
+    environment variable name. Malformed variable names and references to
+    non-existing variables are left unchanged.
+# ==============================================================================
+# imports
+# ==============================================================================
+import os.path
+from docutils import io, nodes, statemachine
+from docutils.utils.error_reporting import SafeString, ErrorString
+from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
+from docutils.parsers.rst.directives.body import CodeBlock, NumberLines
+from docutils.parsers.rst.directives.misc import Include
+__version__  = '1.0'
+# ==============================================================================
+def setup(app):
+# ==============================================================================
+    app.add_directive("kernel-include", KernelInclude)
+    return dict(
+        version = __version__,
+        parallel_read_safe = True,
+        parallel_write_safe = True
+    )
+# ==============================================================================
+class KernelInclude(Include):
+# ==============================================================================
+    u"""KernelInclude (``kernel-include``) directive"""
+    def run(self):
+        path = os.path.realpath(
+            os.path.expandvars(self.arguments[0]))
+        # to get a bit security back, prohibit /etc:
+        if path.startswith(os.sep + "etc"):
+            raise self.severe(
+                'Problems with "%s" directive, prohibited path: %s'
+                % (, path))
+        self.arguments[0] = path
+        #return super(KernelInclude, self).run() # won't work, see HINTs in _run()
+        return self._run()
+    def _run(self):
+        """Include a file as part of the content of this reST file."""
+        # HINT: I had to copy&paste the whole method. I'am not happy
+        # with this, but due to security reasons, the method does
+        # not allow absolute or relative pathnames pointing to locations *above*
+        # the filesystem tree where the reST document is placed.
+        if not self.state.document.settings.file_insertion_enabled:
+            raise self.warning('"%s" directive disabled.' %
+        source = self.state_machine.input_lines.source(
+            self.lineno - self.state_machine.input_offset - 1)
+        source_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(source))
+        path = directives.path(self.arguments[0])
+        if path.startswith('<') and path.endswith('>'):
+            path = os.path.join(self.standard_include_path, path[1:-1])
+        path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(source_dir, path))
+        # HINT: this is the only line I had to change / commented out:
+        #path = utils.relative_path(None, path)
+        path = nodes.reprunicode(path)
+        encoding = self.options.get(
+            'encoding', self.state.document.settings.input_encoding)
+        e_handler=self.state.document.settings.input_encoding_error_handler
+        tab_width = self.options.get(
+            'tab-width', self.state.document.settings.tab_width)
+        try:
+            self.state.document.settings.record_dependencies.add(path)
+            include_file = io.FileInput(source_path=path,
+                                        encoding=encoding,
+                                        error_handler=e_handler)
+        except UnicodeEncodeError as error:
+            raise self.severe('Problems with "%s" directive path:\n'
+                              'Cannot encode input file path "%s" '
+                              '(wrong locale?).' %
+                              (, SafeString(path)))
+        except IOError as error:
+            raise self.severe('Problems with "%s" directive path:\n%s.' %
+                      (, ErrorString(error)))
+        startline = self.options.get('start-line', None)
+        endline = self.options.get('end-line', None)
+        try:
+            if startline or (endline is not None):
+                lines = include_file.readlines()
+                rawtext = ''.join(lines[startline:endline])
+            else:
+                rawtext =
+        except UnicodeError as error:
+            raise self.severe('Problem with "%s" directive:\n%s' %
+                              (, ErrorString(error)))
+        # start-after/end-before: no restrictions on newlines in match-text,
+        # and no restrictions on matching inside lines vs. line boundaries
+        after_text = self.options.get('start-after', None)
+        if after_text:
+            # skip content in rawtext before *and incl.* a matching text
+            after_index = rawtext.find(after_text)
+            if after_index < 0:
+                raise self.severe('Problem with "start-after" option of "%s" '
+                                  'directive:\nText not found.' %
+            rawtext = rawtext[after_index + len(after_text):]
+        before_text = self.options.get('end-before', None)
+        if before_text:
+            # skip content in rawtext after *and incl.* a matching text
+            before_index = rawtext.find(before_text)
+            if before_index < 0:
+                raise self.severe('Problem with "end-before" option of "%s" '
+                                  'directive:\nText not found.' %
+            rawtext = rawtext[:before_index]
+        include_lines = statemachine.string2lines(rawtext, tab_width,
+                                                  convert_whitespace=True)
+        if 'literal' in self.options:
+            # Convert tabs to spaces, if `tab_width` is positive.
+            if tab_width >= 0:
+                text = rawtext.expandtabs(tab_width)
+            else:
+                text = rawtext
+            literal_block = nodes.literal_block(rawtext, source=path,
+                                    classes=self.options.get('class', []))
+            literal_block.line = 1
+            self.add_name(literal_block)
+            if 'number-lines' in self.options:
+                try:
+                    startline = int(self.options['number-lines'] or 1)
+                except ValueError:
+                    raise self.error(':number-lines: with non-integer '
+                                     'start value')
+                endline = startline + len(include_lines)
+                if text.endswith('\n'):
+                    text = text[:-1]
+                tokens = NumberLines([([], text)], startline, endline)
+                for classes, value in tokens:
+                    if classes:
+                        literal_block += nodes.inline(value, value,
+                                                      classes=classes)
+                    else:
+                        literal_block += nodes.Text(value, value)
+            else:
+                literal_block += nodes.Text(text, text)
+            return [literal_block]
+        if 'code' in self.options:
+            self.options['source'] = path
+            codeblock = CodeBlock(,
+                                  [self.options.pop('code')], # arguments
+                                  self.options,
+                                  include_lines, # content
+                                  self.lineno,
+                                  self.content_offset,
+                                  self.block_text,
+                                  self.state,
+                                  self.state_machine)
+            return
+        self.state_machine.insert_input(include_lines, path)
+        return []