buildman: Split out Boards into its own file

Use a separate file for the Boards class so that its name matches the
module name.

Fix up the function names to match the pylint style and fix some other

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>
diff --git a/tools/buildman/ b/tools/buildman/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec143f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/buildman/
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors.
+"""Maintains a list of boards and allows them to be selected"""
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import re
+from buildman import board
+class Expr:
+    """A single regular expression for matching boards to build"""
+    def __init__(self, expr):
+        """Set up a new Expr object.
+        Args:
+            expr: String cotaining regular expression to store
+        """
+        self._expr = expr
+        self._re = re.compile(expr)
+    def matches(self, props):
+        """Check if any of the properties match the regular expression.
+        Args:
+           props: List of properties to check
+        Returns:
+           True if any of the properties match the regular expression
+        """
+        for prop in props:
+            if self._re.match(prop):
+                return True
+        return False
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self._expr
+class Term:
+    """A list of expressions each of which must match with properties.
+    This provides a list of 'AND' expressions, meaning that each must
+    match the board properties for that board to be built.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._expr_list = []
+        self._board_count = 0
+    def add_expr(self, expr):
+        """Add an Expr object to the list to check.
+        Args:
+            expr: New Expr object to add to the list of those that must
+                  match for a board to be built.
+        """
+        self._expr_list.append(Expr(expr))
+    def __str__(self):
+        """Return some sort of useful string describing the term"""
+        return '&'.join([str(expr) for expr in self._expr_list])
+    def matches(self, props):
+        """Check if any of the properties match this term
+        Each of the expressions in the term is checked. All must match.
+        Args:
+           props: List of properties to check
+        Returns:
+           True if all of the expressions in the Term match, else False
+        """
+        for expr in self._expr_list:
+            if not expr.matches(props):
+                return False
+        return True
+class Boards:
+    """Manage a list of boards."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        # Use a simple list here, sinc OrderedDict requires Python 2.7
+        self._boards = []
+    def add_board(self, brd):
+        """Add a new board to the list.
+        The board's target member must not already exist in the board list.
+        Args:
+            brd: board to add
+        """
+        self._boards.append(brd)
+    def read_boards(self, fname):
+        """Read a list of boards from a board file.
+        Create a Board object for each and add it to our _boards list.
+        Args:
+            fname: Filename of boards.cfg file
+        """
+        with open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as inf:
+            for line in inf:
+                if line[0] == '#':
+                    continue
+                fields = line.split()
+                if not fields:
+                    continue
+                for upto, field in enumerate(fields):
+                    if field == '-':
+                        fields[upto] = ''
+                while len(fields) < 8:
+                    fields.append('')
+                if len(fields) > 8:
+                    fields = fields[:8]
+                brd = board.Board(*fields)
+                self.add_board(brd)
+    def get_list(self):
+        """Return a list of available boards.
+        Returns:
+            List of Board objects
+        """
+        return self._boards
+    def get_dict(self):
+        """Build a dictionary containing all the boards.
+        Returns:
+            Dictionary:
+                key is
+                value is board
+        """
+        board_dict = OrderedDict()
+        for brd in self._boards:
+            board_dict[] = brd
+        return board_dict
+    def get_selected_dict(self):
+        """Return a dictionary containing the selected boards
+        Returns:
+            List of Board objects that are marked selected
+        """
+        board_dict = OrderedDict()
+        for brd in self._boards:
+            if brd.build_it:
+                board_dict[] = brd
+        return board_dict
+    def get_selected(self):
+        """Return a list of selected boards
+        Returns:
+            List of Board objects that are marked selected
+        """
+        return [brd for brd in self._boards if brd.build_it]
+    def get_selected_names(self):
+        """Return a list of selected boards
+        Returns:
+            List of board names that are marked selected
+        """
+        return [ for brd in self._boards if brd.build_it]
+    @classmethod
+    def _build_terms(cls, args):
+        """Convert command line arguments to a list of terms.
+        This deals with parsing of the arguments. It handles the '&'
+        operator, which joins several expressions into a single Term.
+        For example:
+            ['arm & freescale sandbox', 'tegra']
+        will produce 3 Terms containing expressions as follows:
+            arm, freescale
+            sandbox
+            tegra
+        The first Term has two expressions, both of which must match for
+        a board to be selected.
+        Args:
+            args: List of command line arguments
+        Returns:
+            A list of Term objects
+        """
+        syms = []
+        for arg in args:
+            for word in arg.split():
+                sym_build = []
+                for term in word.split('&'):
+                    if term:
+                        sym_build.append(term)
+                    sym_build.append('&')
+                syms += sym_build[:-1]
+        terms = []
+        term = None
+        oper = None
+        for sym in syms:
+            if sym == '&':
+                oper = sym
+            elif oper:
+                term.add_expr(sym)
+                oper = None
+            else:
+                if term:
+                    terms.append(term)
+                term = Term()
+                term.add_expr(sym)
+        if term:
+            terms.append(term)
+        return terms
+    def select_boards(self, args, exclude=None, brds=None):
+        """Mark boards selected based on args
+        Normally either boards (an explicit list of boards) or args (a list of
+        terms to match against) is used. It is possible to specify both, in
+        which case they are additive.
+        If brds and args are both empty, all boards are selected.
+        Args:
+            args: List of strings specifying boards to include, either named,
+                  or by their target, architecture, cpu, vendor or soc. If
+                  empty, all boards are selected.
+            exclude: List of boards to exclude, regardless of 'args'
+            brds: List of boards to build
+        Returns:
+            Tuple
+                Dictionary which holds the list of boards which were selected
+                    due to each argument, arranged by argument.
+                List of errors found
+        """
+        result = OrderedDict()
+        warnings = []
+        terms = self._build_terms(args)
+        result['all'] = []
+        for term in terms:
+            result[str(term)] = []
+        exclude_list = []
+        if exclude:
+            for expr in exclude:
+                exclude_list.append(Expr(expr))
+        found = []
+        for brd in self._boards:
+            matching_term = None
+            build_it = False
+            if terms:
+                for term in terms:
+                    if term.matches(brd.props):
+                        matching_term = str(term)
+                        build_it = True
+                        break
+            elif brds:
+                if in brds:
+                    build_it = True
+                    found.append(
+            else:
+                build_it = True
+            # Check that it is not specifically excluded
+            for expr in exclude_list:
+                if expr.matches(brd.props):
+                    build_it = False
+                    break
+            if build_it:
+                brd.build_it = True
+                if matching_term:
+                    result[matching_term].append(
+                result['all'].append(
+        if brds:
+            remaining = set(brds) - set(found)
+            if remaining:
+                warnings.append(f"Boards not found: {', '.join(remaining)}\n")
+        return result, warnings