efi_loader, pytest: set up secure boot environment

A fixture for UEFI secure boot tests (image authentication and variable
authentication) is defined. A small file system with test data in a single
partition formatted in fat is created.

This test requires efitools v1.5.2 or later. If the system's efitools
is older, you have to build it on your own and define EFITOOLS_PATH.

Signed-off-by: AKASHI Takahiro <takahiro.akashi@linaro.org>
diff --git a/test/py/README.md b/test/py/README.md
index 2e50252..fddc104 100644
--- a/test/py/README.md
+++ b/test/py/README.md
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 | openssl        |
 | sudo OR guestmount |
 | e2fsprogs      |
+| util-linux     |
+| coreutils      |
 | dosfstools     |
+| efitools       |
+| mount          |
+| mtools         |
+| sbsigntool     |
+| udisks2        |
 Please use the apporirate commands for your distribution to match these tools
 up with the package that provides them.
diff --git a/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/conftest.py b/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/conftest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e542fef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/conftest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier:      GPL-2.0+
+# Copyright (c) 2019, Linaro Limited
+# Author: AKASHI Takahiro <takahiro.akashi@linaro.org>
+import os
+import os.path
+import pytest
+import re
+from subprocess import call, check_call, check_output, CalledProcessError
+from defs import *
+# from test/py/conftest.py
+def tool_is_in_path(tool):
+    for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
+        fn = os.path.join(path, tool)
+        if os.path.isfile(fn) and os.access(fn, os.X_OK):
+            return True
+    return False
+# Fixture for UEFI secure boot test
+def efi_boot_env(request, u_boot_config):
+    """Set up a file system to be used in UEFI secure boot test.
+    Args:
+        request: Pytest request object.
+	u_boot_config: U-boot configuration.
+    Return:
+        A path to disk image to be used for testing
+    """
+    global HELLO_PATH
+    image_path = u_boot_config.persistent_data_dir
+    image_path = image_path + '/' + EFI_SECBOOT_IMAGE_NAME
+    image_size = EFI_SECBOOT_IMAGE_SIZE
+    part_size = EFI_SECBOOT_PART_SIZE
+    fs_type = EFI_SECBOOT_FS_TYPE
+    if HELLO_PATH == '':
+        HELLO_PATH = u_boot_config.build_dir + '/lib/efi_loader/helloworld.efi'
+    try:
+        non_root = tool_is_in_path('udisksctl')
+        # create a disk/partition
+        check_call('dd if=/dev/zero of=%s bs=1MiB count=%d'
+                            % (image_path, image_size), shell=True)
+        check_call('sgdisk %s -n 1:0:+%dMiB'
+                            % (image_path, part_size), shell=True)
+        # create a file system
+        check_call('dd if=/dev/zero of=%s.tmp bs=1MiB count=%d'
+                            % (image_path, part_size), shell=True)
+        check_call('mkfs -t %s %s.tmp' % (fs_type, image_path), shell=True)
+        check_call('dd if=%s.tmp of=%s bs=1MiB seek=1 count=%d conv=notrunc'
+                            % (image_path, image_path, 1), shell=True)
+        check_call('rm %s.tmp' % image_path, shell=True)
+        if non_root:
+            out_data = check_output('udisksctl loop-setup -f %s -o %d'
+                                % (image_path, 1048576), shell=True).decode()
+            m = re.search('(?<= as )(.*)\.', out_data)
+            loop_dev = m.group(1)
+            # print 'loop device is: %s' % loop_dev
+            out_data = check_output('udisksctl info -b %s'
+                                % loop_dev, shell=True).decode()
+            m = re.search('MountPoints:[ \t]+(.*)', out_data)
+            mnt_point = m.group(1)
+        else:
+            loop_dev = check_output('sudo losetup -o 1MiB --sizelimit %dMiB --show -f %s | tr -d "\n"'
+                                % (part_size, image_path), shell=True).decode()
+            mnt_point = '/mnt'
+            check_output('sudo mount -t %s -o umask=000 %s %s'
+                                % (fs_type, loop_dev, mnt_point), shell=True)
+        # print 'mount point is: %s' % mnt_point
+        # suffix
+        # *.key: RSA private key in PEM
+        # *.crt: X509 certificate (self-signed) in PEM
+        # *.esl: signature list
+        # *.hash: message digest of image as signature list
+        # *.auth: signed signature list in signature database format
+        # *.efi: UEFI image
+        # *.efi.signed: signed UEFI image
+        # Create signature database
+        ## PK
+        check_call('cd %s; openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj /CN=TEST_PK/ -keyout PK.key -out PK.crt -nodes -days 365'
+                            % mnt_point, shell=True)
+        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s PK.crt PK.esl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c PK.crt -k PK.key PK PK.esl PK.auth'
+                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
+                            shell=True)
+        ## PK_null for deletion
+        check_call('cd %s; sleep 2; touch PK_null.esl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c PK.crt -k PK.key PK PK_null.esl PK_null.auth'
+                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH), shell=True)
+        ## KEK
+        check_call('cd %s; openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj /CN=TEST_KEK/ -keyout KEK.key -out KEK.crt -nodes -days 365'
+                            % mnt_point, shell=True)
+        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s KEK.crt KEK.esl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c PK.crt -k PK.key KEK KEK.esl KEK.auth'
+                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
+                            shell=True)
+        ## db
+        check_call('cd %s; openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj /CN=TEST_db/ -keyout db.key -out db.crt -nodes -days 365'
+                            % mnt_point, shell=True)
+        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s db.crt db.esl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key db db.esl db.auth'
+                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
+                            shell=True)
+        ## db1
+        check_call('cd %s; openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj /CN=TEST_db1/ -keyout db1.key -out db1.crt -nodes -days 365'
+                            % mnt_point, shell=True)
+        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s db1.crt db1.esl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key db db1.esl db1.auth'
+                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
+                            shell=True)
+        ## db1-update
+        check_call('cd %s; %ssign-efi-sig-list -a -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key db db1.esl db1-update.auth'
+                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH), shell=True)
+        ## dbx
+        check_call('cd %s; openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj /CN=TEST_dbx/ -keyout dbx.key -out dbx.crt -nodes -days 365'
+                            % mnt_point, shell=True)
+        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s dbx.crt dbx.esl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key dbx dbx.esl dbx.auth'
+                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
+                            shell=True)
+        # Copy image
+        check_call('cp %s %s' % (HELLO_PATH, mnt_point), shell=True)
+        ## Sign image
+        check_call('cd %s; sbsign --key db.key --cert db.crt helloworld.efi'
+                            % mnt_point, shell=True)
+        ## Digest image
+        check_call('cd %s; %shash-to-efi-sig-list helloworld.efi db_hello.hash; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key db db_hello.hash db_hello.auth'
+                            % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, EFITOOLS_PATH),
+                            shell=True)
+        if non_root:
+            check_call('udisksctl unmount -b %s' % loop_dev, shell=True)
+            # not needed
+            # check_call('udisksctl loop-delete -b %s' % loop_dev, shell=True)
+        else:
+            check_call('sudo umount %s' % loop_dev, shell=True)
+            check_call('sudo losetup -d %s' % loop_dev, shell=True)
+    except CalledProcessError as e:
+        pytest.skip('Setup failed: %s' % e.cmd)
+        return
+    else:
+        yield image_path
+    finally:
+        call('rm -f %s' % image_path, shell=True)
diff --git a/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/defs.py b/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/defs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d622280
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/defs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier:      GPL-2.0+
+# Disk image name
+# Size in MiB
+# Partition file system type
+# Owner guid
+# v1.5.1 or earlier of efitools has a bug in sha256 calculation, and
+# you need build a newer version on your own.
+# Hello World application for sandbox