blob: bf6e9ed6c355f3f4dd64e5078654e949ce74c2aa [file] [log] [blame]
Simon Glass4f443042016-11-25 20:15:52 -07001#
2# Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc
3# Written by Simon Glass <>
5# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
7# To run a single test, change to this directory, and:
9# python -m unittest func_test.TestFunctional.testHelp
11from optparse import OptionParser
12import os
13import shutil
14import struct
15import sys
16import tempfile
17import unittest
19import binman
20import cmdline
21import command
22import control
23import entry
24import fdt_select
25import fdt_util
26import tools
27import tout
29# Contents of test files, corresponding to different entry types
30U_BOOT_DATA = '1234'
31U_BOOT_IMG_DATA = 'img'
32U_BOOT_SPL_DATA = '567'
33BLOB_DATA = '89'
34ME_DATA = '0abcd'
35VGA_DATA = 'vga'
36U_BOOT_DTB_DATA = 'udtb'
37X86_START16_DATA = 'start16'
38U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA = 'nodtb with microcode pointer somewhere in here'
40class TestFunctional(unittest.TestCase):
41 """Functional tests for binman
43 Most of these use a sample .dts file to build an image and then check
44 that it looks correct. The sample files are in the test/ subdirectory
45 and are numbered.
47 For each entry type a very small test file is created using fixed
48 string contents. This makes it easy to test that things look right, and
49 debug problems.
51 In some cases a 'real' file must be used - these are also supplied in
52 the test/ diurectory.
53 """
54 @classmethod
55 def setUpClass(self):
56 # Handle the case where argv[0] is 'python'
57 self._binman_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
58 self._binman_pathname = os.path.join(self._binman_dir, 'binman')
60 # Create a temporary directory for input files
61 self._indir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='binmant.')
63 # Create some test files
64 TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot.bin', U_BOOT_DATA)
65 TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot.img', U_BOOT_IMG_DATA)
66 TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('spl/u-boot-spl.bin', U_BOOT_SPL_DATA)
67 TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('blobfile', BLOB_DATA)
68 TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot.dtb', U_BOOT_DTB_DATA)
69 TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot-nodtb.bin', U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA)
70 self._output_setup = False
72 @classmethod
73 def tearDownClass(self):
74 """Remove the temporary input directory and its contents"""
75 if self._indir:
76 shutil.rmtree(self._indir)
77 self._indir = None
79 def setUp(self):
80 # Enable this to turn on debugging output
81 # tout.Init(tout.DEBUG)
82 command.test_result = None
84 def tearDown(self):
85 """Remove the temporary output directory"""
86 tools._FinaliseForTest()
88 def _RunBinman(self, *args, **kwargs):
89 """Run binman using the command line
91 Args:
92 Arguments to pass, as a list of strings
93 kwargs: Arguments to pass to Command.RunPipe()
94 """
95 result = command.RunPipe([[self._binman_pathname] + list(args)],
96 capture=True, capture_stderr=True, raise_on_error=False)
97 if result.return_code and kwargs.get('raise_on_error', True):
98 raise Exception("Error running '%s': %s" % (' '.join(args),
99 result.stdout + result.stderr))
100 return result
102 def _DoBinman(self, *args):
103 """Run binman using directly (in the same process)
105 Args:
106 Arguments to pass, as a list of strings
107 Returns:
108 Return value (0 for success)
109 """
110 (options, args) = cmdline.ParseArgs(list(args))
111 options.pager = 'binman-invalid-pager'
112 options.build_dir = self._indir
114 # For testing, you can force an increase in verbosity here
115 # options.verbosity = tout.DEBUG
116 return control.Binman(options, args)
118 def _DoTestFile(self, fname):
119 """Run binman with a given test file
121 Args:
122 fname: Device tree source filename to use (e.g. 05_simple.dts)
123 """
124 return self._DoBinman('-p', '-I', self._indir,
125 '-d', self.TestFile(fname))
127 def _SetupDtb(self, fname, outfile='u-boot.dtb'):
128 if not self._output_setup:
129 tools.PrepareOutputDir(self._indir, True)
130 self._output_setup = True
131 dtb = fdt_util.EnsureCompiled(self.TestFile(fname))
132 with open(dtb) as fd:
133 data =
134 TestFunctional._MakeInputFile(outfile, data)
136 def _DoReadFile(self, fname, use_real_dtb=False):
137 """Run binman and return the resulting image
139 This runs binman with a given test file and then reads the resulting
140 output file. It is a shortcut function since most tests need to do
141 these steps.
143 Raises an assertion failure if binman returns a non-zero exit code.
145 Args:
146 fname: Device tree source filename to use (e.g. 05_simple.dts)
147 use_real_dtb: True to use the test file as the contents of
148 the u-boot-dtb entry. Normally this is not needed and the
149 test contents (the U_BOOT_DTB_DATA string) can be used.
150 But in some test we need the real contents.
151 """
152 # Use the compiled test file as the u-boot-dtb input
153 if use_real_dtb:
154 self._SetupDtb(fname)
156 try:
157 retcode = self._DoTestFile(fname)
158 self.assertEqual(0, retcode)
160 # Find the (only) image, read it and return its contents
161 image = control.images['image']
162 fname = tools.GetOutputFilename('image.bin')
163 self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname))
164 with open(fname) as fd:
165 return
166 finally:
167 # Put the test file back
168 if use_real_dtb:
169 TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('u-boot.dtb', U_BOOT_DTB_DATA)
171 @classmethod
172 def _MakeInputFile(self, fname, contents):
173 """Create a new test input file, creating directories as needed
175 Args:
176 fname: Filenaem to create
177 contents: File contents to write in to the file
178 Returns:
179 Full pathname of file created
180 """
181 pathname = os.path.join(self._indir, fname)
182 dirname = os.path.dirname(pathname)
183 if dirname and not os.path.exists(dirname):
184 os.makedirs(dirname)
185 with open(pathname, 'wb') as fd:
186 fd.write(contents)
187 return pathname
189 @classmethod
190 def TestFile(self, fname):
191 return os.path.join(self._binman_dir, 'test', fname)
193 def AssertInList(self, grep_list, target):
194 """Assert that at least one of a list of things is in a target
196 Args:
197 grep_list: List of strings to check
198 target: Target string
199 """
200 for grep in grep_list:
201 if grep in target:
202 return
203"Error: '%' not found in '%s'" % (grep_list, target))
205 def CheckNoGaps(self, entries):
206 """Check that all entries fit together without gaps
208 Args:
209 entries: List of entries to check
210 """
211 pos = 0
212 for entry in entries.values():
213 self.assertEqual(pos, entry.pos)
214 pos += entry.size
216 def testRun(self):
217 """Test a basic run with valid args"""
218 result = self._RunBinman('-h')
220 def testFullHelp(self):
221 """Test that the full help is displayed with -H"""
222 result = self._RunBinman('-H')
223 help_file = os.path.join(self._binman_dir, 'README')
224 self.assertEqual(len(result.stdout), os.path.getsize(help_file))
225 self.assertEqual(0, len(result.stderr))
226 self.assertEqual(0, result.return_code)
228 def testFullHelpInternal(self):
229 """Test that the full help is displayed with -H"""
230 try:
231 command.test_result = command.CommandResult()
232 result = self._DoBinman('-H')
233 help_file = os.path.join(self._binman_dir, 'README')
234 finally:
235 command.test_result = None
237 def testHelp(self):
238 """Test that the basic help is displayed with -h"""
239 result = self._RunBinman('-h')
240 self.assertTrue(len(result.stdout) > 200)
241 self.assertEqual(0, len(result.stderr))
242 self.assertEqual(0, result.return_code)
244 # Not yet available.
245 def testBoard(self):
246 """Test that we can run it with a specific board"""
247 self._SetupDtb('05_simple.dts', 'sandbox/u-boot.dtb')
248 TestFunctional._MakeInputFile('sandbox/u-boot.bin', U_BOOT_DATA)
249 result = self._DoBinman('-b', 'sandbox')
250 self.assertEqual(0, result)
252 def testNeedBoard(self):
253 """Test that we get an error when no board ius supplied"""
254 with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
255 result = self._DoBinman()
256 self.assertIn("Must provide a board to process (use -b <board>)",
257 str(e.exception))
259 def testMissingDt(self):
260 """Test that an invalid device tree file generates an error"""
261 with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e:
262 self._RunBinman('-d', 'missing_file')
263 # We get one error from libfdt, and a different one from fdtget.
264 self.AssertInList(["Couldn't open blob from 'missing_file'",
265 'No such file or directory'], str(e.exception))
267 def testBrokenDt(self):
268 """Test that an invalid device tree source file generates an error
270 Since this is a source file it should be compiled and the error
271 will come from the device-tree compiler (dtc).
272 """
273 with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e:
274 self._RunBinman('-d', self.TestFile('01_invalid.dts'))
275 self.assertIn("FATAL ERROR: Unable to parse input tree",
276 str(e.exception))
278 def testMissingNode(self):
279 """Test that a device tree without a 'binman' node generates an error"""
280 with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e:
281 self._DoBinman('-d', self.TestFile('02_missing_node.dts'))
282 self.assertIn("does not have a 'binman' node", str(e.exception))
284 def testEmpty(self):
285 """Test that an empty binman node works OK (i.e. does nothing)"""
286 result = self._RunBinman('-d', self.TestFile('03_empty.dts'))
287 self.assertEqual(0, len(result.stderr))
288 self.assertEqual(0, result.return_code)
290 def testInvalidEntry(self):
291 """Test that an invalid entry is flagged"""
292 with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e:
293 result = self._RunBinman('-d',
294 self.TestFile('04_invalid_entry.dts'))
295 #print e.exception
296 self.assertIn("Unknown entry type 'not-a-valid-type' in node "
297 "'/binman/not-a-valid-type'", str(e.exception))
299 def testSimple(self):
300 """Test a simple binman with a single file"""
301 data = self._DoReadFile('05_simple.dts')
302 self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, data)
304 def testDual(self):
305 """Test that we can handle creating two images
307 This also tests image padding.
308 """
309 retcode = self._DoTestFile('06_dual_image.dts')
310 self.assertEqual(0, retcode)
312 image = control.images['image1']
313 self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), image._size)
314 fname = tools.GetOutputFilename('image1.bin')
315 self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname))
316 with open(fname) as fd:
317 data =
318 self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, data)
320 image = control.images['image2']
321 self.assertEqual(3 + len(U_BOOT_DATA) + 5, image._size)
322 fname = tools.GetOutputFilename('image2.bin')
323 self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname))
324 with open(fname) as fd:
325 data =
326 self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DATA, data[3:7])
327 self.assertEqual(chr(0) * 3, data[:3])
328 self.assertEqual(chr(0) * 5, data[7:])
330 def testBadAlign(self):
331 """Test that an invalid alignment value is detected"""
332 with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
333 self._DoTestFile('07_bad_align.dts')
334 self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Alignment 23 must be a power "
335 "of two", str(e.exception))
337 def testPackSimple(self):
338 """Test that packing works as expected"""
339 retcode = self._DoTestFile('08_pack.dts')
340 self.assertEqual(0, retcode)
341 self.assertIn('image', control.images)
342 image = control.images['image']
343 entries = image._entries
344 self.assertEqual(5, len(entries))
346 # First u-boot
347 self.assertIn('u-boot', entries)
348 entry = entries['u-boot']
349 self.assertEqual(0, entry.pos)
350 self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size)
352 # Second u-boot, aligned to 16-byte boundary
353 self.assertIn('u-boot-align', entries)
354 entry = entries['u-boot-align']
355 self.assertEqual(16, entry.pos)
356 self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size)
358 # Third u-boot, size 23 bytes
359 self.assertIn('u-boot-size', entries)
360 entry = entries['u-boot-size']
361 self.assertEqual(20, entry.pos)
362 self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.contents_size)
363 self.assertEqual(23, entry.size)
365 # Fourth u-boot, placed immediate after the above
366 self.assertIn('u-boot-next', entries)
367 entry = entries['u-boot-next']
368 self.assertEqual(43, entry.pos)
369 self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size)
371 # Fifth u-boot, placed at a fixed position
372 self.assertIn('u-boot-fixed', entries)
373 entry = entries['u-boot-fixed']
374 self.assertEqual(61, entry.pos)
375 self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size)
377 self.assertEqual(65, image._size)
379 def testPackExtra(self):
380 """Test that extra packing feature works as expected"""
381 retcode = self._DoTestFile('09_pack_extra.dts')
383 self.assertEqual(0, retcode)
384 self.assertIn('image', control.images)
385 image = control.images['image']
386 entries = image._entries
387 self.assertEqual(5, len(entries))
389 # First u-boot with padding before and after
390 self.assertIn('u-boot', entries)
391 entry = entries['u-boot']
392 self.assertEqual(0, entry.pos)
393 self.assertEqual(3, entry.pad_before)
394 self.assertEqual(3 + 5 + len(U_BOOT_DATA), entry.size)
396 # Second u-boot has an aligned size, but it has no effect
397 self.assertIn('u-boot-align-size-nop', entries)
398 entry = entries['u-boot-align-size-nop']
399 self.assertEqual(12, entry.pos)
400 self.assertEqual(4, entry.size)
402 # Third u-boot has an aligned size too
403 self.assertIn('u-boot-align-size', entries)
404 entry = entries['u-boot-align-size']
405 self.assertEqual(16, entry.pos)
406 self.assertEqual(32, entry.size)
408 # Fourth u-boot has an aligned end
409 self.assertIn('u-boot-align-end', entries)
410 entry = entries['u-boot-align-end']
411 self.assertEqual(48, entry.pos)
412 self.assertEqual(16, entry.size)
414 # Fifth u-boot immediately afterwards
415 self.assertIn('u-boot-align-both', entries)
416 entry = entries['u-boot-align-both']
417 self.assertEqual(64, entry.pos)
418 self.assertEqual(64, entry.size)
420 self.CheckNoGaps(entries)
421 self.assertEqual(128, image._size)
423 def testPackAlignPowerOf2(self):
424 """Test that invalid entry alignment is detected"""
425 with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
426 self._DoTestFile('10_pack_align_power2.dts')
427 self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Alignment 5 must be a power "
428 "of two", str(e.exception))
430 def testPackAlignSizePowerOf2(self):
431 """Test that invalid entry size alignment is detected"""
432 with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
433 self._DoTestFile('11_pack_align_size_power2.dts')
434 self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Alignment size 55 must be a "
435 "power of two", str(e.exception))
437 def testPackInvalidAlign(self):
438 """Test detection of an position that does not match its alignment"""
439 with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
440 self._DoTestFile('12_pack_inv_align.dts')
441 self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Position 0x5 (5) does not match "
442 "align 0x4 (4)", str(e.exception))
444 def testPackInvalidSizeAlign(self):
445 """Test that invalid entry size alignment is detected"""
446 with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
447 self._DoTestFile('13_pack_inv_size_align.dts')
448 self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Size 0x5 (5) does not match "
449 "align-size 0x4 (4)", str(e.exception))
451 def testPackOverlap(self):
452 """Test that overlapping regions are detected"""
453 with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
454 self._DoTestFile('14_pack_overlap.dts')
455 self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-align': Position 0x3 (3) overlaps "
456 "with previous entry '/binman/u-boot' ending at 0x4 (4)",
457 str(e.exception))
459 def testPackEntryOverflow(self):
460 """Test that entries that overflow their size are detected"""
461 with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
462 self._DoTestFile('15_pack_overflow.dts')
463 self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot': Entry contents size is 0x4 (4) "
464 "but entry size is 0x3 (3)", str(e.exception))
466 def testPackImageOverflow(self):
467 """Test that entries which overflow the image size are detected"""
468 with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
469 self._DoTestFile('16_pack_image_overflow.dts')
470 self.assertIn("Image '/binman': contents size 0x4 (4) exceeds image "
471 "size 0x3 (3)", str(e.exception))
473 def testPackImageSize(self):
474 """Test that the image size can be set"""
475 retcode = self._DoTestFile('17_pack_image_size.dts')
476 self.assertEqual(0, retcode)
477 self.assertIn('image', control.images)
478 image = control.images['image']
479 self.assertEqual(7, image._size)
481 def testPackImageSizeAlign(self):
482 """Test that image size alignemnt works as expected"""
483 retcode = self._DoTestFile('18_pack_image_align.dts')
484 self.assertEqual(0, retcode)
485 self.assertIn('image', control.images)
486 image = control.images['image']
487 self.assertEqual(16, image._size)
489 def testPackInvalidImageAlign(self):
490 """Test that invalid image alignment is detected"""
491 with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
492 self._DoTestFile('19_pack_inv_image_align.dts')
493 self.assertIn("Image '/binman': Size 0x7 (7) does not match "
494 "align-size 0x8 (8)", str(e.exception))
496 def testPackAlignPowerOf2(self):
497 """Test that invalid image alignment is detected"""
498 with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
499 self._DoTestFile('20_pack_inv_image_align_power2.dts')
500 self.assertIn("Image '/binman': Alignment size 131 must be a power of "
501 "two", str(e.exception))
503 def testImagePadByte(self):
504 """Test that the image pad byte can be specified"""
505 data = self._DoReadFile('21_image_pad.dts')
506 self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_SPL_DATA + (chr(0xff) * 9) + U_BOOT_DATA, data)
508 def testImageName(self):
509 """Test that image files can be named"""
510 retcode = self._DoTestFile('22_image_name.dts')
511 self.assertEqual(0, retcode)
512 image = control.images['image1']
513 fname = tools.GetOutputFilename('test-name')
514 self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname))
516 image = control.images['image2']
517 fname = tools.GetOutputFilename('test-name.xx')
518 self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname))
520 def testBlobFilename(self):
521 """Test that generic blobs can be provided by filename"""
522 data = self._DoReadFile('23_blob.dts')
523 self.assertEqual(BLOB_DATA, data)
525 def testPackSorted(self):
526 """Test that entries can be sorted"""
527 data = self._DoReadFile('24_sorted.dts')
528 self.assertEqual(chr(0) * 5 + U_BOOT_SPL_DATA + chr(0) * 2 +
529 U_BOOT_DATA, data)
531 def testPackZeroPosition(self):
532 """Test that an entry at position 0 is not given a new position"""
533 with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
534 self._DoTestFile('25_pack_zero_size.dts')
535 self.assertIn("Node '/binman/u-boot-spl': Position 0x0 (0) overlaps "
536 "with previous entry '/binman/u-boot' ending at 0x4 (4)",
537 str(e.exception))
539 def testPackUbootDtb(self):
540 """Test that a device tree can be added to U-Boot"""
541 data = self._DoReadFile('26_pack_u_boot_dtb.dts')
542 self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_NODTB_DATA + U_BOOT_DTB_DATA, data)