hikey: Add UEFI sources for reference

UEFI needs to be built outside Android build system.
Please follow the instructions in README.

The sources correspond to:

Change-Id: Ieeefdb63e673e0c8e64e0a1f02c7bddc63b2c7fb
Signed-off-by: Vishal Bhoj <vishal.bhoj@linaro.org>
diff --git a/uefi/linaro-edk2/MdePkg/Include/Uefi/UefiSpec.h b/uefi/linaro-edk2/MdePkg/Include/Uefi/UefiSpec.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64105c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uefi/linaro-edk2/MdePkg/Include/Uefi/UefiSpec.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2144 @@
+/** @file

+  Include file that supports UEFI.


+  This include file must contain things defined in the UEFI 2.4 specification.

+  If a code construct is defined in the UEFI 2.4 specification it must be included

+  by this include file.


+Copyright (c) 2006 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>

+This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under 

+the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution.  

+The full text of the license may be found at








+#ifndef __UEFI_SPEC_H__

+#define __UEFI_SPEC_H__


+#include <Uefi/UefiMultiPhase.h>


+#include <Protocol/DevicePath.h>

+#include <Protocol/SimpleTextIn.h>

+#include <Protocol/SimpleTextInEx.h>

+#include <Protocol/SimpleTextOut.h>



+/// Enumeration of EFI memory allocation types.


+typedef enum {

+  ///

+  /// Allocate any available range of pages that satisfies the request.

+  ///

+  AllocateAnyPages,

+  ///

+  /// Allocate any available range of pages whose uppermost address is less than 

+  /// or equal to a specified maximum address.

+  ///

+  AllocateMaxAddress,

+  ///

+  /// Allocate pages at a specified address.

+  ///

+  AllocateAddress,

+  ///

+  /// Maximum enumeration value that may be used for bounds checking.

+  ///

+  MaxAllocateType




+// Bit definitions for EFI_TIME.Daylight



+#define EFI_TIME_IN_DAYLIGHT      0x02



+/// Value definition for EFI_TIME.TimeZone.





+// Memory cacheability attributes


+#define EFI_MEMORY_UC   0x0000000000000001ULL

+#define EFI_MEMORY_WC   0x0000000000000002ULL

+#define EFI_MEMORY_WT   0x0000000000000004ULL

+#define EFI_MEMORY_WB   0x0000000000000008ULL

+#define EFI_MEMORY_UCE  0x0000000000000010ULL


+// Physical memory protection attributes


+#define EFI_MEMORY_WP   0x0000000000001000ULL

+#define EFI_MEMORY_RP   0x0000000000002000ULL

+#define EFI_MEMORY_XP   0x0000000000004000ULL


+// Runtime memory attribute


+#define EFI_MEMORY_RUNTIME  0x8000000000000000ULL



+/// Memory descriptor version number.





+/// Definition of an EFI memory descriptor.


+typedef struct {

+  ///

+  /// Type of the memory region.  See EFI_MEMORY_TYPE.

+  ///

+  UINT32                Type;

+  ///

+  /// Physical address of the first byte of the memory region.  Must aligned 

+  /// on a 4 KB boundary.

+  ///


+  ///

+  /// Virtual address of the first byte of the memory region.  Must aligned 

+  /// on a 4 KB boundary.

+  ///

+  EFI_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS   VirtualStart;

+  ///

+  /// Number of 4KB pages in the memory region.

+  ///

+  UINT64                NumberOfPages;

+  ///

+  /// Attributes of the memory region that describe the bit mask of capabilities

+  /// for that memory region, and not necessarily the current settings for that 

+  /// memory region.

+  ///

+  UINT64                Attribute;




+  Allocates memory pages from the system.


+  @param[in]       Type         The type of allocation to perform.

+  @param[in]       MemoryType   The type of memory to allocate.

+  @param[in]       Pages        The number of contiguous 4 KB pages to allocate.

+  @param[in, out]  Memory       The pointer to a physical address. On input, the way in which the address is

+                                used depends on the value of Type.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The requested pages were allocated.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER 1) Type is not AllocateAnyPages or

+                                AllocateMaxAddress or AllocateAddress.

+                                2) MemoryType is in the range

+                                3) Memory is NULL.

+                                EfiMaxMemoryType..0x7FFFFFFF.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  The pages could not be allocated.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         The requested pages could not be found.






+  IN     EFI_ALLOCATE_TYPE            Type,

+  IN     EFI_MEMORY_TYPE              MemoryType,

+  IN     UINTN                        Pages,


+  );



+  Frees memory pages.


+  @param[in]  Memory      The base physical address of the pages to be freed.

+  @param[in]  Pages       The number of contiguous 4 KB pages to free.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The requested pages were freed.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Memory is not a page-aligned address or Pages is invalid.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         The requested memory pages were not allocated with

+                                AllocatePages().






+  IN  EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS         Memory,

+  IN  UINTN                        Pages

+  );



+  Returns the current memory map.


+  @param[in, out]  MemoryMapSize         A pointer to the size, in bytes, of the MemoryMap buffer.

+                                         On input, this is the size of the buffer allocated by the caller.

+                                         On output, it is the size of the buffer returned by the firmware if

+                                         the buffer was large enough, or the size of the buffer needed to contain

+                                         the map if the buffer was too small.

+  @param[in, out]  MemoryMap             A pointer to the buffer in which firmware places the current memory

+                                         map.

+  @param[out]      MapKey                A pointer to the location in which firmware returns the key for the

+                                         current memory map.

+  @param[out]      DescriptorSize        A pointer to the location in which firmware returns the size, in bytes, of

+                                         an individual EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR.

+  @param[out]      DescriptorVersion     A pointer to the location in which firmware returns the version number

+                                         associated with the EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The memory map was returned in the MemoryMap buffer.

+  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  The MemoryMap buffer was too small. The current buffer size

+                                needed to hold the memory map is returned in MemoryMapSize.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER 1) MemoryMapSize is NULL.

+                                2) The MemoryMap buffer is not too small and MemoryMap is

+                                   NULL.






+  IN OUT UINTN                       *MemoryMapSize,


+  OUT    UINTN                       *MapKey,

+  OUT    UINTN                       *DescriptorSize,

+  OUT    UINT32                      *DescriptorVersion

+  );



+  Allocates pool memory.


+  @param[in]   PoolType         The type of pool to allocate.

+  @param[in]   Size             The number of bytes to allocate from the pool.

+  @param[out]  Buffer           A pointer to a pointer to the allocated buffer if the call succeeds;

+                                undefined otherwise.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The requested number of bytes was allocated.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  The pool requested could not be allocated.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER PoolType was invalid or Buffer is NULL.






+  IN  EFI_MEMORY_TYPE              PoolType,

+  IN  UINTN                        Size,

+  OUT VOID                         **Buffer

+  );



+  Returns pool memory to the system.


+  @param[in]  Buffer            The pointer to the buffer to free.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The memory was returned to the system.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Buffer was invalid.






+  IN  VOID                         *Buffer

+  );



+  Changes the runtime addressing mode of EFI firmware from physical to virtual.


+  @param[in]  MemoryMapSize     The size in bytes of VirtualMap.

+  @param[in]  DescriptorSize    The size in bytes of an entry in the VirtualMap.

+  @param[in]  DescriptorVersion The version of the structure entries in VirtualMap.

+  @param[in]  VirtualMap        An array of memory descriptors which contain new virtual

+                                address mapping information for all runtime ranges.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The virtual address map has been applied.

+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       EFI firmware is not at runtime, or the EFI firmware is already in

+                                virtual address mapped mode.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER DescriptorSize or DescriptorVersion is invalid.

+  @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING        A virtual address was not supplied for a range in the memory

+                                map that requires a mapping.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         A virtual address was supplied for an address that is not found

+                                in the memory map.






+  IN  UINTN                        MemoryMapSize,

+  IN  UINTN                        DescriptorSize,

+  IN  UINT32                       DescriptorVersion,

+  IN  EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR        *VirtualMap

+  );



+  Connects one or more drivers to a controller.


+  @param[in]  ControllerHandle      The handle of the controller to which driver(s) are to be connected.

+  @param[in]  DriverImageHandle     A pointer to an ordered list handles that support the

+                                    EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL.

+  @param[in]  RemainingDevicePath   A pointer to the device path that specifies a child of the

+                                    controller specified by ControllerHandle.

+  @param[in]  Recursive             If TRUE, then ConnectController() is called recursively

+                                    until the entire tree of controllers below the controller specified

+                                    by ControllerHandle have been created. If FALSE, then

+                                    the tree of controllers is only expanded one level.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           1) One or more drivers were connected to ControllerHandle.

+                                2) No drivers were connected to ControllerHandle, but

+                                RemainingDevicePath is not NULL, and it is an End Device

+                                Path Node.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ControllerHandle is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         1) There are no EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL instances

+                                present in the system.

+                                2) No drivers were connected to ControllerHandle.


+                                The user has no permission to start UEFI device drivers on the device path 

+                                associated with the ControllerHandle or specified by the RemainingDevicePath.





+  IN  EFI_HANDLE                    ControllerHandle,

+  IN  EFI_HANDLE                    *DriverImageHandle,   OPTIONAL


+  IN  BOOLEAN                       Recursive

+  );



+  Disconnects one or more drivers from a controller.


+  @param[in]  ControllerHandle      The handle of the controller from which driver(s) are to be disconnected.

+  @param[in]  DriverImageHandle     The driver to disconnect from ControllerHandle.

+                                    If DriverImageHandle is NULL, then all the drivers currently managing

+                                    ControllerHandle are disconnected from ControllerHandle.

+  @param[in]  ChildHandle           The handle of the child to destroy.

+                                    If ChildHandle is NULL, then all the children of ControllerHandle are

+                                    destroyed before the drivers are disconnected from ControllerHandle.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           1) One or more drivers were disconnected from the controller.

+                                2) On entry, no drivers are managing ControllerHandle.

+                                3) DriverImageHandle is not NULL, and on entry

+                                   DriverImageHandle is not managing ControllerHandle.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER 1) ControllerHandle is NULL.

+                                2) DriverImageHandle is not NULL, and it is not a valid EFI_HANDLE.

+                                3) ChildHandle is not NULL, and it is not a valid EFI_HANDLE.

+                                4) DriverImageHandle does not support the EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  There are not enough resources available to disconnect any drivers from

+                                ControllerHandle.

+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The controller could not be disconnected because of a device error.






+  IN  EFI_HANDLE                     ControllerHandle,

+  IN  EFI_HANDLE                     DriverImageHandle, OPTIONAL

+  IN  EFI_HANDLE                     ChildHandle        OPTIONAL

+  );





+// ConvertPointer DebugDisposition type.


+#define EFI_OPTIONAL_PTR     0x00000001



+  Determines the new virtual address that is to be used on subsequent memory accesses.


+  @param[in]       DebugDisposition  Supplies type information for the pointer being converted.

+  @param[in, out]  Address           A pointer to a pointer that is to be fixed to be the value needed

+                                     for the new virtual address mappings being applied.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The pointer pointed to by Address was modified.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER 1) Address is NULL.

+                                2) *Address is NULL and DebugDisposition does

+                                not have the EFI_OPTIONAL_PTR bit set.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         The pointer pointed to by Address was not found to be part

+                                of the current memory map. This is normally fatal.






+  IN     UINTN                      DebugDisposition,

+  IN OUT VOID                       **Address

+  );




+// These types can be ORed together as needed - for example,

+// EVT_TIMER might be Ored with EVT_NOTIFY_WAIT or



+#define EVT_TIMER                         0x80000000

+#define EVT_RUNTIME                       0x40000000

+#define EVT_NOTIFY_WAIT                   0x00000100

+#define EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL                 0x00000200


+#define EVT_SIGNAL_EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES     0x00000201




+// The event's NotifyContext pointer points to a runtime memory

+// address.

+// The event is deprecated in UEFI2.0 and later specifications.


+#define EVT_RUNTIME_CONTEXT               0x20000000




+  Invoke a notification event


+  @param[in]  Event                 Event whose notification function is being invoked.

+  @param[in]  Context               The pointer to the notification function's context,

+                                    which is implementation-dependent.






+  IN  EFI_EVENT                Event,

+  IN  VOID                     *Context

+  );



+  Creates an event.


+  @param[in]   Type             The type of event to create and its mode and attributes.

+  @param[in]   NotifyTpl        The task priority level of event notifications, if needed.

+  @param[in]   NotifyFunction   The pointer to the event's notification function, if any.

+  @param[in]   NotifyContext    The pointer to the notification function's context; corresponds to parameter

+                                Context in the notification function.

+  @param[out]  Event            The pointer to the newly created event if the call succeeds; undefined

+                                otherwise.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The event structure was created.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more parameters are invalid.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  The event could not be allocated.






+  IN  UINT32                       Type,

+  IN  EFI_TPL                      NotifyTpl,

+  IN  EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY             NotifyFunction,

+  IN  VOID                         *NotifyContext,

+  OUT EFI_EVENT                    *Event

+  );



+  Creates an event in a group.


+  @param[in]   Type             The type of event to create and its mode and attributes.

+  @param[in]   NotifyTpl        The task priority level of event notifications,if needed.

+  @param[in]   NotifyFunction   The pointer to the event's notification function, if any.

+  @param[in]   NotifyContext    The pointer to the notification function's context; corresponds to parameter

+                                Context in the notification function.

+  @param[in]   EventGroup       The pointer to the unique identifier of the group to which this event belongs.

+                                If this is NULL, then the function behaves as if the parameters were passed

+                                to CreateEvent.

+  @param[out]  Event            The pointer to the newly created event if the call succeeds; undefined

+                                otherwise.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The event structure was created.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more parameters are invalid.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  The event could not be allocated.






+  IN       UINT32                 Type,

+  IN       EFI_TPL                NotifyTpl,

+  IN       EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY       NotifyFunction OPTIONAL,

+  IN CONST VOID                   *NotifyContext OPTIONAL,

+  IN CONST EFI_GUID               *EventGroup    OPTIONAL,

+  OUT      EFI_EVENT              *Event

+  );



+/// Timer delay types


+typedef enum {

+  ///

+  /// An event's timer settings is to be cancelled and not trigger time is to be set/

+  ///

+  TimerCancel,

+  ///

+  /// An event is to be signaled periodically at a specified interval from the current time.

+  ///

+  TimerPeriodic,

+  ///

+  /// An event is to be signaled once at a specified interval from the current time.

+  ///

+  TimerRelative




+  Sets the type of timer and the trigger time for a timer event.


+  @param[in]  Event             The timer event that is to be signaled at the specified time.

+  @param[in]  Type              The type of time that is specified in TriggerTime.

+  @param[in]  TriggerTime       The number of 100ns units until the timer expires.

+                                A TriggerTime of 0 is legal.

+                                If Type is TimerRelative and TriggerTime is 0, then the timer

+                                event will be signaled on the next timer tick.

+                                If Type is TimerPeriodic and TriggerTime is 0, then the timer

+                                event will be signaled on every timer tick.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The event has been set to be signaled at the requested time.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Event or Type is not valid.






+  IN  EFI_EVENT                Event,

+  IN  EFI_TIMER_DELAY          Type,

+  IN  UINT64                   TriggerTime

+  );



+  Signals an event.


+  @param[in]  Event             The event to signal.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The event has been signaled.






+  IN  EFI_EVENT                Event

+  );



+  Stops execution until an event is signaled.


+  @param[in]   NumberOfEvents   The number of events in the Event array.

+  @param[in]   Event            An array of EFI_EVENT.

+  @param[out]  Index            The pointer to the index of the event which satisfied the wait condition.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The event indicated by Index was signaled.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER 1) NumberOfEvents is 0.

+                                2) The event indicated by Index is of type

+                                   EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL.

+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The current TPL is not TPL_APPLICATION.






+  IN  UINTN                    NumberOfEvents,

+  IN  EFI_EVENT                *Event,

+  OUT UINTN                    *Index

+  );



+  Closes an event.


+  @param[in]  Event             The event to close.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The event has been closed.






+  IN EFI_EVENT                Event

+  );



+  Checks whether an event is in the signaled state.


+  @param[in]  Event             The event to check.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The event is in the signaled state.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_READY         The event is not in the signaled state.







+  IN EFI_EVENT                Event

+  );




+// Task priority level


+#define TPL_APPLICATION       4

+#define TPL_CALLBACK          8

+#define TPL_NOTIFY            16

+#define TPL_HIGH_LEVEL        31




+  Raises a task's priority level and returns its previous level.


+  @param[in]  NewTpl          The new task priority level.


+  @return Previous task priority level






+  IN EFI_TPL      NewTpl

+  );



+  Restores a task's priority level to its previous value.


+  @param[in]  OldTpl          The previous task priority level to restore.






+  IN EFI_TPL      OldTpl

+  );



+  Returns the value of a variable.


+  @param[in]       VariableName  A Null-terminated string that is the name of the vendor's

+                                 variable.

+  @param[in]       VendorGuid    A unique identifier for the vendor.

+  @param[out]      Attributes    If not NULL, a pointer to the memory location to return the

+                                 attributes bitmask for the variable.

+  @param[in, out]  DataSize      On input, the size in bytes of the return Data buffer.

+                                 On output the size of data returned in Data.

+  @param[out]      Data          The buffer to return the contents of the variable.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The function completed successfully.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND          The variable was not found.

+  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL   The DataSize is too small for the result.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  VariableName is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  VendorGuid is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  DataSize is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  The DataSize is not too small and Data is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR       The variable could not be retrieved due to a hardware error.

+  @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION The variable could not be retrieved due to an authentication failure.






+  IN     CHAR16                      *VariableName,

+  IN     EFI_GUID                    *VendorGuid,

+  OUT    UINT32                      *Attributes,    OPTIONAL

+  IN OUT UINTN                       *DataSize,

+  OUT    VOID                        *Data

+  );



+  Enumerates the current variable names.


+  @param[in, out]  VariableNameSize The size of the VariableName buffer.

+  @param[in, out]  VariableName     On input, supplies the last VariableName that was returned

+                                    by GetNextVariableName(). On output, returns the Nullterminated

+                                    string of the current variable.

+  @param[in, out]  VendorGuid       On input, supplies the last VendorGuid that was returned by

+                                    GetNextVariableName(). On output, returns the

+                                    VendorGuid of the current variable.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The function completed successfully.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         The next variable was not found.

+  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  The VariableNameSize is too small for the result.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER VariableNameSize is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER VariableName is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER VendorGuid is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The variable could not be retrieved due to a hardware error.






+  IN OUT UINTN                    *VariableNameSize,

+  IN OUT CHAR16                   *VariableName,

+  IN OUT EFI_GUID                 *VendorGuid

+  );



+  Sets the value of a variable.


+  @param[in]  VariableName       A Null-terminated string that is the name of the vendor's variable.

+                                 Each VariableName is unique for each VendorGuid. VariableName must

+                                 contain 1 or more characters. If VariableName is an empty string,

+                                 then EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned.

+  @param[in]  VendorGuid         A unique identifier for the vendor.

+  @param[in]  Attributes         Attributes bitmask to set for the variable.

+  @param[in]  DataSize           The size in bytes of the Data buffer. Unless the EFI_VARIABLE_APPEND_WRITE, 

+                                 EFI_VARIABLE_AUTHENTICATED_WRITE_ACCESS, or 

+                                 EFI_VARIABLE_TIME_BASED_AUTHENTICATED_WRITE_ACCESS attribute is set, a size of zero 

+                                 causes the variable to be deleted. When the EFI_VARIABLE_APPEND_WRITE attribute is 

+                                 set, then a SetVariable() call with a DataSize of zero will not cause any change to 

+                                 the variable value (the timestamp associated with the variable may be updated however 

+                                 even if no new data value is provided,see the description of the 

+                                 EFI_VARIABLE_AUTHENTICATION_2 descriptor below. In this case the DataSize will not 

+                                 be zero since the EFI_VARIABLE_AUTHENTICATION_2 descriptor will be populated). 

+  @param[in]  Data               The contents for the variable.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The firmware has successfully stored the variable and its data as

+                                 defined by the Attributes.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  An invalid combination of attribute bits, name, and GUID was supplied, or the

+                                 DataSize exceeds the maximum allowed.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  VariableName is an empty string.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Not enough storage is available to hold the variable and its data.

+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR       The variable could not be retrieved due to a hardware error.

+  @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED    The variable in question is read-only.

+  @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED    The variable in question cannot be deleted.

+  @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION The variable could not be written due to EFI_VARIABLE_AUTHENTICATED_WRITE_ACCESS 

+                                 or EFI_VARIABLE_TIME_BASED_AUTHENTICATED_WRITE_ACESS being set, but the AuthInfo 

+                                 does NOT pass the validation check carried out by the firmware.


+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND          The variable trying to be updated or deleted was not found.






+  IN  CHAR16                       *VariableName,

+  IN  EFI_GUID                     *VendorGuid,

+  IN  UINT32                       Attributes,

+  IN  UINTN                        DataSize,

+  IN  VOID                         *Data

+  );




+/// This provides the capabilities of the

+/// real time clock device as exposed through the EFI interfaces.


+typedef struct {

+  ///

+  /// Provides the reporting resolution of the real-time clock device in

+  /// counts per second. For a normal PC-AT CMOS RTC device, this

+  /// value would be 1 Hz, or 1, to indicate that the device only reports

+  /// the time to the resolution of 1 second.

+  ///

+  UINT32    Resolution;

+  ///

+  /// Provides the timekeeping accuracy of the real-time clock in an

+  /// error rate of 1E-6 parts per million. For a clock with an accuracy

+  /// of 50 parts per million, the value in this field would be

+  /// 50,000,000.

+  ///

+  UINT32    Accuracy;

+  ///

+  /// A TRUE indicates that a time set operation clears the device's

+  /// time below the Resolution reporting level. A FALSE

+  /// indicates that the state below the Resolution level of the

+  /// device is not cleared when the time is set. Normal PC-AT CMOS

+  /// RTC devices set this value to FALSE.

+  ///

+  BOOLEAN   SetsToZero;




+  Returns the current time and date information, and the time-keeping capabilities

+  of the hardware platform.


+  @param[out]  Time             A pointer to storage to receive a snapshot of the current time.

+  @param[out]  Capabilities     An optional pointer to a buffer to receive the real time clock

+                                device's capabilities.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The operation completed successfully.


+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The time could not be retrieved due to hardware error.






+  OUT  EFI_TIME                    *Time,


+  );



+  Sets the current local time and date information.


+  @param[in]  Time              A pointer to the current time.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The operation completed successfully.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER A time field is out of range.

+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The time could not be set due due to hardware error.






+  IN  EFI_TIME                     *Time

+  );



+  Returns the current wakeup alarm clock setting.


+  @param[out]  Enabled          Indicates if the alarm is currently enabled or disabled.

+  @param[out]  Pending          Indicates if the alarm signal is pending and requires acknowledgement.

+  @param[out]  Time             The current alarm setting.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The alarm settings were returned.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Enabled is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Pending is NULL.


+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The wakeup time could not be retrieved due to a hardware error.

+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       A wakeup timer is not supported on this platform.






+  OUT BOOLEAN                     *Enabled,

+  OUT BOOLEAN                     *Pending,

+  OUT EFI_TIME                    *Time

+  );



+  Sets the system wakeup alarm clock time.


+  @param[in]  Enable            Enable or disable the wakeup alarm.

+  @param[in]  Time              If Enable is TRUE, the time to set the wakeup alarm for.

+                                If Enable is FALSE, then this parameter is optional, and may be NULL.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           If Enable is TRUE, then the wakeup alarm was enabled. If

+                                Enable is FALSE, then the wakeup alarm was disabled.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER A time field is out of range.

+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The wakeup time could not be set due to a hardware error.

+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       A wakeup timer is not supported on this platform.






+  IN  BOOLEAN                      Enable,

+  IN  EFI_TIME                     *Time   OPTIONAL

+  );



+  Loads an EFI image into memory.


+  @param[in]   BootPolicy        If TRUE, indicates that the request originates from the boot

+                                 manager, and that the boot manager is attempting to load

+                                 FilePath as a boot selection. Ignored if SourceBuffer is

+                                 not NULL.

+  @param[in]   ParentImageHandle The caller's image handle.

+  @param[in]   DevicePath        The DeviceHandle specific file path from which the image is

+                                 loaded.

+  @param[in]   SourceBuffer      If not NULL, a pointer to the memory location containing a copy

+                                 of the image to be loaded.

+  @param[in]   SourceSize        The size in bytes of SourceBuffer. Ignored if SourceBuffer is NULL.

+  @param[out]  ImageHandle       The pointer to the returned image handle that is created when the

+                                 image is successfully loaded.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Image was loaded into memory correctly.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND          Both SourceBuffer and DevicePath are NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  One or more parametes are invalid.

+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        The image type is not supported.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Image was not loaded due to insufficient resources.

+  @retval EFI_LOAD_ERROR         Image was not loaded because the image format was corrupt or not

+                                 understood.

+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR       Image was not loaded because the device returned a read error.

+  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED      Image was not loaded because the platform policy prohibits the 

+                                 image from being loaded. NULL is returned in *ImageHandle.

+  @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION Image was loaded and an ImageHandle was created with a 

+                                 valid EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL. However, the current 

+                                 platform policy specifies that the image should not be started.





+  IN  BOOLEAN                      BootPolicy,

+  IN  EFI_HANDLE                   ParentImageHandle,


+  IN  VOID                         *SourceBuffer OPTIONAL,

+  IN  UINTN                        SourceSize,

+  OUT EFI_HANDLE                   *ImageHandle

+  );



+  Transfers control to a loaded image's entry point.


+  @param[in]   ImageHandle       Handle of image to be started.

+  @param[out]  ExitDataSize      The pointer to the size, in bytes, of ExitData.

+  @param[out]  ExitData          The pointer to a pointer to a data buffer that includes a Null-terminated

+                                 string, optionally followed by additional binary data.


+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  ImageHandle is either an invalid image handle or the image

+                                 has already been initialized with StartImage.

+  @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION The current platform policy specifies that the image should not be started.

+  @return Exit code from image






+  IN  EFI_HANDLE                  ImageHandle,

+  OUT UINTN                       *ExitDataSize,

+  OUT CHAR16                      **ExitData    OPTIONAL

+  );



+  Terminates a loaded EFI image and returns control to boot services.


+  @param[in]  ImageHandle       Handle that identifies the image. This parameter is passed to the 

+                                image on entry.

+  @param[in]  ExitStatus        The image's exit code.

+  @param[in]  ExitDataSize      The size, in bytes, of ExitData. Ignored if ExitStatus is EFI_SUCCESS.

+  @param[in]  ExitData          The pointer to a data buffer that includes a Null-terminated string,

+                                optionally followed by additional binary data. The string is a 

+                                description that the caller may use to further indicate the reason 

+                                for the image's exit. ExitData is only valid if ExitStatus 

+                                is something other than EFI_SUCCESS. The ExitData buffer 

+                                must be allocated by calling AllocatePool().


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The image specified by ImageHandle was unloaded.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The image specified by ImageHandle has been loaded and

+                                started with LoadImage() and StartImage(), but the

+                                image is not the currently executing image.






+  IN  EFI_HANDLE                   ImageHandle,

+  IN  EFI_STATUS                   ExitStatus,

+  IN  UINTN                        ExitDataSize,

+  IN  CHAR16                       *ExitData     OPTIONAL

+  );



+  Unloads an image.


+  @param[in]  ImageHandle       Handle that identifies the image to be unloaded.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The image has been unloaded.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ImageHandle is not a valid image handle.






+  IN  EFI_HANDLE                   ImageHandle

+  );



+  Terminates all boot services.


+  @param[in]  ImageHandle       Handle that identifies the exiting image.

+  @param[in]  MapKey            Key to the latest memory map.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Boot services have been terminated.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER MapKey is incorrect.






+  IN  EFI_HANDLE                   ImageHandle,

+  IN  UINTN                        MapKey

+  );



+  Induces a fine-grained stall.


+  @param[in]  Microseconds      The number of microseconds to stall execution.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Execution was stalled at least the requested number of

+                                Microseconds.






+  IN  UINTN                    Microseconds

+  );



+  Sets the system's watchdog timer.


+  @param[in]  Timeout           The number of seconds to set the watchdog timer to.

+  @param[in]  WatchdogCode      The numeric code to log on a watchdog timer timeout event.

+  @param[in]  DataSize          The size, in bytes, of WatchdogData.

+  @param[in]  WatchdogData      A data buffer that includes a Null-terminated string, optionally

+                                followed by additional binary data.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The timeout has been set.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The supplied WatchdogCode is invalid.

+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The system does not have a watchdog timer.

+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The watchdog timer could not be programmed due to a hardware

+                                error.






+  IN UINTN                    Timeout,

+  IN UINT64                   WatchdogCode,

+  IN UINTN                    DataSize,

+  IN CHAR16                   *WatchdogData OPTIONAL

+  );



+/// Enumeration of reset types.


+typedef enum {

+  ///

+  /// Used to induce a system-wide reset. This sets all circuitry within the 

+  /// system to its initial state.  This type of reset is asynchronous to system

+  /// operation and operates withgout regard to cycle boundaries.  EfiColdReset 

+  /// is tantamount to a system power cycle.

+  ///

+  EfiResetCold,

+  ///

+  /// Used to induce a system-wide initialization. The processors are set to their

+  /// initial state, and pending cycles are not corrupted.  If the system does 

+  /// not support this reset type, then an EfiResetCold must be performed.

+  ///

+  EfiResetWarm,

+  ///

+  /// Used to induce an entry into a power state equivalent to the ACPI G2/S5 or G3

+  /// state.  If the system does not support this reset type, then when the system

+  /// is rebooted, it should exhibit the EfiResetCold attributes.

+  ///

+  EfiResetShutdown,

+  ///

+  /// Used to induce a system-wide reset. The exact type of the reset is defined by

+  /// the EFI_GUID that follows the Null-terminated Unicode string passed into

+  /// ResetData. If the platform does not recognize the EFI_GUID in ResetData the 

+  /// platform must pick a supported reset type to perform. The platform may

+  /// optionally log the parameters from any non-normal reset that occurs.

+  ///

+  EfiResetPlatformSpecific




+  Resets the entire platform.


+  @param[in]  ResetType         The type of reset to perform.

+  @param[in]  ResetStatus       The status code for the reset.

+  @param[in]  DataSize          The size, in bytes, of WatchdogData.

+  @param[in]  ResetData         For a ResetType of EfiResetCold, EfiResetWarm, or

+                                EfiResetShutdown the data buffer starts with a Null-terminated

+                                string, optionally followed by additional binary data.






+  IN EFI_RESET_TYPE           ResetType,

+  IN EFI_STATUS               ResetStatus,

+  IN UINTN                    DataSize,

+  IN VOID                     *ResetData OPTIONAL

+  );



+  Returns a monotonically increasing count for the platform.


+  @param[out]  Count            The pointer to returned value.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The next monotonic count was returned.


+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The device is not functioning properly.






+  OUT UINT64                  *Count

+  );



+  Returns the next high 32 bits of the platform's monotonic counter.


+  @param[out]  HighCount        The pointer to returned value.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The next high monotonic count was returned.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER HighCount is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The device is not functioning properly.






+  OUT UINT32                  *HighCount

+  );



+  Computes and returns a 32-bit CRC for a data buffer.


+  @param[in]   Data             A pointer to the buffer on which the 32-bit CRC is to be computed.

+  @param[in]   DataSize         The number of bytes in the buffer Data.

+  @param[out]  Crc32            The 32-bit CRC that was computed for the data buffer specified by Data

+                                and DataSize.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The 32-bit CRC was computed for the data buffer and returned in

+                                Crc32.



+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER DataSize is 0.






+  IN  VOID                              *Data,

+  IN  UINTN                             DataSize,

+  OUT UINT32                            *Crc32

+  );



+  Copies the contents of one buffer to another buffer.


+  @param[in]  Destination       The pointer to the destination buffer of the memory copy.

+  @param[in]  Source            The pointer to the source buffer of the memory copy.

+  @param[in]  Length            Number of bytes to copy from Source to Destination.






+  IN VOID     *Destination,

+  IN VOID     *Source,

+  IN UINTN    Length

+  );



+  The SetMem() function fills a buffer with a specified value.


+  @param[in]  Buffer            The pointer to the buffer to fill.

+  @param[in]  Size              Number of bytes in Buffer to fill.

+  @param[in]  Value             Value to fill Buffer with.






+  IN VOID     *Buffer,

+  IN UINTN    Size,

+  IN UINT8    Value

+  );



+/// Enumeration of EFI Interface Types


+typedef enum {

+  ///

+  /// Indicates that the supplied protocol interface is supplied in native form.

+  ///





+  Installs a protocol interface on a device handle. If the handle does not exist, it is created and added

+  to the list of handles in the system. InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces() performs

+  more error checking than InstallProtocolInterface(), so it is recommended that

+  InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces() be used in place of

+  InstallProtocolInterface()


+  @param[in, out]  Handle         A pointer to the EFI_HANDLE on which the interface is to be installed.

+  @param[in]       Protocol       The numeric ID of the protocol interface.

+  @param[in]       InterfaceType  Indicates whether Interface is supplied in native form.

+  @param[in]       Interface      A pointer to the protocol interface.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The protocol interface was installed.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Space for a new handle could not be allocated.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Handle is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Protocol is NULL.


+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Protocol is already installed on the handle specified by Handle.






+  IN OUT EFI_HANDLE               *Handle,

+  IN     EFI_GUID                 *Protocol,

+  IN     EFI_INTERFACE_TYPE       InterfaceType,

+  IN     VOID                     *Interface

+  );



+  Installs one or more protocol interfaces into the boot services environment.


+  @param[in, out]  Handle       The pointer to a handle to install the new protocol interfaces on,

+                                or a pointer to NULL if a new handle is to be allocated.

+  @param  ...                   A variable argument list containing pairs of protocol GUIDs and protocol

+                                interfaces.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           All the protocol interface was installed.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  There was not enough memory in pool to install all the protocols.

+  @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED   A Device Path Protocol instance was passed in that is already present in

+                                the handle database.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Handle is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Protocol is already installed on the handle specified by Handle.






+  IN OUT EFI_HANDLE           *Handle,

+  ...

+  );



+  Reinstalls a protocol interface on a device handle.


+  @param[in]  Handle            Handle on which the interface is to be reinstalled.

+  @param[in]  Protocol          The numeric ID of the interface.

+  @param[in]  OldInterface      A pointer to the old interface. NULL can be used if a structure is not

+                                associated with Protocol.

+  @param[in]  NewInterface      A pointer to the new interface.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The protocol interface was reinstalled.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         The OldInterface on the handle was not found.

+  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     The protocol interface could not be reinstalled,

+                                because OldInterface is still being used by a

+                                driver that will not release it.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Handle is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Protocol is NULL.






+  IN EFI_HANDLE               Handle,

+  IN EFI_GUID                 *Protocol,

+  IN VOID                     *OldInterface,

+  IN VOID                     *NewInterface

+  );



+  Removes a protocol interface from a device handle. It is recommended that

+  UninstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces() be used in place of

+  UninstallProtocolInterface().


+  @param[in]  Handle            The handle on which the interface was installed.

+  @param[in]  Protocol          The numeric ID of the interface.

+  @param[in]  Interface         A pointer to the interface.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The interface was removed.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         The interface was not found.

+  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     The interface was not removed because the interface

+                                is still being used by a driver.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Handle is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Protocol is NULL.






+  IN EFI_HANDLE               Handle,

+  IN EFI_GUID                 *Protocol,

+  IN VOID                     *Interface

+  );



+  Removes one or more protocol interfaces into the boot services environment.


+  @param[in]  Handle            The handle to remove the protocol interfaces from.

+  @param  ...                   A variable argument list containing pairs of protocol GUIDs and

+                                protocol interfaces.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           All the protocol interfaces were removed.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the protocol interfaces was not previously installed on Handle.






+  IN EFI_HANDLE           Handle,

+  ...

+  );



+  Queries a handle to determine if it supports a specified protocol.


+  @param[in]   Handle           The handle being queried.

+  @param[in]   Protocol         The published unique identifier of the protocol.

+  @param[out]  Interface        Supplies the address where a pointer to the corresponding Protocol

+                                Interface is returned.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The interface information for the specified protocol was returned.

+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The device does not support the specified protocol.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Handle is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Protocol is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Interface is NULL.






+  IN  EFI_HANDLE               Handle,

+  IN  EFI_GUID                 *Protocol,

+  OUT VOID                     **Interface

+  );



+#define EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL        0x00000002

+#define EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_TEST_PROTOCOL       0x00000004


+#define EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER           0x00000010

+#define EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_EXCLUSIVE           0x00000020



+  Queries a handle to determine if it supports a specified protocol. If the protocol is supported by the

+  handle, it opens the protocol on behalf of the calling agent.


+  @param[in]   Handle           The handle for the protocol interface that is being opened.

+  @param[in]   Protocol         The published unique identifier of the protocol.

+  @param[out]  Interface        Supplies the address where a pointer to the corresponding Protocol

+                                Interface is returned.

+  @param[in]   AgentHandle      The handle of the agent that is opening the protocol interface

+                                specified by Protocol and Interface.

+  @param[in]   ControllerHandle If the agent that is opening a protocol is a driver that follows the

+                                UEFI Driver Model, then this parameter is the controller handle

+                                that requires the protocol interface. If the agent does not follow

+                                the UEFI Driver Model, then this parameter is optional and may

+                                be NULL.

+  @param[in]   Attributes       The open mode of the protocol interface specified by Handle

+                                and Protocol.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           An item was added to the open list for the protocol interface, and the

+                                protocol interface was returned in Interface.

+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       Handle does not support Protocol.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more parameters are invalid.

+  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     Required attributes can't be supported in current environment.

+  @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED   Item on the open list already has requierd attributes whose agent

+                                handle is the same as AgentHandle.






+  IN  EFI_HANDLE                Handle,

+  IN  EFI_GUID                  *Protocol,

+  OUT VOID                      **Interface, OPTIONAL

+  IN  EFI_HANDLE                AgentHandle,

+  IN  EFI_HANDLE                ControllerHandle,

+  IN  UINT32                    Attributes

+  );




+  Closes a protocol on a handle that was opened using OpenProtocol().


+  @param[in]  Handle            The handle for the protocol interface that was previously opened

+                                with OpenProtocol(), and is now being closed.

+  @param[in]  Protocol          The published unique identifier of the protocol.

+  @param[in]  AgentHandle       The handle of the agent that is closing the protocol interface.

+  @param[in]  ControllerHandle  If the agent that opened a protocol is a driver that follows the

+                                UEFI Driver Model, then this parameter is the controller handle

+                                that required the protocol interface.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The protocol instance was closed.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER 1) Handle is NULL.

+                                2) AgentHandle is NULL.

+                                3) ControllerHandle is not NULL and ControllerHandle is not a valid EFI_HANDLE.

+                                4) Protocol is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         1) Handle does not support the protocol specified by Protocol.

+                                2) The protocol interface specified by Handle and Protocol is not

+                                   currently open by AgentHandle and ControllerHandle.






+  IN EFI_HANDLE               Handle,

+  IN EFI_GUID                 *Protocol,

+  IN EFI_HANDLE               AgentHandle,

+  IN EFI_HANDLE               ControllerHandle

+  );



+/// EFI Oprn Protocol Information Entry


+typedef struct {

+  EFI_HANDLE  AgentHandle;

+  EFI_HANDLE  ControllerHandle;

+  UINT32      Attributes;

+  UINT32      OpenCount;




+  Retrieves the list of agents that currently have a protocol interface opened.


+  @param[in]   Handle           The handle for the protocol interface that is being queried.

+  @param[in]   Protocol         The published unique identifier of the protocol.

+  @param[out]  EntryBuffer      A pointer to a buffer of open protocol information in the form of

+                                EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_INFORMATION_ENTRY structures.

+  @param[out]  EntryCount       A pointer to the number of entries in EntryBuffer.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The open protocol information was returned in EntryBuffer, and the

+                                number of entries was returned EntryCount.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  There are not enough resources available to allocate EntryBuffer.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         Handle does not support the protocol specified by Protocol.






+  IN  EFI_HANDLE                          Handle,

+  IN  EFI_GUID                            *Protocol,


+  OUT UINTN                               *EntryCount

+  );



+  Retrieves the list of protocol interface GUIDs that are installed on a handle in a buffer allocated

+  from pool.


+  @param[in]   Handle              The handle from which to retrieve the list of protocol interface

+                                   GUIDs.

+  @param[out]  ProtocolBuffer      A pointer to the list of protocol interface GUID pointers that are

+                                   installed on Handle.

+  @param[out]  ProtocolBufferCount A pointer to the number of GUID pointers present in

+                                   ProtocolBuffer.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The list of protocol interface GUIDs installed on Handle was returned in

+                                ProtocolBuffer. The number of protocol interface GUIDs was

+                                returned in ProtocolBufferCount.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  There is not enough pool memory to store the results.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Handle is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Handle is not a valid EFI_HANDLE.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ProtocolBuffer is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ProtocolBufferCount is NULL.






+  IN  EFI_HANDLE      Handle,

+  OUT EFI_GUID        ***ProtocolBuffer,

+  OUT UINTN           *ProtocolBufferCount

+  );



+  Creates an event that is to be signaled whenever an interface is installed for a specified protocol.


+  @param[in]   Protocol         The numeric ID of the protocol for which the event is to be registered.

+  @param[in]   Event            Event that is to be signaled whenever a protocol interface is registered

+                                for Protocol.

+  @param[out]  Registration     A pointer to a memory location to receive the registration value.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The notification event has been registered.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Space for the notification event could not be allocated.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Protocol is NULL.


+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Registration is NULL.






+  IN  EFI_GUID                 *Protocol,

+  IN  EFI_EVENT                Event,

+  OUT VOID                     **Registration

+  );



+/// Enumeration of EFI Locate Search Types


+typedef enum {

+  ///

+  /// Retrieve all the handles in the handle database.

+  ///

+  AllHandles,

+  ///

+  /// Retrieve the next handle fron a RegisterProtocolNotify() event.

+  ///

+  ByRegisterNotify,

+  ///

+  /// Retrieve the set of handles from the handle database that support a 

+  /// specified protocol.

+  ///

+  ByProtocol




+  Returns an array of handles that support a specified protocol.


+  @param[in]       SearchType   Specifies which handle(s) are to be returned.

+  @param[in]       Protocol     Specifies the protocol to search by.

+  @param[in]       SearchKey    Specifies the search key.

+  @param[in, out]  BufferSize   On input, the size in bytes of Buffer. On output, the size in bytes of

+                                the array returned in Buffer (if the buffer was large enough) or the

+                                size, in bytes, of the buffer needed to obtain the array (if the buffer was

+                                not large enough).

+  @param[out]      Buffer       The buffer in which the array is returned.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The array of handles was returned.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         No handles match the search.

+  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  The BufferSize is too small for the result.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER SearchType is not a member of EFI_LOCATE_SEARCH_TYPE.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER SearchType is ByRegisterNotify and SearchKey is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER SearchType is ByProtocol and Protocol is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more matches are found and BufferSize is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER BufferSize is large enough for the result and Buffer is NULL.






+  IN     EFI_LOCATE_SEARCH_TYPE   SearchType,

+  IN     EFI_GUID                 *Protocol,    OPTIONAL

+  IN     VOID                     *SearchKey,   OPTIONAL

+  IN OUT UINTN                    *BufferSize,

+  OUT    EFI_HANDLE               *Buffer

+  );



+  Locates the handle to a device on the device path that supports the specified protocol.


+  @param[in]       Protocol     Specifies the protocol to search for.

+  @param[in, out]  DevicePath   On input, a pointer to a pointer to the device path. On output, the device

+                                path pointer is modified to point to the remaining part of the device

+                                path.

+  @param[out]      Device       A pointer to the returned device handle.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The resulting handle was returned.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         No handles match the search.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Protocol is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER DevicePath is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER A handle matched the search and Device is NULL.






+  IN     EFI_GUID                         *Protocol,

+  IN OUT EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL         **DevicePath,

+  OUT    EFI_HANDLE                       *Device

+  );



+  Adds, updates, or removes a configuration table entry from the EFI System Table.


+  @param[in]  Guid              A pointer to the GUID for the entry to add, update, or remove.

+  @param[in]  Table             A pointer to the configuration table for the entry to add, update, or

+                                remove. May be NULL.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The (Guid, Table) pair was added, updated, or removed.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         An attempt was made to delete a nonexistent entry.


+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  There is not enough memory available to complete the operation.






+  IN EFI_GUID                 *Guid,

+  IN VOID                     *Table

+  );



+  Returns an array of handles that support the requested protocol in a buffer allocated from pool.


+  @param[in]       SearchType   Specifies which handle(s) are to be returned.

+  @param[in]       Protocol     Provides the protocol to search by.

+                                This parameter is only valid for a SearchType of ByProtocol.

+  @param[in]       SearchKey    Supplies the search key depending on the SearchType.

+  @param[in, out]  NoHandles    The number of handles returned in Buffer.

+  @param[out]      Buffer       A pointer to the buffer to return the requested array of handles that

+                                support Protocol.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The array of handles was returned in Buffer, and the number of

+                                handles in Buffer was returned in NoHandles.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         No handles match the search.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  There is not enough pool memory to store the matching results.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER NoHandles is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Buffer is NULL.






+  IN     EFI_LOCATE_SEARCH_TYPE       SearchType,

+  IN     EFI_GUID                     *Protocol,      OPTIONAL

+  IN     VOID                         *SearchKey,     OPTIONAL

+  IN OUT UINTN                        *NoHandles,

+  OUT    EFI_HANDLE                   **Buffer

+  );



+  Returns the first protocol instance that matches the given protocol.


+  @param[in]  Protocol          Provides the protocol to search for.

+  @param[in]  Registration      Optional registration key returned from

+                                RegisterProtocolNotify().

+  @param[out]  Interface        On return, a pointer to the first interface that matches Protocol and

+                                Registration.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           A protocol instance matching Protocol was found and returned in

+                                Interface.

+  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         No protocol instances were found that match Protocol and

+                                Registration.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Interface is NULL.






+  IN  EFI_GUID  *Protocol,

+  IN  VOID      *Registration, OPTIONAL

+  OUT VOID      **Interface

+  );



+/// EFI Capsule Block Descriptor


+typedef struct {

+  ///

+  /// Length in bytes of the data pointed to by DataBlock/ContinuationPointer.

+  ///

+  UINT64                  Length;

+  union {

+    ///

+    /// Physical address of the data block. This member of the union is

+    /// used if Length is not equal to zero.

+    ///


+    ///

+    /// Physical address of another block of

+    /// EFI_CAPSULE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR structures. This

+    /// member of the union is used if Length is equal to zero. If

+    /// ContinuationPointer is zero this entry represents the end of the list.

+    ///

+    EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS  ContinuationPointer;

+  } Union;




+/// EFI Capsule Header.


+typedef struct {

+  ///

+  /// A GUID that defines the contents of a capsule.

+  ///

+  EFI_GUID          CapsuleGuid;

+  ///

+  /// The size of the capsule header. This may be larger than the size of

+  /// the EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER since CapsuleGuid may imply

+  /// extended header entries

+  ///

+  UINT32            HeaderSize;

+  ///

+  /// Bit-mapped list describing the capsule attributes. The Flag values

+  /// of 0x0000 - 0xFFFF are defined by CapsuleGuid. Flag values

+  /// of 0x10000 - 0xFFFFFFFF are defined by this specification

+  ///

+  UINT32            Flags;

+  ///

+  /// Size in bytes of the capsule.

+  ///

+  UINT32            CapsuleImageSize;




+/// The EFI System Table entry must point to an array of capsules

+/// that contain the same CapsuleGuid value. The array must be

+/// prefixed by a UINT32 that represents the size of the array of capsules.


+typedef struct {

+  ///

+  /// the size of the array of capsules.

+  ///

+  UINT32   CapsuleArrayNumber;

+  ///

+  /// Point to an array of capsules that contain the same CapsuleGuid value.

+  ///

+  VOID*    CapsulePtr[1];



+#define CAPSULE_FLAGS_PERSIST_ACROSS_RESET          0x00010000

+#define CAPSULE_FLAGS_POPULATE_SYSTEM_TABLE         0x00020000

+#define CAPSULE_FLAGS_INITIATE_RESET                0x00040000



+  Passes capsules to the firmware with both virtual and physical mapping. Depending on the intended

+  consumption, the firmware may process the capsule immediately. If the payload should persist

+  across a system reset, the reset value returned from EFI_QueryCapsuleCapabilities must

+  be passed into ResetSystem() and will cause the capsule to be processed by the firmware as

+  part of the reset process.


+  @param[in]  CapsuleHeaderArray Virtual pointer to an array of virtual pointers to the capsules

+                                 being passed into update capsule.

+  @param[in]  CapsuleCount       Number of pointers to EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER in

+                                 CaspuleHeaderArray.

+  @param[in]  ScatterGatherList  Physical pointer to a set of

+                                 EFI_CAPSULE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR that describes the

+                                 location in physical memory of a set of capsules.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Valid capsule was passed. If

+                                CAPSULE_FLAGS_PERSIT_ACROSS_RESET is not set, the

+                                capsule has been successfully processed by the firmware.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER CapsuleSize is NULL, or an incompatible set of flags were

+                                set in the capsule header.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER CapsuleCount is 0.

+  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The capsule update was started, but failed due to a device error.

+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The capsule type is not supported on this platform.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  When ExitBootServices() has been previously called this error indicates the capsule 

+                                is compatible with this platform but is not capable of being submitted or processed 

+                                in runtime. The caller may resubmit the capsule prior to ExitBootServices().

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  When ExitBootServices() has not been previously called then this error indicates 

+                                the capsule is compatible with this platform but there are insufficient resources to process.






+  IN EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER     **CapsuleHeaderArray,

+  IN UINTN                  CapsuleCount,


+  );



+  Returns if the capsule can be supported via UpdateCapsule().


+  @param[in]   CapsuleHeaderArray  Virtual pointer to an array of virtual pointers to the capsules

+                                   being passed into update capsule.

+  @param[in]   CapsuleCount        Number of pointers to EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER in

+                                   CaspuleHeaderArray.

+  @param[out]  MaxiumCapsuleSize   On output the maximum size that UpdateCapsule() can

+                                   support as an argument to UpdateCapsule() via

+                                   CapsuleHeaderArray and ScatterGatherList.

+  @param[out]  ResetType           Returns the type of reset required for the capsule update.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Valid answer returned.

+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The capsule type is not supported on this platform, and

+                                MaximumCapsuleSize and ResetType are undefined.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER MaximumCapsuleSize is NULL.

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  When ExitBootServices() has been previously called this error indicates the capsule 

+                                is compatible with this platform but is not capable of being submitted or processed 

+                                in runtime. The caller may resubmit the capsule prior to ExitBootServices().

+  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  When ExitBootServices() has not been previously called then this error indicates 

+                                the capsule is compatible with this platform but there are insufficient resources to process.






+  IN  EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER     **CapsuleHeaderArray,

+  IN  UINTN                  CapsuleCount,

+  OUT UINT64                 *MaximumCapsuleSize,

+  OUT EFI_RESET_TYPE         *ResetType

+  );



+  Returns information about the EFI variables.


+  @param[in]   Attributes                   Attributes bitmask to specify the type of variables on

+                                            which to return information.

+  @param[out]  MaximumVariableStorageSize   On output the maximum size of the storage space

+                                            available for the EFI variables associated with the

+                                            attributes specified.

+  @param[out]  RemainingVariableStorageSize Returns the remaining size of the storage space

+                                            available for the EFI variables associated with the

+                                            attributes specified.

+  @param[out]  MaximumVariableSize          Returns the maximum size of the individual EFI

+                                            variables associated with the attributes specified.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                  Valid answer returned.

+  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER        An invalid combination of attribute bits was supplied

+  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED              The attribute is not supported on this platform, and the

+                                       MaximumVariableStorageSize,

+                                       RemainingVariableStorageSize, MaximumVariableSize

+                                       are undefined.






+  IN  UINT32            Attributes,

+  OUT UINT64            *MaximumVariableStorageSize,

+  OUT UINT64            *RemainingVariableStorageSize,

+  OUT UINT64            *MaximumVariableSize

+  );



+// Firmware should stop at a firmware user interface on next boot


+#define EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_BOOT_TO_FW_UI                    0x0000000000000001

+#define EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_TIMESTAMP_REVOCATION             0x0000000000000002


+#define EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_FMP_CAPSULE_SUPPORTED            0x0000000000000008




+// EFI Runtime Services Table


+#define EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE_SIGNATURE      SIGNATURE_64 ('I','B','I',' ','S','Y','S','T')

+#define EFI_2_40_SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION  ((2 << 16) | (40))

+#define EFI_2_31_SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION  ((2 << 16) | (31))

+#define EFI_2_30_SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION  ((2 << 16) | (30))

+#define EFI_2_20_SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION  ((2 << 16) | (20))

+#define EFI_2_10_SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION  ((2 << 16) | (10))

+#define EFI_2_00_SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION  ((2 << 16) | (00))

+#define EFI_1_10_SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION  ((1 << 16) | (10))

+#define EFI_1_02_SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION  ((1 << 16) | (02))








+/// EFI Runtime Services Table.


+typedef struct {

+  ///

+  /// The table header for the EFI Runtime Services Table.

+  ///

+  EFI_TABLE_HEADER                Hdr;


+  //

+  // Time Services

+  //

+  EFI_GET_TIME                    GetTime;

+  EFI_SET_TIME                    SetTime;

+  EFI_GET_WAKEUP_TIME             GetWakeupTime;

+  EFI_SET_WAKEUP_TIME             SetWakeupTime;


+  //

+  // Virtual Memory Services

+  //

+  EFI_SET_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_MAP     SetVirtualAddressMap;

+  EFI_CONVERT_POINTER             ConvertPointer;


+  //

+  // Variable Services

+  //

+  EFI_GET_VARIABLE                GetVariable;

+  EFI_GET_NEXT_VARIABLE_NAME      GetNextVariableName;

+  EFI_SET_VARIABLE                SetVariable;


+  //

+  // Miscellaneous Services

+  //

+  EFI_GET_NEXT_HIGH_MONO_COUNT    GetNextHighMonotonicCount;

+  EFI_RESET_SYSTEM                ResetSystem;


+  //

+  // UEFI 2.0 Capsule Services

+  //

+  EFI_UPDATE_CAPSULE              UpdateCapsule;

+  EFI_QUERY_CAPSULE_CAPABILITIES  QueryCapsuleCapabilities;


+  //

+  // Miscellaneous UEFI 2.0 Service

+  //

+  EFI_QUERY_VARIABLE_INFO         QueryVariableInfo;




+#define EFI_BOOT_SERVICES_SIGNATURE   SIGNATURE_64 ('B','O','O','T','S','E','R','V')




+/// EFI Boot Services Table.


+typedef struct {

+  ///

+  /// The table header for the EFI Boot Services Table.

+  ///

+  EFI_TABLE_HEADER                Hdr;


+  //

+  // Task Priority Services

+  //

+  EFI_RAISE_TPL                   RaiseTPL;

+  EFI_RESTORE_TPL                 RestoreTPL;


+  //

+  // Memory Services

+  //

+  EFI_ALLOCATE_PAGES              AllocatePages;

+  EFI_FREE_PAGES                  FreePages;

+  EFI_GET_MEMORY_MAP              GetMemoryMap;

+  EFI_ALLOCATE_POOL               AllocatePool;

+  EFI_FREE_POOL                   FreePool;


+  //

+  // Event & Timer Services

+  //

+  EFI_CREATE_EVENT                  CreateEvent;

+  EFI_SET_TIMER                     SetTimer;

+  EFI_WAIT_FOR_EVENT                WaitForEvent;

+  EFI_SIGNAL_EVENT                  SignalEvent;

+  EFI_CLOSE_EVENT                   CloseEvent;

+  EFI_CHECK_EVENT                   CheckEvent;


+  //

+  // Protocol Handler Services

+  //

+  EFI_INSTALL_PROTOCOL_INTERFACE    InstallProtocolInterface;

+  EFI_REINSTALL_PROTOCOL_INTERFACE  ReinstallProtocolInterface;

+  EFI_UNINSTALL_PROTOCOL_INTERFACE  UninstallProtocolInterface;

+  EFI_HANDLE_PROTOCOL               HandleProtocol;

+  VOID                              *Reserved;

+  EFI_REGISTER_PROTOCOL_NOTIFY      RegisterProtocolNotify;

+  EFI_LOCATE_HANDLE                 LocateHandle;

+  EFI_LOCATE_DEVICE_PATH            LocateDevicePath;

+  EFI_INSTALL_CONFIGURATION_TABLE   InstallConfigurationTable;


+  //

+  // Image Services

+  //

+  EFI_IMAGE_LOAD                    LoadImage;

+  EFI_IMAGE_START                   StartImage;

+  EFI_EXIT                          Exit;

+  EFI_IMAGE_UNLOAD                  UnloadImage;

+  EFI_EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES            ExitBootServices;


+  //

+  // Miscellaneous Services

+  //

+  EFI_GET_NEXT_MONOTONIC_COUNT      GetNextMonotonicCount;

+  EFI_STALL                         Stall;

+  EFI_SET_WATCHDOG_TIMER            SetWatchdogTimer;


+  //

+  // DriverSupport Services

+  //

+  EFI_CONNECT_CONTROLLER            ConnectController;

+  EFI_DISCONNECT_CONTROLLER         DisconnectController;


+  //

+  // Open and Close Protocol Services

+  //

+  EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL                 OpenProtocol;

+  EFI_CLOSE_PROTOCOL                CloseProtocol;

+  EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_INFORMATION     OpenProtocolInformation;


+  //

+  // Library Services

+  //

+  EFI_PROTOCOLS_PER_HANDLE          ProtocolsPerHandle;

+  EFI_LOCATE_HANDLE_BUFFER          LocateHandleBuffer;

+  EFI_LOCATE_PROTOCOL               LocateProtocol;

+  EFI_INSTALL_MULTIPLE_PROTOCOL_INTERFACES    InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces;



+  //

+  // 32-bit CRC Services

+  //

+  EFI_CALCULATE_CRC32               CalculateCrc32;


+  //

+  // Miscellaneous Services

+  //

+  EFI_COPY_MEM                      CopyMem;

+  EFI_SET_MEM                       SetMem;

+  EFI_CREATE_EVENT_EX               CreateEventEx;




+/// Contains a set of GUID/pointer pairs comprised of the ConfigurationTable field in the

+/// EFI System Table.


+typedef struct {

+  ///

+  /// The 128-bit GUID value that uniquely identifies the system configuration table.

+  ///

+  EFI_GUID                          VendorGuid;

+  ///

+  /// A pointer to the table associated with VendorGuid.

+  ///

+  VOID                              *VendorTable;




+/// EFI System Table


+typedef struct {

+  ///

+  /// The table header for the EFI System Table.

+  ///

+  EFI_TABLE_HEADER                  Hdr;

+  ///

+  /// A pointer to a null terminated string that identifies the vendor

+  /// that produces the system firmware for the platform.

+  ///

+  CHAR16                            *FirmwareVendor;

+  ///

+  /// A firmware vendor specific value that identifies the revision

+  /// of the system firmware for the platform.

+  ///

+  UINT32                            FirmwareRevision;

+  ///

+  /// The handle for the active console input device. This handle must support


+  ///

+  EFI_HANDLE                        ConsoleInHandle;

+  ///

+  /// A pointer to the EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_INPUT_PROTOCOL interface that is

+  /// associated with ConsoleInHandle.

+  ///


+  ///

+  /// The handle for the active console output device.

+  ///

+  EFI_HANDLE                        ConsoleOutHandle;

+  ///

+  /// A pointer to the EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL interface

+  /// that is associated with ConsoleOutHandle.

+  ///


+  ///

+  /// The handle for the active standard error console device.

+  /// This handle must support the EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL.

+  ///

+  EFI_HANDLE                        StandardErrorHandle;

+  ///

+  /// A pointer to the EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL interface

+  /// that is associated with StandardErrorHandle.

+  ///


+  ///

+  /// A pointer to the EFI Runtime Services Table.

+  ///

+  EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES              *RuntimeServices;

+  ///

+  /// A pointer to the EFI Boot Services Table.

+  ///

+  EFI_BOOT_SERVICES                 *BootServices;

+  ///

+  /// The number of system configuration tables in the buffer ConfigurationTable.

+  ///

+  UINTN                             NumberOfTableEntries;

+  ///

+  /// A pointer to the system configuration tables.

+  /// The number of entries in the table is NumberOfTableEntries.

+  ///

+  EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE           *ConfigurationTable;




+  This is the declaration of an EFI image entry point. This entry point is

+  the same for UEFI Applications, UEFI OS Loaders, and UEFI Drivers including

+  both device drivers and bus drivers.


+  @param[in]  ImageHandle       The firmware allocated handle for the UEFI image.

+  @param[in]  SystemTable       A pointer to the EFI System Table.


+  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The operation completed successfully.

+  @retval Others                An unexpected error occurred.





+  IN  EFI_HANDLE                   ImageHandle,

+  IN  EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE             *SystemTable

+  );



+// EFI Load Options Attributes


+#define LOAD_OPTION_ACTIVE            0x00000001

+#define LOAD_OPTION_FORCE_RECONNECT   0x00000002

+#define LOAD_OPTION_HIDDEN            0x00000008

+#define LOAD_OPTION_CATEGORY          0x00001F00


+#define LOAD_OPTION_CATEGORY_BOOT     0x00000000

+#define LOAD_OPTION_CATEGORY_APP      0x00000100


+#define EFI_BOOT_OPTION_SUPPORT_KEY   0x00000001

+#define EFI_BOOT_OPTION_SUPPORT_APP   0x00000002




+/// EFI Boot Key Data


+typedef union {

+  struct {

+    ///

+    /// Indicates the revision of the EFI_KEY_OPTION structure. This revision level should be 0.

+    ///

+    UINT32  Revision        : 8;

+    ///

+    /// Either the left or right Shift keys must be pressed (1) or must not be pressed (0).

+    ///

+    UINT32  ShiftPressed    : 1;

+    ///

+    /// Either the left or right Control keys must be pressed (1) or must not be pressed (0).

+    ///

+    UINT32  ControlPressed  : 1;

+    ///

+    /// Either the left or right Alt keys must be pressed (1) or must not be pressed (0).

+    ///

+    UINT32  AltPressed      : 1;

+    ///

+    /// Either the left or right Logo keys must be pressed (1) or must not be pressed (0).

+    ///

+    UINT32  LogoPressed     : 1;

+    ///

+    /// The Menu key must be pressed (1) or must not be pressed (0).

+    ///

+    UINT32  MenuPressed     : 1;

+    ///

+    /// The SysReq key must be pressed (1) or must not be pressed (0).

+    ///

+    UINT32  SysReqPressed    : 1;

+    UINT32  Reserved        : 16;

+    ///

+    /// Specifies the actual number of entries in EFI_KEY_OPTION.Keys, from 0-3. If

+    /// zero, then only the shift state is considered. If more than one, then the boot option will

+    /// only be launched if all of the specified keys are pressed with the same shift state.

+    ///

+    UINT32  InputKeyCount   : 2;

+  } Options;

+  UINT32  PackedValue;




+/// EFI Key Option.


+#pragma pack(1)

+typedef struct {

+  ///

+  /// Specifies options about how the key will be processed.

+  ///


+  ///

+  /// The CRC-32 which should match the CRC-32 of the entire EFI_LOAD_OPTION to

+  /// which BootOption refers. If the CRC-32s do not match this value, then this key

+  /// option is ignored.

+  ///

+  UINT32             BootOptionCrc;

+  ///

+  /// The Boot#### option which will be invoked if this key is pressed and the boot option

+  /// is active (LOAD_OPTION_ACTIVE is set).

+  ///

+  UINT16             BootOption;

+  ///

+  /// The key codes to compare against those returned by the


+  /// The number of key codes (0-3) is specified by the EFI_KEY_CODE_COUNT field in KeyOptions.

+  ///

+  //EFI_INPUT_KEY      Keys[];


+#pragma pack()



+// EFI File location to boot from on removable media devices








+#if   defined (MDE_CPU_IA32)


+#elif defined (MDE_CPU_IPF)


+#elif defined (MDE_CPU_X64)


+#elif defined (MDE_CPU_EBC)

+#elif defined (MDE_CPU_ARM)


+#elif defined (MDE_CPU_AARCH64)



+  #error Unknown Processor Type



+#include <Uefi/UefiPxe.h>

+#include <Uefi/UefiGpt.h>

+#include <Uefi/UefiInternalFormRepresentation.h>

