/** @file | |
Class for arbitrary sized FIFO queues. | |
Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> | |
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available | |
under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this | |
distribution. The full text of the license may be found at | |
http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. | |
**/ | |
#ifndef _FIFO_CLASS_H | |
#define _FIFO_CLASS_H | |
#include <Uefi.h> | |
#include <wchar.h> | |
#include <Containers/ModuloUtil.h> | |
#include <sys/types.h> | |
typedef struct _FIFO_CLASS cFIFO; | |
/// Constants to select what is counted by the FIFO_NumInQueue function. | |
typedef enum { | |
AsElements, ///< Count the number of readable elements in the queue. | |
AsBytes ///< Count the number of readable bytes in the queue. | |
} FIFO_ElemBytes; | |
/** Construct a new instance of a FIFO Queue. | |
@param[in] NumElements Number of elements to be contained in the new FIFO. | |
@param[in] ElementSize Size, in bytes, of an element | |
@retval NULL Unable to create the instance. | |
@retval NonNULL Pointer to the new FIFO instance. | |
**/ | |
cFIFO * EFIAPI New_cFIFO(UINT32 NumElements, size_t ElementSize); | |
/** Add one or more elements to the FIFO. | |
This function allows one to add one or more elements, as specified by Count, | |
to the FIFO. Each element is of the size specified when the FIFO object | |
was instantiated (FIFO.ElementSize). | |
pElement points to the first byte of the first element to be added. | |
If multiple elements are to be added, the elements are expected to be | |
organized as a packed array. | |
@param[in] Self Pointer to the FIFO instance. | |
@param[in] pElement Pointer to the element(s) to enqueue (add). | |
@param[in] Count Number of elements to add. | |
@retval 0 The FIFO is full. | |
@retval >=0 The number of elements added to the FIFO. | |
**/ | |
typedef size_t (EFIAPI *cFIFO_Enqueue) (cFIFO *Self, const void *ElementPointer, size_t Count); | |
/** Read or copy elements from the FIFO. | |
This function allows one to read one or more elements, as specified by Count, | |
from the FIFO. Each element is of the size specified when the FIFO object | |
was instantiated (FIFO.ElementSize). | |
pElement points to the destination of the first byte of the first element | |
to be read. If multiple elements are to be read, the elements are expected | |
to be organized as a packed array. | |
@param[in] Self Pointer to the FIFO instance. | |
@param[out] pElement Pointer to where to store the element(s) read from the FIFO. | |
@param[in] Count Number of elements to dequeue. | |
@param[in] Consume If TRUE, consume read elements. Otherwise, preserve. | |
@retval 0 The FIFO is empty. | |
@retval >=0 The number of elements read from the FIFO. | |
**/ | |
typedef size_t (EFIAPI *cFIFO_Dequeue) (cFIFO *Self, void *ElementPointer, size_t Count); | |
/** Make a copy of the FIFO's data. | |
The contents of the FIFO is copied out and linearized without affecting the | |
FIFO contents. | |
@param[in] Self Pointer to the FIFO instance. | |
@param[out] ElementPointer Pointer to where to store the elements copied from the FIFO. | |
@param[in] Count Number of elements to copy. | |
@retval 0 The FIFO is empty. | |
@retval >=0 The number of elements copied from the FIFO. | |
**/ | |
typedef size_t (EFIAPI *cFIFO_Copy) (cFIFO *Self, void *ElementPointer, size_t Count); | |
/** Test whether the FIFO is empty. | |
@param[in] Self Pointer to the FIFO instance. | |
@retval TRUE The FIFO is empty. | |
@retval FALSE The FIFO is NOT empty. | |
**/ | |
typedef BOOLEAN (EFIAPI *cFIFO_IsEmpty) (cFIFO *Self); | |
/** Test whether the FIFO is full. | |
@param[in] Self Pointer to the FIFO instance. | |
@retval TRUE The FIFO is full. | |
@retval FALSE The FIFO is NOT full. | |
**/ | |
typedef BOOLEAN (EFIAPI *cFIFO_IsFull) (cFIFO *Self); | |
/** Determine number of items available to read from the FIFO. | |
The number of items are either the number of bytes, or the number of elements | |
depending upon the value of the As enumerator. | |
@param[in] Self Pointer to the FIFO instance. | |
@param[in] As An enumeration variable whose value determines whether the | |
returned value is the number of bytes or the number of elements | |
currently contained by the FIFO. | |
@retval 0 The FIFO is empty. | |
@retval >=0 The number of items contained in the FIFO. | |
**/ | |
typedef size_t (EFIAPI *cFIFO_NumInQueue) (cFIFO *Self, FIFO_ElemBytes As); | |
/** Determine amount of free space in the FIFO that can be written into. | |
The number of items are either the number of bytes, or the number of elements | |
depending upon the value of the As enumerator. | |
@param[in] Self Pointer to the FIFO instance. | |
@param[in] As An enumeration variable whose value determines whether the | |
returned value is the number of bytes or the number of elements | |
currently available in the FIFO. | |
@retval 0 The FIFO is full. | |
@retval >=0 The number of items which can be accepted by the FIFO. | |
**/ | |
typedef size_t (EFIAPI *cFIFO_FreeSpace) (cFIFO *Self, FIFO_ElemBytes As); | |
/** Empty the FIFO, discarding up to NumToFlush elements. | |
@param[in] Self Pointer to the FIFO instance. | |
@param[in] NumToFlush Number of elements to flush from the FIFO. | |
If larger than the number of elements in the | |
FIFO, the FIFO is emptied. | |
@return Returns the number of elements remaining in the FIFO after the flush. | |
**/ | |
typedef size_t (EFIAPI *cFIFO_Flush) (cFIFO *Self, size_t NumToFlush); | |
/** Remove the most recent element from the FIFO. | |
@param[in] Self Pointer to the FIFO instance. | |
@return Returns the number of elements remaining in the FIFO. | |
**/ | |
typedef size_t (EFIAPI *cFIFO_Truncate) (cFIFO *Self); | |
/** Cleanly delete a FIFO instance. | |
@param[in] Self Pointer to the FIFO instance. | |
**/ | |
typedef void (EFIAPI *cFIFO_Delete) (cFIFO *Self); | |
/** Get the FIFO's current Read Index. | |
@param[in] Self Pointer to the FIFO instance. | |
@return The current value of the FIFO's ReadIndex member is returned. | |
**/ | |
typedef UINT32 (EFIAPI *cFIFO_GetRDex) (cFIFO *Self); | |
/** Get the FIFO's current Write Index. | |
@param[in] Self Pointer to the FIFO instance. | |
@return The current value of the FIFO's WriteIndex member is returned. | |
**/ | |
typedef UINT32 (EFIAPI *cFIFO_GetWDex) (cFIFO *Self); | |
/// Structure declaration for FIFO objects. | |
struct _FIFO_CLASS { | |
/* ######## Public Functions ######## */ | |
cFIFO_Enqueue Write; ///< Write an element into the FIFO. | |
cFIFO_Dequeue Read; ///< Read an element from the FIFO. | |
cFIFO_Copy Copy; ///< Non-destructive copy from FIFO. | |
cFIFO_IsEmpty IsEmpty; ///< Test whether the FIFO is empty. | |
cFIFO_IsFull IsFull; ///< Test whether the FIFO is full. | |
cFIFO_NumInQueue Count; ///< Return the number of elements contained in the FIFO. | |
cFIFO_FreeSpace FreeSpace; ///< Return the number of available elements in the FIFO. | |
cFIFO_Flush Flush; ///< Remove the N earliest elements from the FIFO. | |
cFIFO_Truncate Truncate; ///< Remove the most recent element from the FIFO. | |
cFIFO_Delete Delete; ///< Delete the FIFO object. | |
/* ######## Protected Functions ######## */ | |
cFIFO_GetRDex GetRDex; ///< Get a copy of the current Read Index. | |
cFIFO_GetWDex GetWDex; ///< Get a copy of the current Write Index. | |
/* ######## PRIVATE Data ######## */ | |
void *Queue; ///< The FIFO's data storage. | |
UINT32 ElementSize; ///< Number of bytes in an element. | |
UINT32 NumElements; ///< Number of elements the FIFO can store. | |
UINT32 ReadIndex; ///< Index of next element to Read. | |
UINT32 WriteIndex; ///< Index of where next element will be Written. | |
}; | |
#endif /* _FIFO_CLASS_H */ |