blob: 7aad36e0032644f63899405d84481c3c4cdaf239 [file] [log] [blame]
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
U-Boot for ODROID-N2
ODROID-N2 is a single board computer manufactured by Hardkernel
Co. Ltd with the following specifications:
- Amlogic S922X ARM Cortex-A53 dual-core + Cortex-A73 quad-core SoC
- Gigabit Ethernet
- HDMI 2.1 4K/60Hz display
- 40-pin GPIO header
- 4 x USB 3.0 Host, 1 x USB OTG
- eMMC, microSD
- Infrared receiver
Schematics are available on the manufacturer website.
U-Boot compilation
.. code-block:: bash
$ export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-elf-
$ make odroid-n2_defconfig
$ make
Image creation
For simplified usage, pleaser refer to :doc:`pre-generated-fip` with codename `odroid-n2` or `odroid-n2-plus`
Amlogic doesn't provide sources for the firmware and for tools needed
to create the bootloader image, so it is necessary to obtain them from
the git tree published by the board vendor:
.. code-block:: bash
$ wget
$ wget
$ tar xvfJ gcc-linaro-aarch64-none-elf-4.8-2013.11_linux.tar.xz
$ tar xvfJ gcc-linaro-arm-none-eabi-4.8-2013.11_linux.tar.xz
$ export PATH=$PWD/gcc-linaro-aarch64-none-elf-4.8-2013.11_linux/bin:$PWD/gcc-linaro-arm-none-eabi-4.8-2013.11_linux/bin:$PATH
$ DIR=odroid-n2
$ git clone --depth 1 \ -b odroidn2-v2015.01 \
$ cd odroid-n2
$ make odroidn2_defconfig
$ make
$ export UBOOTDIR=$PWD
Go back to mainline U-Boot source tree then :
.. code-block:: bash
$ mkdir fip
$ wget -O fip/
$ cp $UBOOTDIR/build/scp_task/bl301.bin fip/
$ cp $UBOOTDIR/build/board/hardkernel/odroidn2/firmware/acs.bin fip/
$ cp $UBOOTDIR/fip/g12b/bl2.bin fip/
$ cp $UBOOTDIR/fip/g12b/bl30.bin fip/
$ cp $UBOOTDIR/fip/g12b/bl31.img fip/
$ cp $UBOOTDIR/fip/g12b/ddr3_1d.fw fip/
$ cp $UBOOTDIR/fip/g12b/ddr4_1d.fw fip/
$ cp $UBOOTDIR/fip/g12b/ddr4_2d.fw fip/
$ cp $UBOOTDIR/fip/g12b/diag_lpddr4.fw fip/
$ cp $UBOOTDIR/fip/g12b/lpddr4_1d.fw fip/
$ cp $UBOOTDIR/fip/g12b/lpddr4_2d.fw fip/
$ cp $UBOOTDIR/fip/g12b/piei.fw fip/
$ cp $UBOOTDIR/fip/g12b/aml_ddr.fw fip/
$ cp u-boot.bin fip/bl33.bin
$ sh fip/ \
fip/bl30.bin \
fip/zero_tmp \
fip/bl30_zero.bin \
fip/bl301.bin \
fip/bl301_zero.bin \
fip/bl30_new.bin \
$ sh fip/ \
fip/bl2.bin \
fip/zero_tmp \
fip/bl2_zero.bin \
fip/acs.bin \
fip/bl21_zero.bin \
fip/bl2_new.bin \
$ $UBOOTDIR/fip/g12b/aml_encrypt_g12b --bl30sig --input fip/bl30_new.bin \
--output fip/bl30_new.bin.g12a.enc \
--level v3
$ $UBOOTDIR/fip/g12b/aml_encrypt_g12b --bl3sig --input fip/bl30_new.bin.g12a.enc \
--output fip/bl30_new.bin.enc \
--level v3 --type bl30
$ $UBOOTDIR/fip/g12b/aml_encrypt_g12b --bl3sig --input fip/bl31.img \
--output fip/bl31.img.enc \
--level v3 --type bl31
$ $UBOOTDIR/fip/g12b/aml_encrypt_g12b --bl3sig --input fip/bl33.bin --compress lz4 \
--output fip/bl33.bin.enc \
--level v3 --type bl33 --compress lz4
$ $UBOOTDIR/fip/g12b/aml_encrypt_g12b --bl2sig --input fip/bl2_new.bin \
--output fip/bl2.n.bin.sig
$ $UBOOTDIR/fip/g12b/aml_encrypt_g12b --bootmk \
--output fip/u-boot.bin \
--bl2 fip/bl2.n.bin.sig \
--bl30 fip/bl30_new.bin.enc \
--bl31 fip/bl31.img.enc \
--bl33 fip/bl33.bin.enc \
--ddrfw1 fip/ddr4_1d.fw \
--ddrfw2 fip/ddr4_2d.fw \
--ddrfw3 fip/ddr3_1d.fw \
--ddrfw4 fip/piei.fw \
--ddrfw5 fip/lpddr4_1d.fw \
--ddrfw6 fip/lpddr4_2d.fw \
--ddrfw7 fip/diag_lpddr4.fw \
--ddrfw8 fip/aml_ddr.fw \
--level v3
and then write the image to SD with:
.. code-block:: bash
$ DEV=/dev/your_sd_device
$ dd if=fip/ of=$DEV conv=fsync,notrunc bs=512 skip=1 seek=1
$ dd if=fip/ of=$DEV conv=fsync,notrunc bs=1 count=444