blob: 8eea864d45bcf2b7d70cd2d1978cf6de7953bafd [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
# Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc
# Written by Simon Glass <>
# Creates binary images from input files controlled by a description
from collections import OrderedDict
import glob
import os
import pkg_resources
import re
import sys
from patman import tools
from binman import bintool
from binman import cbfs_util
from patman import command
from binman import elf
from binman import entry
from patman import tout
# These are imported if needed since they import libfdt
state = None
Image = None
# List of images we plan to create
# Make this global so that it can be referenced from tests
images = OrderedDict()
# Help text for each type of missing blob, dict:
# key: Value of the entry's 'missing-msg' or entry name
# value: Text for the help
missing_blob_help = {}
def _ReadImageDesc(binman_node, use_expanded):
"""Read the image descriptions from the /binman node
This normally produces a single Image object called 'image'. But if
multiple images are present, they will all be returned.
binman_node: Node object of the /binman node
use_expanded: True if the FDT will be updated with the entry information
OrderedDict of Image objects, each of which describes an image
# For Image()
# pylint: disable=E1102
images = OrderedDict()
if 'multiple-images' in binman_node.props:
for node in binman_node.subnodes:
images[] = Image(, node,
images['image'] = Image('image', binman_node, use_expanded=use_expanded)
return images
def _FindBinmanNode(dtb):
"""Find the 'binman' node in the device tree
dtb: Fdt object to scan
Node object of /binman node, or None if not found
for node in dtb.GetRoot().subnodes:
if == 'binman':
return node
return None
def _ReadMissingBlobHelp():
"""Read the missing-blob-help file
This file containins help messages explaining what to do when external blobs
are missing.
key: Message tag (str)
value: Message text (str)
def _FinishTag(tag, msg, result):
if tag:
result[tag] = msg.rstrip()
tag = None
msg = ''
return tag, msg
my_data = pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, 'missing-blob-help')
re_tag = re.compile('^([-a-z0-9]+):$')
result = {}
tag = None
msg = ''
for line in my_data.decode('utf-8').splitlines():
if not line.startswith('#'):
m_tag = re_tag.match(line)
if m_tag:
_, msg = _FinishTag(tag, msg, result)
tag =
elif tag:
msg += line + '\n'
_FinishTag(tag, msg, result)
return result
def _ShowBlobHelp(path, text):
tout.warning('\n%s:' % path)
for line in text.splitlines():
tout.warning(' %s' % line)
def _ShowHelpForMissingBlobs(missing_list):
"""Show help for each missing blob to help the user take action
missing_list: List of Entry objects to show help for
global missing_blob_help
if not missing_blob_help:
missing_blob_help = _ReadMissingBlobHelp()
for entry in missing_list:
tags = entry.GetHelpTags()
# Show the first match help message
for tag in tags:
if tag in missing_blob_help:
_ShowBlobHelp(entry._node.path, missing_blob_help[tag])
def GetEntryModules(include_testing=True):
"""Get a set of entry class implementations
Set of paths to entry class filenames
glob_list = pkg_resources.resource_listdir(__name__, 'etype')
glob_list = [fname for fname in glob_list if fname.endswith('.py')]
return set([os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(item))[0]
for item in glob_list
if include_testing or '_testing' not in item])
def WriteEntryDocs(modules, test_missing=None):
"""Write out documentation for all entries
modules: List of Module objects to get docs for
test_missing: Used for testing only, to force an entry's documentation
to show as missing even if it is present. Should be set to None in
normal use.
from binman.entry import Entry
Entry.WriteDocs(modules, test_missing)
def write_bintool_docs(modules, test_missing=None):
"""Write out documentation for all bintools
modules: List of Module objects to get docs for
test_missing: Used for testing only, to force an entry's documentation
to show as missing even if it is present. Should be set to None in
normal use.
bintool.Bintool.WriteDocs(modules, test_missing)
def ListEntries(image_fname, entry_paths):
"""List the entries in an image
This decodes the supplied image and displays a table of entries from that
image, preceded by a header.
image_fname: Image filename to process
entry_paths: List of wildcarded paths (e.g. ['*dtb*', 'u-boot*',
image = Image.FromFile(image_fname)
entries, lines, widths = image.GetListEntries(entry_paths)
num_columns = len(widths)
for linenum, line in enumerate(lines):
if linenum == 1:
# Print header line
print('-' * (sum(widths) + num_columns * 2))
out = ''
for i, item in enumerate(line):
width = -widths[i]
if item.startswith('>'):
width = -width
item = item[1:]
txt = '%*s ' % (width, item)
out += txt
def ReadEntry(image_fname, entry_path, decomp=True):
"""Extract an entry from an image
This extracts the data from a particular entry in an image
image_fname: Image filename to process
entry_path: Path to entry to extract
decomp: True to return uncompressed data, if the data is compress
False to return the raw data
data extracted from the entry
global Image
from binman.image import Image
image = Image.FromFile(image_fname)
entry = image.FindEntryPath(entry_path)
return entry.ReadData(decomp)
def ShowAltFormats(image):
"""Show alternative formats available for entries in the image
This shows a list of formats available.
image (Image): Image to check
alt_formats = {}
print('%-10s %-20s %s' % ('Flag (-F)', 'Entry type', 'Description'))
for name, val in alt_formats.items():
entry, helptext = val
print('%-10s %-20s %s' % (name, entry.etype, helptext))
def ExtractEntries(image_fname, output_fname, outdir, entry_paths,
decomp=True, alt_format=None):
"""Extract the data from one or more entries and write it to files
image_fname: Image filename to process
output_fname: Single output filename to use if extracting one file, None
outdir: Output directory to use (for any number of files), else None
entry_paths: List of entry paths to extract
decomp: True to decompress the entry data
List of EntryInfo records that were written
image = Image.FromFile(image_fname)
if alt_format == 'list':
# Output an entry to a single file, as a special case
if output_fname:
if not entry_paths:
raise ValueError('Must specify an entry path to write with -f')
if len(entry_paths) != 1:
raise ValueError('Must specify exactly one entry path to write with -f')
entry = image.FindEntryPath(entry_paths[0])
data = entry.ReadData(decomp, alt_format)
tools.write_file(output_fname, data)
tout.notice("Wrote %#x bytes to file '%s'" % (len(data), output_fname))
# Otherwise we will output to a path given by the entry path of each entry.
# This means that entries will appear in subdirectories if they are part of
# a sub-section.
einfos = image.GetListEntries(entry_paths)[0]
tout.notice('%d entries match and will be written' % len(einfos))
for einfo in einfos:
entry = einfo.entry
data = entry.ReadData(decomp, alt_format)
path = entry.GetPath()[1:]
fname = os.path.join(outdir, path)
# If this entry has children, create a directory for it and put its
# data in a file called 'root' in that directory
if entry.GetEntries():
if fname and not os.path.exists(fname):
fname = os.path.join(fname, 'root')
tout.notice("Write entry '%s' size %x to '%s'" %
(entry.GetPath(), len(data), fname))
tools.write_file(fname, data)
return einfos
def BeforeReplace(image, allow_resize):
"""Handle getting an image ready for replacing entries in it
image: Image to prepare
# If repacking, drop the old offset/size values except for the original
# ones, so we are only left with the constraints.
if image.allow_repack and allow_resize:
def ReplaceOneEntry(image, entry, data, do_compress, allow_resize):
"""Handle replacing a single entry an an image
image: Image to update
entry: Entry to write
data: Data to replace with
do_compress: True to compress the data if needed, False if data is
already compressed so should be used as is
allow_resize: True to allow entries to change size (this does a re-pack
of the entries), False to raise an exception
if not entry.WriteData(data, do_compress):
if not image.allow_repack:
entry.Raise('Entry data size does not match, but allow-repack is not present for this image')
if not allow_resize:
entry.Raise('Entry data size does not match, but resize is disabled')
def AfterReplace(image, allow_resize, write_map):
"""Handle write out an image after replacing entries in it
image: Image to write
allow_resize: True to allow entries to change size (this does a re-pack
of the entries), False to raise an exception
write_map: True to write a map file
"""'Processing image')
ProcessImage(image, update_fdt=True, write_map=write_map,
get_contents=False, allow_resize=allow_resize)
def WriteEntryToImage(image, entry, data, do_compress=True, allow_resize=True,
BeforeReplace(image, allow_resize)'Writing data to %s' % entry.GetPath())
ReplaceOneEntry(image, entry, data, do_compress, allow_resize)
AfterReplace(image, allow_resize=allow_resize, write_map=write_map)
def WriteEntry(image_fname, entry_path, data, do_compress=True,
allow_resize=True, write_map=False):
"""Replace an entry in an image
This replaces the data in a particular entry in an image. This size of the
new data must match the size of the old data unless allow_resize is True.
image_fname: Image filename to process
entry_path: Path to entry to extract
data: Data to replace with
do_compress: True to compress the data if needed, False if data is
already compressed so should be used as is
allow_resize: True to allow entries to change size (this does a re-pack
of the entries), False to raise an exception
write_map: True to write a map file
Image object that was updated
""""Write entry '%s', file '%s'" % (entry_path, image_fname))
image = Image.FromFile(image_fname)
entry = image.FindEntryPath(entry_path)
WriteEntryToImage(image, entry, data, do_compress=do_compress,
allow_resize=allow_resize, write_map=write_map)
return image
def ReplaceEntries(image_fname, input_fname, indir, entry_paths,
do_compress=True, allow_resize=True, write_map=False):
"""Replace the data from one or more entries from input files
image_fname: Image filename to process
input_fname: Single input filename to use if replacing one file, None
indir: Input directory to use (for any number of files), else None
entry_paths: List of entry paths to replace
do_compress: True if the input data is uncompressed and may need to be
compressed if the entry requires it, False if the data is already
write_map: True to write a map file
List of EntryInfo records that were written
image_fname = os.path.abspath(image_fname)
image = Image.FromFile(image_fname)
# Replace an entry from a single file, as a special case
if input_fname:
if not entry_paths:
raise ValueError('Must specify an entry path to read with -f')
if len(entry_paths) != 1:
raise ValueError('Must specify exactly one entry path to write with -f')
entry = image.FindEntryPath(entry_paths[0])
data = tools.read_file(input_fname)
tout.notice("Read %#x bytes from file '%s'" % (len(data), input_fname))
WriteEntryToImage(image, entry, data, do_compress=do_compress,
allow_resize=allow_resize, write_map=write_map)
# Otherwise we will input from a path given by the entry path of each entry.
# This means that files must appear in subdirectories if they are part of
# a sub-section.
einfos = image.GetListEntries(entry_paths)[0]
tout.notice("Replacing %d matching entries in image '%s'" %
(len(einfos), image_fname))
BeforeReplace(image, allow_resize)
for einfo in einfos:
entry = einfo.entry
if entry.GetEntries():"Skipping section entry '%s'" % entry.GetPath())
path = entry.GetPath()[1:]
fname = os.path.join(indir, path)
if os.path.exists(fname):
tout.notice("Write entry '%s' from file '%s'" %
(entry.GetPath(), fname))
data = tools.read_file(fname)
ReplaceOneEntry(image, entry, data, do_compress, allow_resize)
tout.warning("Skipping entry '%s' from missing file '%s'" %
(entry.GetPath(), fname))
AfterReplace(image, allow_resize=allow_resize, write_map=write_map)
return image
def PrepareImagesAndDtbs(dtb_fname, select_images, update_fdt, use_expanded):
"""Prepare the images to be processed and select the device tree
This function:
- reads in the device tree
- finds and scans the binman node to create all entries
- selects which images to build
- Updates the device tress with placeholder properties for offset,
image-pos, etc.
dtb_fname: Filename of the device tree file to use (.dts or .dtb)
selected_images: List of images to output, or None for all
update_fdt: True to update the FDT wth entry offsets, etc.
use_expanded: True to use expanded versions of entries, if available.
So if 'u-boot' is called for, we use 'u-boot-expanded' instead. This
is needed if update_fdt is True (although tests may disable it)
OrderedDict of images:
key: Image name (str)
value: Image object
# Import these here in case is not available, in which case
# the above help option still works.
from dtoc import fdt
from dtoc import fdt_util
global images
# Get the device tree ready by compiling it and copying the compiled
# output into a file in our output directly. Then scan it for use
# in binman.
dtb_fname = fdt_util.EnsureCompiled(dtb_fname)
fname = tools.get_output_filename('u-boot.dtb.out')
tools.write_file(fname, tools.read_file(dtb_fname))
dtb = fdt.FdtScan(fname)
node = _FindBinmanNode(dtb)
if not node:
raise ValueError("Device tree '%s' does not have a 'binman' "
"node" % dtb_fname)
images = _ReadImageDesc(node, use_expanded)
if select_images:
skip = []
new_images = OrderedDict()
for name, image in images.items():
if name in select_images:
new_images[name] = image
images = new_images
tout.notice('Skipping images: %s' % ', '.join(skip))
state.Prepare(images, dtb)
# Prepare the device tree by making sure that any missing
# properties are added (e.g. 'pos' and 'size'). The values of these
# may not be correct yet, but we add placeholders so that the
# size of the device tree is correct. Later, in
# SetCalculatedProperties() we will insert the correct values
# without changing the device-tree size, thus ensuring that our
# entry offsets remain the same.
for image in images.values():
if update_fdt:
for dtb_item in state.GetAllFdts():
return images
def ProcessImage(image, update_fdt, write_map, get_contents=True,
allow_resize=True, allow_missing=False,
"""Perform all steps for this image, including checking and # writing it.
This means that errors found with a later image will be reported after
earlier images are already completed and written, but that does not seem
image: Image to process
update_fdt: True to update the FDT wth entry offsets, etc.
write_map: True to write a map file
get_contents: True to get the image contents from files, etc., False if
the contents is already present
allow_resize: True to allow entries to change size (this does a re-pack
of the entries), False to raise an exception
allow_missing: Allow blob_ext objects to be missing
allow_fake_blobs: Allow blob_ext objects to be faked with dummy files
True if one or more external blobs are missing or faked,
False if all are present
if get_contents:
# We need to pack the entries to figure out where everything
# should be placed. This sets the offset/size of each entry.
# However, after packing we call ProcessEntryContents() which
# may result in an entry changing size. In that case we need to
# do another pass. Since the device tree often contains the
# final offset/size information we try to make space for this in
# AddMissingProperties() above. However, if the device is
# compressed we cannot know this compressed size in advance,
# since changing an offset from 0x100 to 0x104 (for example) can
# alter the compressed size of the device tree. So we need a
# third pass for this.
passes = 5
for pack_pass in range(passes):
except Exception as e:
if write_map:
fname = image.WriteMap()
print("Wrote map file '%s' to show errors" % fname)
if update_fdt:
for dtb_item in state.GetAllFdts():
sizes_ok = image.ProcessEntryContents()
if sizes_ok:
image.ResetForPack()'Pack completed after %d pass(es)' % (pack_pass + 1))
if not sizes_ok:
image.Raise('Entries changed size after packing (tried %s passes)' %
if write_map:
missing_list = []
if missing_list:
tout.warning("Image '%s' is missing external blobs and is non-functional: %s" %
(, ' '.join([ for e in missing_list])))
faked_list = []
if faked_list:
"Image '%s' has faked external blobs and is non-functional: %s" %
(, ' '.join([os.path.basename(e.GetDefaultFilename())
for e in faked_list])))
missing_bintool_list = []
if missing_bintool_list:
"Image '%s' has missing bintools and is non-functional: %s" %
(, ' '.join([os.path.basename(
for bintool in missing_bintool_list])))
return any([missing_list, faked_list, missing_bintool_list])
def Binman(args):
"""The main control code for binman
This assumes that help and test options have already been dealt with. It
deals with the core task of building images.
args: Command line arguments Namespace object
global Image
global state
if args.full_help:
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])), 'README.rst')
return 0
# Put these here so that we can import this module without libfdt
from binman.image import Image
from binman import state
if args.cmd in ['ls', 'extract', 'replace', 'tool']:
if args.cmd == 'ls':
ListEntries(args.image, args.paths)
if args.cmd == 'extract':
ExtractEntries(args.image, args.filename, args.outdir, args.paths,
not args.uncompressed, args.format)
if args.cmd == 'replace':
ReplaceEntries(args.image, args.filename, args.indir, args.paths,
do_compress=not args.compressed,
allow_resize=not args.fix_size,
if args.cmd == 'tool':
if args.list:
elif args.fetch:
if not args.bintools:
raise ValueError(
"Please specify bintools to fetch or 'all' or 'missing'")
raise ValueError("Invalid arguments to 'tool' subcommand")
return 0
elf_params = None
if args.update_fdt_in_elf:
elf_params = args.update_fdt_in_elf.split(',')
if len(elf_params) != 4:
raise ValueError('Invalid args %s to --update-fdt-in-elf: expected infile,outfile,begin_sym,end_sym' %
# Try to figure out which device tree contains our image description
if args.dt:
dtb_fname = args.dt
board = args.board
if not board:
raise ValueError('Must provide a board to process (use -b <board>)')
board_pathname = os.path.join(args.build_dir, board)
dtb_fname = os.path.join(board_pathname, 'u-boot.dtb')
if not args.indir:
args.indir = ['.']
elf.debug = args.debug
cbfs_util.VERBOSE = args.verbosity > 2
state.use_fake_dtb = args.fake_dtb
# Normally we replace the 'u-boot' etype with 'u-boot-expanded', etc.
# When running tests this can be disabled using this flag. When not
# updating the FDT in image, it is not needed by binman, but we use it
# for consistency, so that the images look the same to U-Boot at
# runtime.
use_expanded = not args.no_expanded
tools.prepare_output_dir(args.outdir, args.preserve)
images = PrepareImagesAndDtbs(dtb_fname, args.image,
args.update_fdt, use_expanded)
if args.test_section_timeout:
# Set the first image to timeout, used in testThreadTimeout()
images[list(images.keys())[0]].test_section_timeout = True
invalid = False
args.force_missing_bintools.split(',') if
args.force_missing_bintools else None)
# Create the directory here instead of Entry.check_fake_fname()
# since that is called from a threaded context so different threads
# may race to create the directory
if args.fake_ext_blobs:
for image in images.values():
invalid |= ProcessImage(image, args.update_fdt,,
# Write the updated FDTs to our output files
for dtb_item in state.GetAllFdts():
tools.write_file(dtb_item._fname, dtb_item.GetContents())
if elf_params:
data = state.GetFdtForEtype('u-boot-dtb').GetContents()
elf.UpdateFile(*elf_params, data)
if invalid:
tout.warning("\nSome images are invalid")
# Use this to debug the time take to pack the image
return 0