| This driver supports Designware Ethernet Controller provided by Synopsis. |
| The driver is enabled by CONFIG_DESIGNWARE_ETH. |
| The driver has been developed and tested on SPEAr platforms. By default, the |
| MDIO interface works at 100/Full. #defining the below options in board |
| configuration file changes this behavior. |
| Call an subroutine from respective board/.../board.c |
| designware_initialize(u32 id, ulong base_addr, u32 phy_addr); |
| The various options suported by the driver are |
| Define this to use the Alternate/Enhanced Descriptor configurations. |
| Define this to autonegotiate with the host before proceeding with mac |
| level configuration. This obviates the definitions of CONFIG_DW_SPEED10M |
| Define this to change the default behavior from 100Mbps to 10Mbps. |
| Define this to change the default behavior from Full Duplex to Half. |
| Define this to search the phy address. This would overwrite the value |
| passed as 3rd arg from designware_initialize routine. |