| .. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ |
| Verified Boot for Embedded (VBE) |
| ================================ |
| VBE provides a standard boot mechanism for embedded systems. If defines |
| how firmware and Operating Systems are located, updated and verified. |
| Within U-Boot, one or more VBE bootmeths implement the boot logic. For example, |
| the vbe-simple bootmeth handles finding the firmware (e.g. in MMC) and starting |
| it. Typically the bootmeth is started up in VPL and controls which SPL and |
| U-Boot binaries are loaded. |
| A 'vbe' command provides access to various aspects of VBE's operation, including |
| listing methods and getting the status for a method. |
| For a detailed overview of VBE, see vbe-intro_. A fuller description of |
| bootflows is at vbe-bootflows_ and the firmware-update mechanism is described at |
| vbe-fwupdate_. VBE OS requests are described at vbe-osrequests_. |
| .. _vbe-intro: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQjXLPWMIyVktaTMf8edHZYDrEvMYD_iNzIj1FgPmKF37fpglAC47Tt5cvPBC5fvTdoK-GA5Zv1wifo/pub |
| .. _vbe-bootflows: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR0OzhuyRJQ8kdeOibS3xB1rVFy3J4M_QKTM5-3vPIBNcdvR0W8EXu9ymG-yWfqthzWoM4JUNhqwydN/pub |
| .. _vbe-fwupdate: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTnlIL17vVbl6TVoTHWYMED0bme7oHHNk-g5VGxblbPiKIdGDALE1HKId8Go5f0g1eziLsv4h9bocbk/pub |
| .. _vbe-osrequests: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTHhxX7WSZe68i9rAkW-DHdx6koU-jxYHhamLhZn9GQ9QT2_epSBosMV1_r7yPHOXZccx71rF_t0PXL/pub |