blob: 55ba1e9c98524a2055635044a4e33075fbd00db1 [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
# Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc
import glob
import os
import shutil
import struct
import sys
import tempfile
from patman import command
from patman import tout
# Output directly (generally this is temporary)
outdir = None
# True to keep the output directory around after exiting
preserve_outdir = False
# Path to the Chrome OS chroot, if we know it
chroot_path = None
# Search paths to use for Filename(), used to find files
search_paths = []
tool_search_paths = []
# Tools and the packages that contain them, on debian
packages = {
'lz4': 'liblz4-tool',
# List of paths to use when looking for an input file
indir = []
def PrepareOutputDir(dirname, preserve=False):
"""Select an output directory, ensuring it exists.
This either creates a temporary directory or checks that the one supplied
by the user is valid. For a temporary directory, it makes a note to
remove it later if required.
dirname: a string, name of the output directory to use to store
intermediate and output files. If is None - create a temporary
preserve: a Boolean. If outdir above is None and preserve is False, the
created temporary directory will be destroyed on exit.
OSError: If it cannot create the output directory.
global outdir, preserve_outdir
preserve_outdir = dirname or preserve
if dirname:
outdir = dirname
if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
except OSError as err:
raise CmdError("Cannot make output directory '%s': '%s'" %
(outdir, err.strerror))
tout.Debug("Using output directory '%s'" % outdir)
outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='binman.')
tout.Debug("Using temporary directory '%s'" % outdir)
def _RemoveOutputDir():
global outdir
tout.Debug("Deleted temporary directory '%s'" % outdir)
outdir = None
def FinaliseOutputDir():
global outdir, preserve_outdir
"""Tidy up: delete output directory if temporary and not preserved."""
if outdir and not preserve_outdir:
outdir = None
def GetOutputFilename(fname):
"""Return a filename within the output directory.
fname: Filename to use for new file
The full path of the filename, within the output directory
return os.path.join(outdir, fname)
def _FinaliseForTest():
"""Remove the output directory (for use by tests)"""
global outdir
if outdir:
outdir = None
def SetInputDirs(dirname):
"""Add a list of input directories, where input files are kept.
dirname: a list of paths to input directories to use for obtaining
files needed by binman to place in the image.
global indir
indir = dirname
tout.Debug("Using input directories %s" % indir)
def GetInputFilename(fname, allow_missing=False):
"""Return a filename for use as input.
fname: Filename to use for new file
allow_missing: True if the filename can be missing
The full path of the filename, within the input directory, or
None on error
if not indir or fname[:1] == '/':
return fname
for dirname in indir:
pathname = os.path.join(dirname, fname)
if os.path.exists(pathname):
return pathname
if allow_missing:
return None
raise ValueError("Filename '%s' not found in input path (%s) (cwd='%s')" %
(fname, ','.join(indir), os.getcwd()))
def GetInputFilenameGlob(pattern):
"""Return a list of filenames for use as input.
pattern: Filename pattern to search for
A list of matching files in all input directories
if not indir:
return glob.glob(fname)
files = []
for dirname in indir:
pathname = os.path.join(dirname, pattern)
files += glob.glob(pathname)
return sorted(files)
def Align(pos, align):
if align:
mask = align - 1
pos = (pos + mask) & ~mask
return pos
def NotPowerOfTwo(num):
return num and (num & (num - 1))
def SetToolPaths(toolpaths):
"""Set the path to search for tools
toolpaths: List of paths to search for tools executed by Run()
global tool_search_paths
tool_search_paths = toolpaths
def PathHasFile(path_spec, fname):
"""Check if a given filename is in the PATH
path_spec: Value of PATH variable to check
fname: Filename to check
True if found, False if not
for dir in path_spec.split(':'):
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, fname)):
return True
return False
def GetHostCompileTool(name):
"""Get the host-specific version for a compile tool
This checks the environment variables that specify which version of
the tool should be used (e.g. ${HOSTCC}).
The following table lists the host-specific versions of the tools
this function resolves to:
Compile Tool | Host version
as | ${HOSTAS}
ld | ${HOSTLD}
cc | ${HOSTCC}
cpp | ${HOSTCPP}
c++ | ${HOSTCXX}
ar | ${HOSTAR}
nm | ${HOSTNM}
ldr | ${HOSTLDR}
strip | ${HOSTSTRIP}
objcopy | ${HOSTOBJCOPY}
objdump | ${HOSTOBJDUMP}
dtc | ${HOSTDTC}
name: Command name to run
host_name: Exact command name to run instead
extra_args: List of extra arguments to pass
host_name = None
extra_args = []
if name in ('as', 'ld', 'cc', 'cpp', 'ar', 'nm', 'ldr', 'strip',
'objcopy', 'objdump', 'dtc'):
host_name, *host_args = env.get('HOST' + name.upper(), '').split(' ')
elif name == 'c++':
host_name, *host_args = env.get('HOSTCXX', '').split(' ')
if host_name:
return host_name, extra_args
return name, []
def GetTargetCompileTool(name, cross_compile=None):
"""Get the target-specific version for a compile tool
This first checks the environment variables that specify which
version of the tool should be used (e.g. ${CC}). If those aren't
specified, it checks the CROSS_COMPILE variable as a prefix for the
tool with some substitutions (e.g. "${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc" for cc).
The following table lists the target-specific versions of the tools
this function resolves to:
Compile Tool | First choice | Second choice
as | ${AS} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}as
ld | ${LD} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}ld.bfd
| | or ${CROSS_COMPILE}ld
cc | ${CC} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc
cpp | ${CPP} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc -E
c++ | ${CXX} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}g++
ar | ${AR} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}ar
nm | ${NM} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}nm
ldr | ${LDR} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}ldr
strip | ${STRIP} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}strip
objcopy | ${OBJCOPY} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}objcopy
objdump | ${OBJDUMP} | ${CROSS_COMPILE}objdump
dtc | ${DTC} | (no CROSS_COMPILE version)
name: Command name to run
target_name: Exact command name to run instead
extra_args: List of extra arguments to pass
env = dict(os.environ)
target_name = None
extra_args = []
if name in ('as', 'ld', 'cc', 'cpp', 'ar', 'nm', 'ldr', 'strip',
'objcopy', 'objdump', 'dtc'):
target_name, *extra_args = env.get(name.upper(), '').split(' ')
elif name == 'c++':
target_name, *extra_args = env.get('CXX', '').split(' ')
if target_name:
return target_name, extra_args
if cross_compile is None:
cross_compile = env.get('CROSS_COMPILE', '')
if not cross_compile:
return name, []
if name in ('as', 'ar', 'nm', 'ldr', 'strip', 'objcopy', 'objdump'):
target_name = cross_compile + name
elif name == 'ld':
if Run(cross_compile + 'ld.bfd', '-v'):
target_name = cross_compile + 'ld.bfd'
target_name = cross_compile + 'ld'
elif name == 'cc':
target_name = cross_compile + 'gcc'
elif name == 'cpp':
target_name = cross_compile + 'gcc'
extra_args = ['-E']
elif name == 'c++':
target_name = cross_compile + 'g++'
target_name = name
return target_name, extra_args
def Run(name, *args, **kwargs):
"""Run a tool with some arguments
This runs a 'tool', which is a program used by binman to process files and
perhaps produce some output. Tools can be located on the PATH or in a
search path.
name: Command name to run
args: Arguments to the tool
for_host: True to resolve the command to the version for the host
for_target: False to run the command as-is, without resolving it
to the version for the compile target
CommandResult object
binary = kwargs.get('binary')
for_host = kwargs.get('for_host', False)
for_target = kwargs.get('for_target', not for_host)
env = None
if tool_search_paths:
env = dict(os.environ)
env['PATH'] = ':'.join(tool_search_paths) + ':' + env['PATH']
if for_target:
name, extra_args = GetTargetCompileTool(name)
args = tuple(extra_args) + args
elif for_host:
name, extra_args = GetHostCompileTool(name)
args = tuple(extra_args) + args
all_args = (name,) + args
result = command.RunPipe([all_args], capture=True, capture_stderr=True,
env=env, raise_on_error=False, binary=binary)
if result.return_code:
raise Exception("Error %d running '%s': %s" %
(result.return_code,' '.join(all_args),
return result.stdout
if env and not PathHasFile(env['PATH'], name):
msg = "Please install tool '%s'" % name
package = packages.get(name)
if package:
msg += " (e.g. from package '%s')" % package
raise ValueError(msg)
def Filename(fname):
"""Resolve a file path to an absolute path.
If fname starts with ##/ and chroot is available, ##/ gets replaced with
the chroot path. If chroot is not available, this file name can not be
resolved, `None' is returned.
If fname is not prepended with the above prefix, and is not an existing
file, the actual file name is retrieved from the passed in string and the
search_paths directories (if any) are searched to for the file. If found -
the path to the found file is returned, `None' is returned otherwise.
fname: a string, the path to resolve.
Absolute path to the file or None if not found.
if fname.startswith('##/'):
if chroot_path:
fname = os.path.join(chroot_path, fname[3:])
return None
# Search for a pathname that exists, and return it if found
if fname and not os.path.exists(fname):
for path in search_paths:
pathname = os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(fname))
if os.path.exists(pathname):
return pathname
# If not found, just return the standard, unchanged path
return fname
def ReadFile(fname, binary=True):
"""Read and return the contents of a file.
fname: path to filename to read, where ## signifiies the chroot.
data read from file, as a string.
with open(Filename(fname), binary and 'rb' or 'r') as fd:
data =
#self._out.Info("Read file '%s' size %d (%#0x)" %
#(fname, len(data), len(data)))
return data
def WriteFile(fname, data, binary=True):
"""Write data into a file.
fname: path to filename to write
data: data to write to file, as a string
#self._out.Info("Write file '%s' size %d (%#0x)" %
#(fname, len(data), len(data)))
with open(Filename(fname), binary and 'wb' or 'w') as fd:
def GetBytes(byte, size):
"""Get a string of bytes of a given size
byte: Numeric byte value to use
size: Size of bytes/string to return
A bytes type with 'byte' repeated 'size' times
return bytes([byte]) * size
def ToByte(ch):
"""Convert a character to an ASCII value
This is useful because in Python 2 bytes is an alias for str, but in
Python 3 they are separate types. This function converts the argument to
an ASCII value in either case.
ch: A string (Python 2) or byte (Python 3) value
integer ASCII value for ch
return ord(ch) if type(ch) == str else ch
def ToChar(byte):
"""Convert a byte to a character
This is useful because in Python 2 bytes is an alias for str, but in
Python 3 they are separate types. This function converts an ASCII value to
a value with the appropriate type in either case.
byte: A byte or str value
return chr(byte) if type(byte) != str else byte
def ToChars(byte_list):
"""Convert a list of bytes to a str/bytes type
byte_list: List of ASCII values representing the string
string made by concatenating all the ASCII values
return ''.join([chr(byte) for byte in byte_list])
def ToBytes(string):
"""Convert a str type into a bytes type
string: string to convert
A bytes type
return string.encode('utf-8')
def ToString(bval):
"""Convert a bytes type into a str type
bval: bytes value to convert
Python 3: A bytes type
Python 2: A string type
return bval.decode('utf-8')
def Compress(indata, algo, with_header=True):
"""Compress some data using a given algorithm
Note that for lzma this uses an old version of the algorithm, not that
provided by xz.
This requires 'lz4' and 'lzma_alone' tools. It also requires an output
directory to be previously set up, by calling PrepareOutputDir().
indata: Input data to compress
algo: Algorithm to use ('none', 'gzip', 'lz4' or 'lzma')
Compressed data
if algo == 'none':
return indata
fname = GetOutputFilename('%s.comp.tmp' % algo)
WriteFile(fname, indata)
if algo == 'lz4':
data = Run('lz4', '--no-frame-crc', '-c', fname, binary=True)
# cbfstool uses a very old version of lzma
elif algo == 'lzma':
outfname = GetOutputFilename('%s.comp.otmp' % algo)
Run('lzma_alone', 'e', fname, outfname, '-lc1', '-lp0', '-pb0', '-d8')
data = ReadFile(outfname)
elif algo == 'gzip':
data = Run('gzip', '-c', fname, binary=True)
raise ValueError("Unknown algorithm '%s'" % algo)
if with_header:
hdr = struct.pack('<I', len(data))
data = hdr + data
return data
def Decompress(indata, algo, with_header=True):
"""Decompress some data using a given algorithm
Note that for lzma this uses an old version of the algorithm, not that
provided by xz.
This requires 'lz4' and 'lzma_alone' tools. It also requires an output
directory to be previously set up, by calling PrepareOutputDir().
indata: Input data to decompress
algo: Algorithm to use ('none', 'gzip', 'lz4' or 'lzma')
Compressed data
if algo == 'none':
return indata
if with_header:
data_len = struct.unpack('<I', indata[:4])[0]
indata = indata[4:4 + data_len]
fname = GetOutputFilename('%s.decomp.tmp' % algo)
with open(fname, 'wb') as fd:
if algo == 'lz4':
data = Run('lz4', '-dc', fname, binary=True)
elif algo == 'lzma':
outfname = GetOutputFilename('%s.decomp.otmp' % algo)
Run('lzma_alone', 'd', fname, outfname)
data = ReadFile(outfname, binary=True)
elif algo == 'gzip':
data = Run('gzip', '-cd', fname, binary=True)
raise ValueError("Unknown algorithm '%s'" % algo)
return data
CMD_CREATE: 'create',
CMD_DELETE: 'delete',
CMD_ADD: 'add',
CMD_REPLACE: 'replace',
CMD_EXTRACT: 'extract',
def RunIfwiTool(ifwi_file, cmd, fname=None, subpart=None, entry_name=None):
"""Run ifwitool with the given arguments:
ifwi_file: IFWI file to operation on
cmd: Command to execute (CMD_...)
fname: Filename of file to add/replace/extract/create (None for
subpart: Name of sub-partition to operation on (None for CMD_CREATE)
entry_name: Name of directory entry to operate on, or None if none
args = ['ifwitool', ifwi_file]
if fname:
args += ['-f', fname]
if subpart:
args += ['-n', subpart]
if entry_name:
args += ['-d', '-e', entry_name]
def ToHex(val):
"""Convert an integer value (or None) to a string
hex value, or 'None' if the value is None
return 'None' if val is None else '%#x' % val
def ToHexSize(val):
"""Return the size of an object in hex
hex value of size, or 'None' if the value is None
return 'None' if val is None else '%#x' % len(val)